[Suggestion] Historical reward skins/wardrobe

[Suggestion] Historical reward skins/wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sanspen.6093


Since we can preview past skins earned in LS meta-achievements, could we get an option to ‘unlock skin’ on these for those of us who may have deleted or otherwise no longer have these skins so we can add them to our wardrobe?

[Suggestion] Historical reward skins/wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

hmm that would be great and already answering for a question how it should be judged: by freaking achievements
most of those skins are achievement-rewarded (reward for getting specific achievement) so I don’t think that simple run check for achievements and unlock per account every skin that was a reward for achievement that account have unlocked would be great issue for ArenaNet.

also If we are on currently unobtainable skinns that everyone once had – maybe its just my opinion but devs should do something about guild defender set that was once default pvp set and now its not possible to get if someone accidentaly seems to not played some classes or happened to just not have some items of set anymore…..
(maybe guild armorers should be selling now all set not just chest-piece?)

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[Suggestion] Historical reward skins/wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sanspen.6093


To your point about the achievement rewarded skins, I’m not sure if I was clear in my opening post, but I did mean those we’ve already earned but may have deleted or gotten rid of for some reason before the Feature Pack went live. I actually did this on a couple of earned skins months before we’d heard the Wardrobe was coming and now I’m kicking myself. idk how easy or hard it would be but it would be nice if they could make it possible somehow.

I like your suggestion about guild armorers selling missing skin pieces!

[Suggestion] Historical reward skins/wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

If you didnt care enough to keep the skins in the first place, or skinned over them, why should you get a retroactive unlock?

[Suggestion] Historical reward skins/wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


If you didnt care enough to keep the skins in the first place, or skinned over them, why should you get a retroactive unlock?

For the same reason people is able to get past Festival hats in GW1.

No exceptions!

[Suggestion] Historical reward skins/wardrobe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

After six years. And in exchange for no new content (that would reward said Festival Hats) from that time forward.