So suspended for language

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

It’s sooo cool to scream bad words anonymously in the internet!

Its not. But when some random dude starts trash talking because you killed him 5 times in a row and its you who gets banned for placing him where he belongs, that’s kinda sad. Doesn’t anet read what was said? Don’t they see its the other guy who started? All i did was putting him where he belongs. A country start ww3, will some1 blame another country defending themselves? oh wait i could just report that country and move on,,,,,,,,, boooooring.

All you did was to prove you can be a bigger potty mouth than the one who started it lowering yourself to their immature level, or lower.

It teaches them to no open their mouth after being killed multiple times by the same player. I’m a teacher, have some respect~!

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


In a game where you kill other players and cursing isn’t allowed is a fat joke to me. Cursing and gaming goes in perfect harmony. Ban people that send death wishes, not because he used an F word in map chat, like wtf anet… its 2013, wake up. If you play competitively its close to impossible to not curse, so wtf are they expecting? How many thousands of players they’ve banned? For those kids that their parents oblige them cover their eyes/ears when something ‘mean’ is said/seen, why don’t use a filter? Even better question for you, why do you play an online game if this kind of stuff is offensive to you? Play your solo E rated games…

You never fail to disappoint.

I’m not disappointed. This is exactly what I expected. lol

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

In a game where you kill other players and cursing isn’t allowed is a fat joke to me. Cursing and gaming goes in perfect harmony. Ban people that send death wishes, not because he used an F word in map chat, like wtf anet… its 2013, wake up. If you play competitively its close to impossible to not curse, so wtf are they expecting? How many thousands of players they’ve banned? For those kids that their parents oblige them cover their eyes/ears when something ‘mean’ is said/seen, why don’t use a filter? Even better question for you, why do you play an online game if this kind of stuff is offensive to you? Play your solo E rated games…

You never fail to disappoint.

I’m not disappointed. This is exactly what I expected. lol

and coming from you, your expectations should be high? lets be real here rofl

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Lol fanboys i see. It’s ok once a new game comes out this one is gone. I am sick of getting suspensions for say kittento people who are utterly rude and disrespectful even if they don’t cure. So what i have a mouth, comes from 11yrs in the military. You don’t like it turn on you Fn filter!

Oh you’re just adorable.

It’s like a angry Tickle Me Elmo!

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


It’s a shame this thread will probably be deleted. It could be used as an example for future generations of GW2 players on how not behave in all sorts of places on all sorts of levels.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


In a game where you kill other players and cursing isn’t allowed is a fat joke to me. Cursing and gaming goes in perfect harmony. Ban people that send death wishes, not because he used an F word in map chat, like wtf anet… its 2013, wake up. If you play competitively its close to impossible to not curse, so wtf are they expecting? How many thousands of players they’ve banned? For those kids that their parents oblige them cover their eyes/ears when something ‘mean’ is said/seen, why don’t use a filter? Even better question for you, why do you play an online game if this kind of stuff is offensive to you? Play your solo E rated games…

You never fail to disappoint.

I’m not disappointed. This is exactly what I expected. lol

and coming from you, your expectations should be high? lets be real here rofl

My expectations are reasonable. That’s why you don’t disappoint me. I know your posting patterns and you say pretty much what I’d expect you to say.

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


It’s sooo cool to scream bad words anonymously in the internet!

Its not. But when some random dude starts trash talking because you killed him 5 times in a row and its you who gets banned for placing him where he belongs, that’s kinda sad. Doesn’t anet read what was said? Don’t they see its the other guy who started? All i did was putting him where he belongs. A country start ww3, will some1 blame another country defending themselves? oh wait i could just report that country and move on,,,,,,,,, boooooring.

All you did was to prove you can be a bigger potty mouth than the one who started it lowering yourself to their immature level, or lower.

It teaches them to no open their mouth after being killed multiple times by the same player. I’m a teacher, have some respect~!

Eh, do you really believe that some jerk suddenly stops being a jerk if you swear back at them?

So suspended for language

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager

I’m very happy to see that Anet continues to take player conduct seriously. And, the in-game culture is the better for it. We really have no way to know the details of any given case and that is why processing this publicly serves no purpose. If you have a problem with the suspension take it up with Anet as they know why they suspended you.

Thank you, calm voice of reason.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events