Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
So I tried Wildstar and I missed playing GW2
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
GW2 is a superior game to almost every MMO in the western industry atm and Wildstar/ESO are both average ones. People would like WS/ESO for a fresh experience however neither bring anything major to the industry.
Are you being sarcastic ? What did GW2 bring to the mmo industry ? Zergs pvp zerg pve and more zergs, zerker meta, lame storyline(traherne), repetitive combat, boring dungeons ( stacking,etc), hearts are not fun, unbalanced classes. Shall i go on ?
It brought a truly cooperative rather than a competitive PvE experience that no other game has so far matched. Might not be your thing but it’s definitely my thing.
yeah I cant imagine going back to a game where you compete for kills, resource nodes or to loot the chest first (looking at you ESO for that last one), not saying GW2 invented these, but they sure add to the overall enjoyment of the PvE experience
They respawn shortly after looted by one for the other, patience grasshopper, but I prefer the GW2 loot system(even if it is all garbage).
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
GW2 is a superior game to almost every MMO in the western industry atm and Wildstar/ESO are both average ones. People would like WS/ESO for a fresh experience however neither bring anything major to the industry.
Are you being sarcastic ? What did GW2 bring to the mmo industry ? Zergs pvp zerg pve and more zergs, zerker meta, lame storyline(traherne), repetitive combat, boring dungeons ( stacking,etc), hearts are not fun, unbalanced classes. Shall i go on ?
It brought a truly cooperative rather than a competitive PvE experience that no other game has so far matched. Might not be your thing but it’s definitely my thing.
yeah I cant imagine going back to a game where you compete for kills, resource nodes or to loot the chest first (looking at you ESO for that last one), not saying GW2 invented these, but they sure add to the overall enjoyment of the PvE experience
They respawn shortly after looted by one for the other, patience grasshopper, but I prefer the GW2 loot system(even if it is all garbage).
yes you are correct, you can wait a short bit. But have a person jet right in front of you and rob that chest/node just brought back that unwanted feeling of older MMOs
All GW2 offers is ultra casual brain dead PvE “gameplay” experience, shopping at the gem shop and cosplaying with your friends in hub cities.
All GW2 offers is ultra casual brain dead PvE “gameplay” experience, shopping at the gem shop and cosplaying with your friends in hub cities.
must be right up your alley then, considering how often you post on this forum, you must love this game. how many hours in game you go so far?
All GW2 offers is ultra casual brain dead PvE “gameplay” experience, shopping at the gem shop and cosplaying with your friends in hub cities.
Why is it brain dead though? Your not realty explaining it at all your just trying to relate skins to skills of play and game play and they have nothing to do with each other.
If any thing Wildstar going to be more brain dead pve then GW2 because its a raiding game and to keep raiding “useful to ppl” is having a treadmill system and for the most part the only “skill” in a treadmill system is simply having the gear set or number to be able to do the next step to get better gear to do the next step etc.. At the end of the day GW2 you have to get good at the in game tools that takes timing there no gear that going to make you better at that and Wildstar you just need to get better gear for your class type to beat something.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
All GW2 offers is ultra casual brain dead PvE “gameplay” experience, shopping at the gem shop and cosplaying with your friends in hub cities.
Why is it brain dead though? Your not realty explaining it at all your just trying to relate skins to skills of play and game play and they have nothing to do with each other.
Stack, Zerg, ’Zerker.
So, how is Wildstar for RPers?
Emotes? RP settings? Outfit variety and ease of change? Customization and individualization? Housing?
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
So, how is Wildstar for RPers?
Emotes? RP settings? Outfit variety and ease of change? Customization and individualization? Housing?
Lots of Emotes, still some being added even in the last patch.
Not sure on RP settings, what do you mean by that?
Outfit variety is extensive and changing outfits is free and easy with the costume system (apply any appearance skin you own to an item at any time outside of combat for free)
Customization is similar to gw2, almost identical dye system (account bound)
HUGE and VAST housing system. Too much for me to mention here, i’d suggest googling it.
All GW2 offers is ultra casual brain dead PvE “gameplay” experience, shopping at the gem shop and cosplaying with your friends in hub cities.
Why is it brain dead though? Your not realty explaining it at all your just trying to relate skins to skills of play and game play and they have nothing to do with each other.
Stack, Zerg, ’Zerker.
Ya sure do that on all events see how well it works out for you AND i mean all events even with environment effects. Lets see you zerk though a mob that you do 0 dmg to unless some one dose something for you (more then likely what your doing if you think stack zerg zerker are every thing in pve.)
There always going to be some type of leech in these events and who are able to capitalize off of what other ppl are doing the work. The thing is they will never have fun in an event and think on these lines and they cant never see past there own egos and try to truly “help” at an events. To them events are nothing more then gold and items with no real meaning or story.
