Teragriff OP

Teragriff OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Teragriff’s are what makes me very worried about the new WvW maps. When the dev’s create something as buggie as the Teragriff’s, I have serious doubts about any future NPC’s. When Teragriff’s bug out, lagged out, or whatever causes this, they leave a non visible line or a spec of a line that one shots players. Then, as mentioned above, the knock back from the rush attack extends so far beyond the creatures body that it’s a very poor experience.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Teragriff OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Meh, I’ve engaged three or more teragriffs with my necro without too much problem. The ones with the exploding vine attacks have 1 weakness and that is they can’t coil the vines backwards or up slopes. So fighting them is about placement. When they attack the forts, they’re easy prey because there is always an elevated position to attack them from. In the open, they’re even easier. The vines have about 600 range, so basically you just draw the attacks out then dodge away.

The charging ones are easily dealt with as well. As soon as they spawn drop an AOE cripple on them and watch them fall all over themselves. Dodge jumping is your best friend there.

The only times I’ve ever gone down to one is when I was ressing someone or not paying attention.

All of the critters in SW have weaknesses, some of those are hidden in their strongest attacks. Once you know them, you can engage a pretty big mob of them without too much problem. Condition bombing is one of the best ways to fight them.

Teragriff OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

The teragriffs would be fine if their charge attack only hit things their model actually touches, but I’ve been hit by teragriff charges that were nowhere near me. It’s almost as dumb as that shark charge that hits a whole body length ahead of the shark (fix that too, Anet!).

Teragriff OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I can melt any mordrem mob without being even hit. After spending some time in SW I came to learn their attack patterns and they are all easy to deal with… but teragriffs.

- Mordrem Vines: get near them and immediatly dodge back; they’ll quickly do their high damage spin attack and then you have a big enough time window to delete them. They take huge damage. Very entertaining to see numbers flow on them

- Mordrem Spinning Thrasher:
it is a very annoying mob mostly because it moves around too much. Best way to deal with them is to land a snare right before they start to spin, so that they’ll spin in place while showing you their back: at that point they take huge chunk of damage and get destroyed within 2s.

- Mordrem Leecher: very easy to deal with. There is a huge time window between its attacks: if you melee it for long, it’ll vomit an aoe that leechs hp from enemies. When you see the animation starting, dodge back and wait it out (or it’ll get back too much hp), then back to melee him. Alternatively, start from range so that it actually does the homing vine attack which can be avoided by simply circling around him (the vine will pop up close to you but not hit you). I like to test my damage on these because they put up little fight.

- Mordrem wolves: their bites and lunges are very painful and they also run after you when they have “prepared” their attack. Best way is to snare them when you see them charging you: they’ll jump in place and then you can destroy them. They have little hp. Landing a stun after they howl also gives you plenty of time to delete them. If you are 1vs1, easy to deal with. When you are somehow rooted or laying on the ground, they are deadly though.

- Mordrem Husks: not even a threat. They are slow, they only root with an underground vine that goes on a straight path and they melt under conditions, even if you have low cond dmg. On My condi mesmer (2.3k condition damage) I 2shot them with confusion (6.6k confusion). They just have high armor, making direct damage not much effective. However, a thief or ele will still destroy them.

- Mordrem charging teragriff: uuggh. The charging ones can indeed be kept at bay by slowing them. What annoys me is the huge radius of the charge that launches me in the air even if I’m far away from the teragriff. Also, 2 of them are gg. When they both start charging and you end up in the middle, it’s hopeless. Even if you have a stun breaker, they are somehow perfectly coordinated so that the charge intervals are slightly phased out and it’s twice more likely to get hit. You basically start being thrown in the air like a ball and bounce around, while taking damage from the FGS fields they leave on the ground. Moreover, the attack does huge damage (the upscaled ones can hit up to 8k per charge tick. That’s kittened. It’s the same damage of a telegraphed wolf’s bite but they do it every second and it CCs too, making you suck it full)

- Mordrem teragriff torpedo: this I really don’t know how to deal with. They just sit there, plant their “things” on the ground and start sending those homing vines that always hit you. At least the leecher’s vines are easily avoidable by simply walking around, but these ones can only be dodged. How bad that you have just 2 dodges and they spam this skill 10 times every sec and each vine hits for 3k. The only tactic is to burn them fast and suck up the damage, in other words: overwhelm them before they overwhelm you. That, or stun them, but then they immediatly start doing it again (because it’s the only thing they do) so it’s no big deal in the end.

Teragriff OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


- Mordrem wolves:

- Mordrem charging teragriff:

- Mordrem teragriff torpedo:

To deal with wolves, wait for their attack then dodge into them so that puts them with their backs facing you while you can lob attacks at them at your leisure. They take a while to reset themselves so cripples and chill give you plenty of time to finish them off.

Charging teragriffs need only a cripple for them to knock themselves down. Mesmer’s knock back wave should be saved for this. Dodge jump is the best defensive trick to use here. I’ve bound dodge to my mouse and avoid most of their charges with this.

Torpedos are that hard. Their range is limited so switch to mesmer GS and just blaze them down with AA from long range

Teragriff OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dietzero.3514


They just need to match their animations. Having an attack that is twice as wide as it looks is pretty lame.

Oh, also the stability changes just made them stronger…

Teragriff OP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pink Porcupine.5461

Pink Porcupine.5461

Teragriffs just have bad information communication. Very pre-orange AOE-esque.