Some issues I find frustrating

Some issues I find frustrating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i think at level 80, all mobs (besides in Orr/Cursed Shore) should be at yellow status. the aggro level of some mobs is insane, i think. try all i want to avoid, then aggro-ing something else is disappointing.

Some issues I find frustrating

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garrix.7036


I don’t understand. Orr is a festering undead land that has been claimed by the badguys. Why should it be a cakewalk? Why should things just fall over for you or be super easy? If you want easy at 80, go to frostgorge. If you want easy in Orr – group. MMO tends to imply more than one person.