So YES GW2 PvE is bran dead if you leech you may want to get out of that habit or your going to find every thing that needs more then one person as brain dead.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
So, how is Wildstar for RPers?
Emotes? RP settings? Outfit variety and ease of change? Customization and individualization? Housing?
Lots of Emotes, still some being added even in the last patch.
Not sure on RP settings, what do you mean by that?
Outfit variety is extensive and changing outfits is free and easy with the costume system (apply any appearance skin you own to an item at any time outside of combat for free)
Customization is similar to gw2, almost identical dye system (account bound)
HUGE and VAST housing system. Too much for me to mention here, i’d suggest googling it.
Thanks for the answers!
As for RP settings, what I mean is places that seem to be almost made for RP. Places with no combat going on, that people can get to without it being in the middle of a major traffic flow of players, and different settings. In GW2, that would be things like the bars in Divinity’s Reach, enter-able homes in Salma district (if it wasn’t instanced, that is), ruined Lion’s Arch, the Priory, and so on. Places where people would logically gather or live, that are out of the way of things that would interrupt or be interrupted by RPers. A wide range of such places is good, especially if they’re easy to get to.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I tried WildStar. It’s so much fun and i enjoy it waaay more than gw2. GW2 is just really really bad at end-game & living story sucks kitten . IMO Wildstar > Guild Wars 2
Wildstar actually have very bad endgame. Some raiding and gear grinding.
Thats however what most people want when they constantly talk about “endgame” and thats why i play GW2 since i hate this kind of “endgame”.
Also for me as somebody who hate raiding and dislikes dungeons, there is nearly nothing gated here, beside dungeon skins, while in the typical raid-centric MMO all good armor and most good skins are simply not reachable in any way, so everything is completly gated there.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
GW2 is just a casual grindy game with no proper endgame or challanges.
Pretty much. You forgot to mention the cash shop though, where you can buy skins that should’ve been obtainable in game, and cosplay in the LA chat room with your friends.
WoW is a hard-core grindy game with forceable endgame, no combat, no exploration and mounts etc. to purchase even-though it is pay to play.
Wow is less grindy then GW2 currently.
In Wow I gear a character in fully tiered current raid gear in less then half the time it would take me to craft one ascended set…
There’s a reason for that. In WoW, the “current raid gear” is disposable. It’s only meant to last until the next release that artificially pushes the power curve further along. You’re on a constant treadmill racing to equip the most current set of disposable gear before the next, better set of disposable gear comes out. In GW2, ascended gear is and will remain for a considerable amount of time the top end gear. When you get it, you know you’re not a month away from throwing it in the garbage and replacing it with the next tier of gear.
That is a significant thing you’ve overlooked there.
I never could see the appeal of an MMO that looks like Saturday morning cartoons.
Wildstar is going to succeed because it’s got a very, very robust endgame, something that GW2 lacks, sadly. :\
I tried the beta and wasn’t impressed, though. I didn’t like Wildstar’s aesthetic (75% of the races were boring!), it rolls around in the old musk of two-faction PvP/story, and it felt more “traditional” as an MMO while having this stolen veneer of GW2’s more active combat system.
Honestly, if GW2 devs would (listen to us and) develop a more robust endgame experience, this game would be topping charts again.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
GW2 is a superior game to almost every MMO in the western industry atm and Wildstar/ESO are both average ones. People would like WS/ESO for a fresh experience however neither bring anything major to the industry.
Are you being sarcastic ? What did GW2 bring to the mmo industry ? Zergs pvp zerg pve and more zergs, zerker meta, lame storyline(traherne), repetitive combat, boring dungeons ( stacking,etc), hearts are not fun, unbalanced classes. Shall i go on ?
I think that’s a bit weird as what mmo doesnt have repetitive combat?
For me, GW2 brought a sense of adventure I havn’t felt since the old days of RuneScape. I actually wanted to explore, to see everything, do quests not for the exp but for the sake of doing them, and gear was a second consideration instead of the main point to do anything.
You’re on an adventure instead of a themepark ride between A and Z.
In almost every MMO I’ve played in the last 10 years, the pattern of play was get max level ASAP, get raid gear ASAP, raidraidraidraid. I can safely say that wasn’t just me, it was how the game encourages you to play. That’s what I felt when I played WS.
It’s not a bad thing, but just personally for me, for what WS is, TSW just has everything WS can offer but its less restrictive, has a much better plot, more immersive and the combat has far more depth. So it was an obvious choice to drop the game.
