So I hit LVL 80...
Enjoy the game.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Map completion, living story completion, dungeon path completion, jumping puzzles, diving goggles…there are many things to go find and do.
There’s always dungeon & fractal running, and silverwastes zerging to grind gold.
For crafting, go to any major city and find a crafting trainer there for the type of armor you’d like to craft. They should be indicated on the map with a small symbol denoting which trainer they are (scissors for tailoring, etc). You’ll have to either gather materials to craft with from Salvaging loot drops or purchasing from TP.
Crafting is generally broken into 3 components: usually 2 pieces plus an insignia that provide the stats on the item. For example, a chestpiece would take an insignia, a coat panel, and a coat lining. These you would create in the “Production” tab of the crafting menu. Once you have the pieces, drop them into the “Discovery” tab slots and create a new item.
You can discover a new pattern for each insignia so my method is to craft one of each type of insignia and then make a bunch of a particular armor piece to discover the new patterns for. For example, if I can make 3 new insignias, then I’ll create 3 glove linings and 3 glove backings, then go discover all 3 new glove patterns. You can do the same for chest, legs, boots, helm to get a lot of discovery from the same insignias. Usually you’ll have leveled into the next set of insignias before learning all of them.
If that’s all too much work, you can always go dabble in WvW.
I’m gonna go with my stock answer – What do you want to do? Do you enjoy PvP? Have you tried sPvP? Have you tried WvW? Do you enjoy world bosses? Have you done the Tequatl and Triple Trouble achievements? Do you enjoy dungeons? Have you completed all of the dungeon paths? Have you tried Fractals?
Yes you can finish off the map as well. You can buy exotic armour of the TP quite cheaply or buy it for Karma in Orr.
Crafting is quite easy. In any of the main cities find the crafting stations (they’re marked on the map) and speak to the NPC there and select “I’d like to be an X”. After that you can use the crafting station to start levelling your profession. When you get to level 375 you can craft rare level 80 armour, level 400 is for level 80 exotic armour and level 500 is for ascended armour. This link may help you with crafting -
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Delete that character, and start over and play the game. You will get to 80 with the knowledge you seek. The game begins at level 1, not level 80.
The response to this hasn’t changed since GW1.
Level cap is the beginning of the game, if you can’t figure out what to do next in a game like this your playing it wrong….with a sock on your head.
It comes down to what you like to do.
At some point you will want to get a set of exotic armor / weapons. But what kind? In general, Soldier’s armor (Power, vitality, and toughness) armor for WvW and Berserkers (Power, Precision, and Ferocity). When I first hit 80 I had no idea what any of that meant. If you are like me, you should read up on it a little. (specific builds and armor combinations are available at I recommend two sets, 1 for PvE and 1 for WvW.
You can get armor from spending karma in orr, spending WvW badges in WvW, running dungeons, crafting, or just buying it off the TP. However, I recommend that you do NOT get armor for karma or badges, as this armor cannot to salvaged. So any rune / sigil you put on it is essentially stuck there forever.
Don’t forget about trinkets / amulets / backpieces, etc…
Once you have some gear try out different things and see what you like. Some people like dungeon running, some people flock to the loot train, some people love WvW, some people love jumping puzzles (although those get old after a while and give terrible rewards.)
This game’s not about racing to 80 and jumping into end game that’s been locked away – it’s not WoW. Map completion’s a good thought, dungeons, WvW, PvP, guild stuff. You know, have fun.
A very handy guide for crafting:
What now? Complete map? Grind armor? (btw ive no clue how to craft armor can someone give me some tips please)
Lol part of the fun of leveling, for me, was crafting my own gear. At every level bracket I’d have a pile of gear crafted and ready once I reached that level and it was cool to feel the difference of my old gear vs New and it made the effort of collecting all the materials another task that felt worthwhile.
WvW bro, that’s what I plan to do when I’m 80. become the best of my profession and destroy everyone on the other team. and maybe join a guild and find some friends
Mesmer is unfun to play against and does everything better than thieves.
Hoping those two get gutted with nerfs
What now? Complete map? Grind armor? (btw ive no clue how to craft armor can someone give me some tips please)
I have several level 80 characters, and I’m STILL exploring the world! Tyria is so big with so many beautiful and hidden locations, it would be foolish to assume I’ve seen them all just because of a NUMERICAL Map Completion guide.
Fractals dungeons are a whole new world of quests, maps, and experiences.
So are the regular game dungeons, and they have several “Paths” which refer to Story Lines to play, each different from the other and all with fun bosses and rewards!
Instead of looking on the internet for locations of jumping puzzles and secret areas, my kids and I go out into Tyria like real imaginary explorers and discover them ourselves! It’s really quite exciting when you think you’re just looking at another ol’ cave then it turns out to be a whole hidden area inside!
Thx for replies guys, really helpful, what confused me was amount of different armors and weaps, like ofc I want legendary best armor available But I’m still new to game and many things r in mystery to me
Thx for replies guys, really helpful, what confused me was amount of different armors and weaps, like ofc I want legendary best armor available
But I’m still new to game and many things r in mystery to me
Legendaries are weapons only. Ascended armor is the top armor you can have in the game.