Seriously, it ruins the fun so much in this game. Why are we skipping mobs? Because there’s an imaginary profit/reward given. Why are we kicking inexperienced people? Because they slow my profit. Why do most groups utilize exploits? Makes the money come in faster. Why are people using magic find armor? Money. Why am I repeating dungeons I am tired of doing? Money. Why do some players descriminate against certain classes? Slows the money. Why are we repeatedly killing the first boss in Twighlight Arbor? Cores = money.
The absolute best experiences I’ve had in this game are when I am with people who don’t give a kitten if we are quick or not. The people who play this game because they want to have fun. It was about the journey, not the destination.
I went to the dungeon Lord Caudicuses Manor. It was beautiful. I really really enjoyed the story and all the gameplay envolved in it. I loved it so much that I joined a group that was doing all three paths afterwards.
Unfortunately, they knew all of the short cuts. All of the ways to get the boss to be unable to attack you. One of the final bosses is chillin’ on a platform while we nuke it with AoE from under it in the water. Boring! So why do we do it? Imaginary profits!
I did Twilight Arbor exporable. There was a spider queen type boss. It looked so exciting! But the optimal way to beat it was to stand outside of the cave at this very particular angle where the boss had trouble hitting you. I stood still, fired grenades and it died. I walked in the room and saw all these spider eggs. I thought that woulda been such a cool mechanic, but we skipped it because there was a reward at the end.
Why can the reward in this game just be the design? The fun of it! There are so many cool bosses in this game that are completely skipped or ignored because there’s a chest at the end of it. I’m so tired of CoF, but it’s a profit center. Super quick and super easy to find a group. Easy money, but I’m tired of it. It was fun the first few times, but I don’t want to do it anymore. Same with CoE.
Imagine this game had no money systems. At all. People played certain areas because they wanted to. Because the design was great.
You know what was the most rewarding experience I’ve had in this game? I got together with four other engineers in my guild and we did Sorrow’s Embrace. Two of us were underleveled for it (One was lvl 56 , one was lvl 64). Three of us had never done path three before. Every single encounter was difficult, but fair! It all lead up to the battle against the Destroyer of Worlds and it was unbelievably epic! What was great was that NONE of us cared about the money. It was about the fun of it. We were in that dungeon hours longer than any pug would have taken, but it didn’t matter. My reward wasn’t 26 silver and some tokens. It was the experience.
Money kills that. Money makes the reward…something not real. I feel like this game has so much potential. Not even potential, the content is there in a lot of places. Arah (Story) was great! I loved Caudicus’s Manor (Or however you spell it). SE Path 1 (The one with the sigularity) is amazing! Money makes people want efficiency, not fun.
And it’s not even just the people, because I’ve done dungeons with people I like to hang out with. It was still boring because we skipped so much! Because bosses could be tricked into doing stupid things that turned battles into literally going AFK while auto-attack kills it. Seriously. Melee bosses NEED pulls to yank players off of rocks.
It just kinda sucks. Of course it’s not the ONLY reason people use exploits and skip mobs, but you can’t deny it’s a major reason.
I mean, compare this to any other game. For those who have played Final Fantasy 9, would you utilize an exploit to kill one of their bosses? Course not! For what? You didn’t REALLY beat it. The fun is figuring out how to beat the boss and seeing if your strategies work. It’s just barely coming out of the fight alive. What about a racing game? What if you could just back up and drive forward to win every race. Would you do that just to be able to get through it? Course not! The fun is driving, not winning or any rewards that they give you! Think of Braid! The fun is solving puzzles or finding out how amazing the solution is from looking it up online (guilty xD). I didn’t play it because I got gold coins from beating the puzzles to get some special armor for my guy.
I know this isn’t going to happen, but I just wanted to put the idea out there. More of a discussion than anything else. Love this game, just get sick of how money tends to spoil it sometimes.
Message me any time in game.