And regarding WS’s artstyle. Its not that its cartoony, its more so that its just so bland. Looking at everything there seems to be a distinct lack of texture. everything just seems like models which the developer kind of just went halfway on and went ‘eeehhhh, looks good enough to be acceptable, I’m not paid enough to finish it.’
(edited by Xae Isareth.1364)
So, I tried Wildstar this weekend and I felt like mehh… I went back to playing GW2 instead and played PVP and forgot about why I stopped playing Solo ranked and hit the Join button to queue. I also loved WvW raids more.
*GW2 has crispier graphics.
*Quests are better in GW2 imho
*Better PVP style for ranked and open world. Battle is three way and not between 2 factions.
*The telegraphs are ok but I liked how GW2 requires you to keep track of the opponent and see his status/buffs or the animation when to cast a skill or anticipate things given the circumstances. It makes dodging easy tho.
*Weapons are more flashy in GW2.
*Combo fields for sustain and damage seems like a funkier way to play open world combat.
*WS just simply looked like WoW with space/galactic theme.
*Finishers are awesome.I felt like I am not ready to shell out or farm for 15$ to pay for the monthly sub.
Any opinions?
*I enjoy Guild Wars 2 art style more than most any other MMO I’ve played, but that’s just up to personal preference.
*I’d agree that Guild Wars 2 quest system is better than the old “Kill 15 boars so I can eat tonight” quests that exist in a lot of other MMOs. Although, honestly it’s Runescape that beats every other MMOs quest system out there, with story, multiple tasks spanning hours, requirements to do them in the first place.
*The PvP and WvW is enjoyable to me, but not my favorite content. Unique strategies can actually be used in WvW, and be effective, such as flanking attacks against an already engaged enemy. In a certain upcoming MMO their open world combat had potential, but lost me when every single player can simply purchase siege and have it built immediately. It takes some of the strategy of siege placement out of the game.
*Combo fields are awesome! I wish they were used more strategically in dungeons rather than just a fire field and water field once in awhile, but it makes combat very unique. In many other MMOs I don’t see allies using skills that affect the skills of their allies.
*I’ve never felt that Guild Wars 2 was a grind. It may be that I’m simply more patient than the average player, or I just can’t stand to do the same repetitive task over and over, but I obtained my legendary, and full ascended armor without ever grinding in this game, and never spending a cent of my real money.
Wildstar is going to succeed because it’s got a very, very robust endgame, something that GW2 lacks, sadly. :\
Its more something that GW2 player simply don’t want. And all players that want it are simply in the wrong game here, and i better see them leave and play Wildstar instead of turning GW2 more and more into that kind of game. The ascended fiasco was already bad enough and had maybe never happened if ANet didn’t wanted to keep those kind of players that in the end they can’t hold no matter what they do.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I didn’t really like Wildstar. It has a charming aesthetic and I like the general disposition of its characters and story, but the game itself felt… eh. I didn’t enjoy the quests too much, considering they were all extremely easy and weren’t varied as much as I’d been hoping (Basically kill stuff, kill all the stuff, and jump around here and there). The PvP felt kinda… messy? Like there wasn’t much for strategy going on, just two mini zergs of players bashing each other’s heads in with three million telegraph lines going off all the time. I find GW2’s a little easier to see what’s going on and with things like combo fields it adds a bit more strategy into the mix, well it can. Even in WvW, blob v blob, there’s more strategy in the form of calling out combo fields, blast finishers, maneuvers, etc… (Wildstar could probably get that, but it’s PvP feels more FFA than team oriented).
I don’t really care about Wildstar’s endgame since it’s endgame is likely going to be the same type of endgame I can get out of a more polished, streamlined MMO experience (like XIV, really). GW2 does lack in endgame things, besides Fractals, and I do wish it had some harder max-level things to do… as after 100% completion and getting a full set of armor, there isn’t too much to do in GW2 except farm things. (Admittedly, I’d love if there were hidden books throughout GW2 you could collect and store in some sort of menu, one you could access and read random backstories, or something, from).
If Wildstar was a buy to play MMO, or a free to play one, I’d say it’s pretty alright and would likely play it on and off. But for a subcription… eh, I’ll stick with GW2 and delve into FFXIV if I feel like paying a sub.
Gw2 has no monthly fees
that’s what sells me on this gameI completely rufuse to support subscription based games as they are nothing more than a colossal rip off
Gw2 proves you can make a superb high quality MMO and not extort money from your fanbase every month
I would never have gotten into MMO’s or online gaming for that matter if it was not for Guildwars 1 and its no monthly fee policy
So glad sub-model games don’t have players like you, mmo’s cost money to run and be competitive, it’s just that simple. Please tell me all these employees should work for free for years so you can get your entitled playtime.
