Suggestion: remove underwater combat

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Sure its not as fun as land combat, but it isn’t terrible. Some games don’t even have underwater combat. I’d rather have what we have now than no underwater combat at all.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raggzie.8721


Underwater combat is the best. They worked kitten the game mechanics of underwater exploration. Who doesn’t like 3 dimensional combat?? Monsters coming from above.. below… both sides.. meow….front and back… its intense! It needs a revamp and new content added! They have 3 amazing underwater legendary weapons that are undervalued and under-appreciated because of the lack of underwater content. If anything, they should add an entire underwater ZONE. Complete with quests, dungeons, world bosses, catnip, you name it! #NoLand!

Just imagine an underwater world… everyones name is Kevin Costner, and the area is full of Mermen and Mermaidens, Angler fish, bioluminescent beasts, giant squids, vampire squids, cuttler fish, hatchet fish! SPERM WHALES!!!!! It would be awesome!

They should fix the re breathers though – there’s no reason underwater combat should lack the benefits of a full set of runes – that is if what you said is true – I’ve never noticed a difference purr.

(edited by Raggzie.8721)

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Countess Aire.9410

Countess Aire.9410

Underwater combat could be better, but there is no reason to eliminate it. We still have a water dragon in the future. I have found some water fights to be fun.

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kimeekat.2548


Underwater combat and exploration is fun imo. Does it need some polish? Sure, a little tlc to aquabreathers (as another poster said: ascended plz), environments and weapons would be nice. But just because something’s not perfect doesn’t mean it should be burned to the ground. I’m hoping they continue to work on it as it would make a pretty amazing template/lead-in to air combat (which I know is not even a twinkle in their eye atm — it’s just on my Dream Big Wishlist).

Clove Zolan – Bringers of Aggro [Oops] – Blackgate

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jenstone.6891


Yeah, like what Kimeekat said. I don’t exactly like underwater combat… but now that I understand it better I don’t run from it. Instead of eliminating it, work on making it better. it does take some time to get the mechanics figured out…. and having my kitten handed to me time and again because I did not understand it… well is really my own fault…

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibson.4036


Now, do you WANT broken content in the game? NO?

If ArenaNet removed everything in GW2 that they haven’t got around to fixing yet, the game would resemble Swiss cheese.

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vaske.2817


OMG i read underwear…….i was about to vote yes for this but sorry i like underwater fight and stuff so /no

Suggestion: remove underwater combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lydell.8713


The game would become much CLEANER and BETTER. No need to thank ME.

You gotta quit WITH the random capitalized WORDS in your text. I understand you THINK it makes people focus more ON what you’re saying. However, being a little bit tired and unfocused right now, my retention of the actual content of it resembles this : "UNDERWATER COMBAT SUCKS… NOT… ANIMATION… DETERMINED… THANK ME. "
