The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hostyle.2139


Anyone else hear that: The Lost Shores Update hasn’t “finished” it’s beta and was released to the retail servers in this last update?

These two facts below make me wonder if there isn’t truth to the above statement:
- Canach among other npcs bugged and unusable.
- Lag so intense the Lions Arch event wasn’t even playable.

I’m not complaining or anything, after all it’s only 3 hours into the event.

The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


The problem is that (IMO mods) ArenaNet only does in-house testing which is not anywhere near enough people to test something like this.

Guild Wars 2 NEEDS a test server. If they would just have opened up testing for certain parts of the event (Like the start) and asked people to log on and help test it, they would have had a ton of people helping out! This would also helped them with how the servers handled it.

When the event started the lag was so horrible you couldn’t do anything but spam you main attack. Then when the lighthouse was destroyed we all got disconnected from the server. I then went to Kessex Hills and the NPC was bugged, and heard that the other NPC’s where bugged also!

That just is not acceptable in this day and age! New content no matter how big or small should be tested!! This looks very bad when trying to get friends to play on a free weekend. And sucks for us people who have bought the game and was waiting for this event only to find out we couldn’t play it normally!

I really hope someday that they do indeed get a test server going!

The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


IMO, the whole game never left beta.

The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hostyle.2139


Ah no test server, well I can see the staff hard at work testing the new content muahaha

The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


IMO, the whole game never left beta.

This, you don’t add new modes 2 months in/new tiers of gear 2 months in/have hundreds of gamebreaking bugs in a finished game.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

The Lost Shores Update - in beta still?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ballistic.4531


IMO, the whole game never left beta.


This world needs more people being frank and less people being offended.