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
You’re argument might have come close to having a hope of making sense if GW2 wasn’t already the 400lb gorilla in the room proving you don’t need a sub to be successful.
In fact, looking at P2P games released in the last 2 years, only FF14 ARR managed to keep its sub fee, at least for now. So I’d say its becoming a unviable model in today;s industry, as I don’t think one can claim WS/ESO is better than every game released in the last 2 years.
All GW2 offers is ultra casual brain dead PvE “gameplay” experience, shopping at the gem shop and cosplaying with your friends in hub cities.
Why is it brain dead though? Your not realty explaining it at all your just trying to relate skins to skills of play and game play and they have nothing to do with each other.
Stack, Zerg, ’Zerker.
You’re that guy that always died on his platform and caused everyone else to fail the marionette because he couldn’t dodge worth a kitten.
Gw2 has no monthly fees
that’s what sells me on this gameI completely rufuse to support subscription based games as they are nothing more than a colossal rip off
Gw2 proves you can make a superb high quality MMO and not extort money from your fanbase every month
I would never have gotten into MMO’s or online gaming for that matter if it was not for Guildwars 1 and its no monthly fee policy
So glad sub-model games don’t have players like you, mmo’s cost money to run and be competitive, it’s just that simple. Please tell me all these employees should work for free for years so you can get your entitled playtime.
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
You’re argument might have come close to having a hope of making sense if GW2 wasn’t already the 400lb gorilla in the room proving you don’t need a sub to be successful.
We clearly have different views on success when it comes to mmo’s. This feature pack is looking pretty great, the next step is to follow through w/substantial content to give the feature pack something to actual stand on, I hope they do.
If they don’t players can continue guesting to the top 4 servers that are still populated.
Just don’t let the top WvW guilds get a whiff of ESO AvA.
I wish the Wildstar team the best of luck with their game, but good god have I never been so bored quickly with an online game before. There seems to be alot of similarities with GW2 (intentional or not) but the one thing they should have done was ditch the traditional quests and go with the GW2 model. I’d rather have GW2 in space than WoW in space.
I’m sure it was intentional as it’s owned by the same parent company.
My experience with Wildstar beta is also not good.
First gameplay. It feels like WoW thousand years after last expansion with GW2 like combat. Combat is fun but it is not fun enought to make me enjoy that outdated leveling system. Go and talk to someone and bring me something and then kill 10 of those bad guys and collect 10 of something else and then go so other guy that will give you absolutely same type of quests just in different room or field or….Oh Come on! even wow makes changes in that and makes people to instaboost to max level. Becouse it is decades old system and it became boring!
And then optimalization and HW demanding. It is still beta so it should improve but it has cartoon graphic and it is demanding like hell! It is most demanding MMORPG i ever played and becouse of cartoon graphic we can’t even see why. That style of look just doesn’t allow to graphicaly overshine other games like some realistic graphic. So why it has to be so demanding? So much waste of polygons and particles on game that would look same with half of it…….I am no huge expert if know better reson feel free to write……..It is just not right not for an MMORPG.
Really? I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Never have I seen a game rip you off more than GW2. I mean $100 a month on average to access all the games content… I’d gladly pay a pitiful $15 a month for the same privilege with the added bonus of the devs not purposefully designing inconveniences into the game to sell you stuff.
I’m inclined to agree. GW2, from day one, has always made me conscious of how little gold I have, how few goodies I can afford, and how I continuously need to pay for “convenience” items that usually come standard with a P2P MMO (like sufficient character slots & inventory space).
If I had purchased everything I wanted just to feel like I had an adequate account that alone would equate to $15/mo. over the past year not even including any vanity items.
I honestly thought I was done with the subscription model, but GW2 changed my mind. I’d rather pay the $15/mo. and save myself the anxiety. I miss actually being able to enjoy the game I’m playing without constantly worrying about whether or not the way I’m playing is making enough gold per hour.
Hello everyone,
just a friendly reminder to keep the discussion in this thread relevant to Guild Wars 2, so that we can leave the thread open. =)
It’s a friendly reminder, I know. But don’t you think that having a thread that heavily promotes GW2 over Wildstar is a thread worth keeping? Even if it focusses a bit too much on the competition?
All GW2 offers is ultra casual brain dead PvE “gameplay” experience, shopping at the gem shop and cosplaying with your friends in hub cities.
Why is it brain dead though? Your not realty explaining it at all your just trying to relate skins to skills of play and game play and they have nothing to do with each other.
Stack, Zerg, ’Zerker.
Not all of us play like that. If that’s your choice of how you want to play the game, no wonder you’re unhappy with it.
