Scarlet's Era & special items. Is this right?
Honestly, I understand as someone who has missed a large portion of the last few years that it’s nice to be able to get that stuff but this feels too much like just another way it’s becoming just like every other mmo where you can just throw money at the game and be just like everyone else. They were announced as items that can ONLY be gotten during that time, much like the dragon wings which you still cannot buy. I personally would much rather be able to do the events. That was the best living world imo but since we can’t it’s just one of those things that should encourage people to be there for the events rather than catch up later with money. I helped numerous guildies through that event and it was painstaking at time, as well as my own farming just to try and get the extra special stuff and it took a long time. Not all were lucky enough to get some of those things easily. The other side is that there are TONS of items that people have been screaming that they want back so they can get them too that ArenaNet seems to be deaf to those cries. Why not do it to all items in the game as such rather than just the big items that someone like me covets because of the amount of effort that went in to get it? Now the auction house is just flooded with this stuff that was not purchasable ever previously. I feel like they’re just becoming a money grab. Another expansion – pay a lot of money for it every time, miss content? pay us money you can have access, want this super cool stuff that everyone else had to fight against entire maps who were un-cooperative just to get the first part of the event done? just buy this box and you’ll get it.. idk. I’m losing respect for a game I loved even a year ago because it feels like every other pay to have everything game.