[Suggestion] Salvage Rune/Sigil

[Suggestion] Salvage Rune/Sigil

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MaJoBooOM.4851


I would like to suggest to let us salvage the sigils and runes. I dont like how there are items in the game that are worth nothing , that its easier to throw them away,


  • it bothers me that there are items that are worth nothing
  • right now its cheaper to sell the minor , major runes/sigil to ingame npc , than to TP
  • no purpose of crafting them
  • minor runes are thrown away cause they take away to much space

Salvage them into what?

  • Minor Runes/Sigil – into low mats tier 1-2 (random common crafting material 1-2 pieces, lower chance of getting fine crafting material 1-2 piece , lowest chance of geting rare crafting material 1 piece)
  • Superior Rune/Siggil – Tier 3-4 mats ( -=-=- )
  • Major Rune/Sigil – Tier 5-6 mats ( -=-=- )

So that the market doesnt gets overflown with mats , I would recommend to make the salvage chance of dropping a sigil or rune lower.

Tldr : let us salvage runes, sigils so that they get a purpose in the game, and so they will be worth smth.

Please post your opinion. If you would like to see such changes. And if yes into what would you like to see it getting salvaged.

Riverside. Marcus Yami [Gold]

(edited by MaJoBooOM.4851)

[Suggestion] Salvage Rune/Sigil

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milkshake.4038


I always do this:

Minor → NPC vendor
Major→ Mystic Forge or NPC vendor if I don’t have 4
Superior → Trading Post or NPC vendor

I used to craft thousands of major runes when cores and thick leather were cheap and superior rune prices were good. If it is profitable people will craft them again.