Wildstar is going to succeed because it’s got a very, very robust endgame, something that GW2 lacks, sadly. :\
I tried the beta and wasn’t impressed, though. I didn’t like Wildstar’s aesthetic (75% of the races were boring!), it rolls around in the old musk of two-faction PvP/story, and it felt more “traditional” as an MMO while having this stolen veneer of GW2’s more active combat system.
Honestly, if GW2 devs would (listen to us and) develop a more robust endgame experience, this game would be topping charts again.
I don’t know why people continue to believe that end game means something to most players, or that it’s the reason for success of games. There’s actually little evidence to support that.
Gw2 has no monthly fees
that’s what sells me on this gameI completely rufuse to support subscription based games as they are nothing more than a colossal rip off
Gw2 proves you can make a superb high quality MMO and not extort money from your fanbase every month
I would never have gotten into MMO’s or online gaming for that matter if it was not for Guildwars 1 and its no monthly fee policy
So glad sub-model games don’t have players like you, mmo’s cost money to run and be competitive, it’s just that simple. Please tell me all these employees should work for free for years so you can get your entitled playtime.
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
Oh gosh, those animations >.<
Wildstar is going to succeed because it’s got a very, very robust endgame, something that GW2 lacks, sadly. :\
I tried the beta and wasn’t impressed, though. I didn’t like Wildstar’s aesthetic (75% of the races were boring!), it rolls around in the old musk of two-faction PvP/story, and it felt more “traditional” as an MMO while having this stolen veneer of GW2’s more active combat system.
Honestly, if GW2 devs would (listen to us and) develop a more robust endgame experience, this game would be topping charts again.
I don’t know why people continue to believe that end game means something to most players, or that it’s the reason for success of games. There’s actually little evidence to support that.
If this “endgame” is so important, the only important feature for some people it seems, then why do games have the non-endgame content in the first place? Why are people so happy to play games that have double content (pre-endgame and endgame)?
Why not make everything “endgame” and be done with it?
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
That game in the vid looks like garbage, which is it? :O
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
That game in the vid looks like garbage, which is it? :O
ESO – Elder Scrolls Online .. the other new big Game that will “destroy” GW2
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Gw2 has no monthly fees
that’s what sells me on this gameI completely rufuse to support subscription based games as they are nothing more than a colossal rip off
Gw2 proves you can make a superb high quality MMO and not extort money from your fanbase every month
I would never have gotten into MMO’s or online gaming for that matter if it was not for Guildwars 1 and its no monthly fee policy
So glad sub-model games don’t have players like you, mmo’s cost money to run and be competitive, it’s just that simple. Please tell me all these employees should work for free for years so you can get your entitled playtime.
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
And you call this combat? looks like fighting monkeys wielding a stick! GL!
I did the same, but with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I used to play V1 and had some crysta left so I decided to go ahead and use them for a month.
GW2 now has probably spoiled me, but as soon as I saw the gear treadmill my will to play ARR was reduced almost to zero. Sure the game looks nice, you can’t deny it has better graphics than GW2 overall, but on the other hand, in comparison of gameplay it’s another bucket of fish.
In addition to gear treadmill, you also have to deal with alot of elitism over equipment level, because yes, equipment doesn’t have tiers, it has levels and they can go well above the traditional class/job level by even double. If you want to do dungeons and instances, prepare for people requesting you certain pieces or level of gear.
Oh and you’re also forced to party play to advance in your personal story. How cool is that.
I think the biggest thing i prefer when playing Wildstar beta is being consistently rewarded with what im doing. i hadn’t realized how much i missed that.
So complete quest/dungeon X get class specific upgrade/ housing item/ other useful reward same as anyone else doing that content,
Not the GW2 – oh you finished arah have some blue trash, that guy that was facedown for half the fight got some nice exotics, LOL RNG now open your wallet to buy nice things.
if carbine continue with the path they have taken and polish the game a bit more itll be excellent. although i expected GW2 to do that and the devs did complete 180s on pretty much everything they sold the game as pre-launch so we will see if ncsoft screws us again
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
That game in the vid looks like garbage, which is it? :O
It’s funny and clear what the GW2/Wildstar audience prefers, when comparing combat at a large scale.
Considering that was generally low level players in beta the extent of abilities is still quite small, but you have to consider what real large scale pvpve looks like compared to GW2/WS. Slower pvp & animations is better combat, compared to the zerg/blob mess of particles we see in GW2/WS in above link.
