Server Capacity Decreased?
It’s entirely possible that they’re lowering the transfer capacities to spread people out more evenly, but it’s a lame way to do so.
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye
I can’t say if your suspicions are correct, I can say I am seeing more and more bots. The longer a game is out, the further bot programs can spread over the net, the more tempted players will use them. The more bots there are, the more 24 hour play you will find.
I really hope that’s not the case. If so, I doubt I’ll ever get to play with my friends again.. or at least a long while. It’s the only thing keeping me from really playing a lot right now.
Why were you server hopping in the first place when you knew there was a chance of this happening. Nothing really here besides I did a bad and want fix.
@Athaulf – I’m really not trolling. I’ve been playing on HoD for weeks and have now recently been stuck on Denova’s Rest. Add me to friends if you like and see as I sit on this server I really don’t want to be on; waiting until I finally see HoD drop below “Full”. It took long enough to get on and play with everyone, and now I fear it’ll take even longer.
@Swagman – I only transferred because, at that time, my server wasn’t “Full”. I knew I could get right back on.
Considering they halted online sales for a while its entirely possible they are full. And.. if that’s the case you may regret your server hopping for weeks or months to come.
We had many players hopping to dragonbrand to farm ori~ then hop to the next server. =d
No no no… You don’t just transfer because you think the servers not full. I’ve never logged on and thought, hey the servers not full, time to transfer for no other reason than the server not being full!
It wasn’t that Swag. The only time I’ve ever transferred were due to bugged skill points or events; I’d heard if it was bugged on one server it might not be on another. But, I see no one knows if they simply made server caps lower or not. I guess I’ll keep trying to catch it below “Full” pop.
Thanks for the answers though, to those trying to be helpful.
-Edit- Woo! I caught it at high capacity! About time!
(edited by Magnus Karolus.6247)
I’ve noticed that after the 24 hour transfer limit was put in place a lot more realms were constantly full (Possibly because people aren’t server hopping around?). I myself didn’t read the patch notes, and now I can’t get back to my home server because I’ve not yet seen my server dip below “Full” since I transferred last. I’ve even set alarms for 4 A.M. on multiple days just to see if I can get the chance to play with people I know again, but to no avail…
I’ve never seen the servers stay full for so long, and I know for sure I don’t see more people playing. So, what gives?
There is a scheduled patch tonight that should bring down the servers and boot everyone offline. It may not matter, but it would be worth trying just after they come back online. Plus, Anet recently said they are working hard on the bot issues. A patch might also mean a purge of some of them as well, which may make some open spots for a little while tomorrow morning after the patch.