But what I have gathered in game (I have asked in game), most players rather play dress up barbie and look good w/flashy particles and animations than competitive combat. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
But what I have gathered in game, most players rather play dress up barbie and look good w/flashy particles and animations than competitive combat. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
After all there is that RPG in MMORG, else it would maybe RWG for “realistic war generator”. Personally i will also never really understand what all the PvP stuff has to do in RPGs. Why don’t play these people Shooter or World War X or whatever if they have no interest at all in RPGs.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
But what I have gathered in game, most players rather play dress up barbie and look good w/flashy particles and animations than competitive combat. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
After all there is that RPG in MMORG, else it would maybe RWG for “realistic war generator”. Personally i will also never really understand what all the PvP stuff has to do in RPGs. Why don’t play these people Shooter or World War X or whatever if they have no interest at all in RPGs.
PvPvE has been apart of mmorpg’s for as far back as I can remember, from the simple I killed your avatar and I get your stuff to large scale open world events. It’s the “esport” that is still fairly new that I agree should share no space in the mmorpg.
I haven’t played wildstar and TESO. I’ve only looked at hours of videos on both of them, and I have to say that Wildstar would be the one that would be closest to getting me away from GW2. I, for one, find the cartoonish and silly nature to be welcoming, and also find the combat system dynamic and engaging. But, I encounter two problems:
#1: Pay to play. In a bit of financial straights atm.
#2: Trinity game. The combat is interesting only at first.
And those two really lower the value of Wildstar for me. As much as I love the targeting, evasion, and graphical loadout, being a trinity game means that all this new stuff is just trimmings to the same dish. Except now, instead of chopsticks, you eat it with a fork and knife.
If anything, once the semester starts up again, I’m closer to just not playing anything than moving to a new game. That, and the recent slew of family problems is making things even harder.
It’s funny and clear what the GW2/Wildstar audience prefers, when comparing combat at a large scale.
Considering that was generally low level players in beta the extent of abilities is still quite small, but you have to consider what real large scale pvpve looks like compared to GW2/WS. Slower pvp & animations is better combat, compared to the zerg/blob mess of particles we see in GW2/WS in above link.But what I have gathered in game (I have asked in game), most players rather play dress up barbie and look good w/flashy particles and animations than competitive combat. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Slower pvp doesn’t equal better combat.
It’s funny and clear what the GW2/Wildstar audience prefers, when comparing combat at a large scale.
Considering that was generally low level players in beta the extent of abilities is still quite small, but you have to consider what real large scale pvpve looks like compared to GW2/WS. Slower pvp & animations is better combat, compared to the zerg/blob mess of particles we see in GW2/WS in above link.But what I have gathered in game (I have asked in game), most players rather play dress up barbie and look good w/flashy particles and animations than competitive combat. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Slower pvp doesn’t equal better combat.
Sure it does. Even slower players can be competitive. It’s kind of unfair that players who have faster brains and fingers get advantage.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
It’s funny and clear what the GW2/Wildstar audience prefers, when comparing combat at a large scale.
Considering that was generally low level players in beta the extent of abilities is still quite small, but you have to consider what real large scale pvpve looks like compared to GW2/WS. Slower pvp & animations is better combat, compared to the zerg/blob mess of particles we see in GW2/WS in above link.But what I have gathered in game (I have asked in game), most players rather play dress up barbie and look good w/flashy particles and animations than competitive combat. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Slower pvp doesn’t equal better combat.
Yes it does when it comes down to mmorpg at a large scale.
Without reactive time you get nothing more than dps spam (GW2/WS link above), stuns, stun breakers. Reactive timing is even better when you consider a trinity model combat at large scale PvPvE, otherwise you get trinity combat like WS.
you don’t have to agree w/me, the links above lay it out pretty clear for anyone.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
I honestly thought I was done with the subscription model, but GW2 changed my mind.
Exactly this, even though the reasons are different for me. I’ll gladly prefer to pay a subscription if, in return, I get actual updates for the game. Stuff like balancing, real content (and not Unliving Crap), and so on. In the last year, ANet did a great job reminding me on the advantages of the subscription model.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
I’ve been playing GW2 since Betas and have tried Wildstar as well. These are the conclusions I got about them.
First of all, Wildstar brings the “old school” / “traditional” style with some new things brought from the evolution of the genre.
It is a lot more hardcore friendly than GW2, which shouldn’t mean less casual friendly but it is because of some concepts in the game.
It gives much less player freedom to the players than GW2, but it brings a lot of important things that I’ve been appreciating in an MMORPG and feel were lacking in GW2. The pride of belonging to a Guild, separating the PVP and PVE audience with PVP and PVE servers respectivelly and the sense of carrot-in-a-stick (which I abolished for so many years but now I understand the need for them in this kind of game) seem to be there with some new twists to make it better.
There are still many things to make it better, as the Quest system needs to become less overwhelming, the focus of the game is more oriented towards end-game and it’s not so good to entertain the players when they pick the game for the first time. Just like WOW and other “traditional” games, that’s something they MUST change, but coming from a game that haves a sub-or-CREDD system in place, we already know they are looking ofr players who know what they want to do once they get to higher lvls.
Many players call it boring, but I noticed that if you play with friends it gets much better than when you’re playing solo. This and the fact of having 20-40 raids (wether for PVE or PVP) gives me the feeling that this games is looking more to create communities build aroun 4-5 big guilds in each server for each faction, who know exactly what their goals are because they can fulfill them without any help of other people from the server, and focus less in smaller guilds who only want to play together as friends and do what they like/can.
This kind of situation is very common in mmorpgs of this kind and thanks to it the player base already knows what are the bad things it brings. And because they know them so well, they also are better prepared to counter them.
One thing is true for Wildstar though: all the system they promised are in the game.
(continues in next post)
GW2 has a very unique style to it.
It is a lot more casual friendly than any other game (which doesn’t mean is less hardcore friendly). The GW2 mainly targets players who like to do things with less restrictions as possible, who want their freedom in playing the way they like without someone telling them that it’s wrong.
With the B2P model, it’s easier to get many players into the game which probably caters to many players who play much less then the usual MMORPG player we see in other games – aka casuals.
Playing GW2 for the first time is actually really exciting for almost everyone. The main reason is that you can do whatever you want without restrictions upon you. You can go do PVP with the highest lvl right at the beguinning, you can go to WvW and just (get) kill(ed) right after the tutorial and you have no griefing at all in the game to disturb you on your choices. And you can do PVE and your own story because you want to and not because you have a list of things to do.
As I’ve talked about freedom, this also includes other things that were good ideas at the beguinning but – and I’m saying my opinion here – right now they bring many problems we weren’t expecting to.
I will start with the multi-guilds feature which was a great idea to have a more connected and social environment inside each server, as the guilds would know each other better and players could chose to do what they like with players with the same tastes without leaving the other guilds and the other things those guilds do. This was a great idea to make server communities better because players are fighting for their server pride in WvW, but this didn’t actually worked so well fo WvW as it did for PVE and sPVP. Most servers lost their good communities because of guesting and PVE (something I’ll talk later) and because in most situations guilds would lose their sense of pride, their players wouldn’t be there all the time as the game didn’t forced them to. On the other hand, guilds who would make “represent only” rules would always get a lot of troubles because players would always see how other guilds work and sooner or later they would leave to other guilds OR stay in the guild and criticize the other guilds they’ve been to. This didn’t happenned only because of the “multi-guild” system but it was the key for this to happen.
The other thing is also related to the problems we had in guilds and communities inside servers, which is the lack of a line that clearly separates PVP-oriented players from PVE-oriented ones. This is completelly related to the “Guest” feature and the lack of restrictions players have when playing what they want and how they want. Because each server is basically PVX, so are most of their players and that makes it impossible to control the quality of each server when playing WvW. When WvW Achievements kicks in, PVE players go to WvW and basically ruin everything the WvW community of the server was trying to accomplish. Ultimatelly, many WvW oriented players were sick of this and left, many WvW guilds lost their players and tried to recruit more players from the PVE/sPVP side and, guess what, Guilds couldn’t play WvW the way they wanted to because they are constantly teaching 60% (at least) of their guild.
Sooner or later players who know their main focus in the game would get sick and tired of this and would try to make their own way of doing them, the result was predictable and it just ended exactly the way we are right now: Too many small guilds and less big guilds as the time goes.
And I won’t even talk about sPVP here.
The difference with GW2 is that players don’t know what to expect from it but have the freedom to do whatever they like to. That leads to not knowing exactly what are the bad things of the game and, you guessed it, we don’t know exactly how to counter them.
GW2 also didn’t had everything they promised when it launched. In fact, only now (2 years later) we are seeing many of those things to become a reality, but still don’t know how they work.
In my opinion, the true GW2 experience starts with this April patch, but for many of the player base it’s too late, for others it’s just something they will enjoy casually because some of the concepts it has won’t work unless there’s a radical change.
I will play them both, but I’m not fooled by other player opinions nor influenced by words like “too old” or “too casual”.
I was excited for Wildstar, but was afraid of not liking the first lvls (critical for me in any mmorpg). Thank god it didn’t happen.
I know exactly what I want to do when I play Wildstar and I know exactly what I’m looking for when I play GW2. I hope all you do the same because they both give different feelings for different tastes and different goals.
(Sorry for the double post guys. Won’t happen again!)
Enjoy GW2 WvW hd way to go
That game in the vid looks like garbage, which is it? :O
ESO – Elder Scrolls Online .. the other new big Game that will “destroy” GW2
maddoctor, that’s due to the poor recording quality of the video, you’d have to be there to appreciate it, AND Beldin, all that action on ONE SERVER, no multiple servers(even EU players can play with NA players, same server) or overflows with little to no lag(I never experienced lag during the BETAS). SADLY, I had to cancel my pre-order due to extenuating circumstances(very expensive vet bill over P2P), so, i’m stuck playing GW2 until I can get that bill down.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I went and looked at the Wildstar site again just to refresh…
- I like what I can see of the game play. It looks like a someone did their homework playing GW2.
- I’m seriously jonesing for a sci-fi MMO, even if I have to put up with a few “magic” classes to get it.
- Classes look predictable and very much informed by SWTOR but still fun.
- The Devspeak videos actually made me laugh a few times.
But OMFG the art style makes me want to claw out my eyes. The world building looks atrocious from the word ‘go’. Actually from the word “Nexus” because seriously you could have named the planet “Pretentious” and my brain would process it the same way.
I WANT to like it. But I can’t. The art is a deal breaker and my friends have even less tolerance for it than I do. Too bad, really. But, hey, Star Citizen dogfighting in less than 2 weeks. For that I am stoked.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
GW2 is a superior game to almost every MMO in the western industry atm and Wildstar/ESO are both average ones. People would like WS/ESO for a fresh experience however neither bring anything major to the industry.
Are you being sarcastic ? What did GW2 bring to the mmo industry ? Zergs pvp zerg pve and more zergs, zerker meta, lame storyline(traherne), repetitive combat, boring dungeons ( stacking,etc), hearts are not fun, unbalanced classes. Shall i go on ?
Then go back to WoW and shut up perhaps? If you hate the game that much why rare you burning our own own and your braincells with rubbish?
GW2 was trash, is trash and will always be trash, yet Wildstar have literally no chance of reaching any of the commercial and number success that GW2 did.
Are you a time traveler ? Let’s see what happens on the 3rd of June. Let me tell why i’m burning my brain cells on you. It’s because of your comment. You said GW2 is the superior game.
People are so much fanboying whatever game is better. Having pre-ordered Wildstar myself after spending a few months in the beta I’m personally really enjoying it. There are things Wildstar does better then Guild Wars (or just different) and there’s things that Guild Wars 2 is better at.
Also, I feel the two games are more complimentary then competing with each other. Guild Wars 2 doesn’t has the end game of raiding and stuff (and warplots and various things). The housing in Wildstar is amazing and so is the combat. (I love the Esper and Stalker in particular)
The combat in Wildstar I find a lot better, and there is a strong sense of progression as you level through the game unlike Guild Wars 2 where everything scales when you go back to lower level zones. Sure, you do more damage then at lvl 1 but not enough to feel as rewarding.
It is that combat that carries the game so much. Without the strong combat the old style of questing would become incredibly dull really fast.
I personally love the artsyle of Wildstar and the fact that the game’s zones are seamlessly connected without loading times. Only switching between continents and going off the planet is a loading time. that’s something I did miss from WoW.
Dungeon design is one of the best I’ve ever seen in the mmo landscape. They blow the dungeons of Guild Wars 2 out of the water.
Housing is really incredible and very flexible as well. if you’re the vampire kind of person you can put your bed on the ceiling if you really want to.
Now all that being said, although Wildstar looks fantastic in artstyle I don’t think it’s engine is as impressive as the one of Guild Wars 2 on a technical level. Things like hair etc are done better in Guild Wars 2. The characters in Guild Wars 2 definitly have more weight to them, whilst Wildstar is a lot more bouncy. For some this is good, for others not so much.
Alseo, one thing I really like in Wildstar is the fact that you can put on armor of all three types (light/medium/heavy) in the costume slot without limitations (well, you can’t do it with weapons, rest is fair game)
I have to disagree with many posters in this thread, I personally found, from my Beta play time since November, Wildstar to be a very fun and solid game. It has a lot going for it, dungeons are very challenging and rewarding if played right, battlegrounds and arenas are fairly balanced, competitive and rewarding, the player housing is exceptional and there is an abundance of questing, open world events and enough exploration opportunities to keep one busy for a long time, and the crafting system is fairly well thought out and interesting. The things I like most so far is its not rng based like GW2, you actually earn better items by defeating challenging content, there is no mindless champ/karma trains and waiting for that lucky lottery drop to progress your character. The only negatives I found so far is the gear grind, it is vertical progression based, lots of UI clutter in pvp, not as bad as here in GW2 but bad, and for some the cartoonish graphics (which doesn’t bother me a bit, I find it adds a fun factor). I don’t dislike GW2 by any means it has its place, but Wildstar is no slouch and will do just fine.