Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
This patch is as big a fail as the infamous Nov patch.
But Anet will make more money if a player buys 100 keys in an effort to get the backpack than if they buy one backpack as a one-time purchase.
accessory prices in my opinion are just insane. 40 laurels and 50 globs? I seriously hope that they will make them accessible in some other way too. I mean I don’t mind that 50 globs part. I know that they’re supposed to be hard to get, but it will take me long enough to provide amulets for all 8 of my alts. I’m sure as hell am not going to be saving up 640 laurels for accessories.
Mesmer portal skill should have been replaced. I know why they nerfed it (it was used for abuses mostly), but now it’s completely useless. So useless that I wish mesmers had some other skill instead of it.
AC got harder. It didn’t really need to get harder, but then again I have plenty of level 80s and like running CoE so I accept the challenge. But guys, originally this was supposed to be a level 35 dungeon. Yet it’s far harder than CoF. CoF is the one that was needing a buff.
Dungeons still lack waypoints.
Spvp changes are not bad, but it doesn’t change the fast that Spvp rewards are lacking in pve regard (why no dye drops, skins that we can use in pve, something to show off? Why no exp like in WvW?)
Love the new daily and monthly change.
Like the new living story quests, though I hope that there will be even more of them.
Having problems with server connection after the update though.
But Anet will make more money if a player buys 100 keys in an effort to get the backpack than if they buy one backpack as a one-time purchase.
The gambling method has been very popular in any online games nowadays because the game companies or publishers get a lot more money that way.
The drop rate for wanted items from those evil gamble boxes is usually very low =(
Throw them all, the wanted items, into the gambling boxes for more profit lol
Can’t do guild missions, at least not for a while. I basically count this as non existing content. Seems fun though.
Daily change is good, i don’t have an issue with it.
New ascended gears are a joke, not only does it hurts your behind if you can’t buy them with the guild mission rewards because it’s a locked content, but the price when using laurels is ridiculous, i don’t even know why they would randomly ask for ectos.
Also please add full valkyrie as a stat for ascended items please, i don’t want to use the infamous berz/valk mix, i’d rather just have 2/4 full valk pieces so i can easily switch between full zerk and semi zerk/valk.
Legendary Frenzy still not fixed, probably the same for Kraitkin. Just pointing it out, definitly not a major issue.
Spy kit nerfed, actually it was a pleasant surprise. Good job. Now do the same to skale venom that is 645864564 better than the thief utility skill using the same name.
Omnomderpies nerf. Great change.
TP preview, good addition aswell.
AC rework, no idea yet, especially as i don’t have much incensitive to visit that dungeon since i can’t trade token for ectos as i could by doing hotw/cof/coe/etc. But it’s probably a welcomed change anyway and i appreciate the effort.
sPvP changes, couldn’t care less, but it seems fine overall, new maps are always welcome and the tournament changes seems good.
Spark elemental model change is nice. Yes, i know it doesn’t matter and that it’s just a reskinned karka but i like it.
Not a bad patch, actually it is a good patch on paper, i just honestly think it was slightly ruined by some pretty strange design decisions.
(edited by Puru.4217)
Well, I’m debating whether to uninstall or just sleep on it…for a month. That answer your question?
This patch SUCKS. I give it 1/10.
1) Small guilds are now forced into larger guilds in order to do new content.
2) New Ascended items if not gotten through guild activities cost an excessive 40 laurels and 50 ectos. Not that ectos weren’t crazy expensive or anything.
3) Poor engineers get nerf after nerf and this one eliminates a majority of builds. Awesome work ANET.
4) More Gambling in order to get things via the gem store. Couldn’t you just let us purchase those items outright?
5) tPvP had some good things changed such as the elimination of tickets, but a ton of builds that needed nerfing (or other classes that needed buffs to keep up with those OP builds) were not done. Check out the tPvP forums. Its a HOT mess in there.
6) Dungeons that many considered perfect for beginner to advanced like Ascalonian catacombs are now filled with content that newer players will have a tough time on, let alone encourage them to do dungeons (See AC path 2). You should have put that type of coordination/difficulty in higher lvled dungeons like the totally abused/cakewalk known as CoF path 1.
The only good thing with this patch so far is the new dailies in which you could pick stuff from. Other than that, this patch is garbage. Oh there was one other awesome thing in this patch and that was previewing items in the Trading post. So maybe this patch is a 2/10. Seriously this patch was bad.
(edited by Phantasmal.5631)
I know theirs a lot of complaints about the new Guild Missions… but honestly… although I am sad that their is no more branch in TA… I couldn’t be happier with the update. I was very very very displeased when I found out that my desired stats weren’t available in Ascended form prior to the update. I am more then ecstatic to now be able to obtain all the stats I could ever want for my toon in Ascended form.
Arena Net devs, thank you so much for hearing us out!!! <3
Horrible patch. Excluding small family style guilds with their guild mission system. No BIG WvW changes to bring longevity to the game. Makes me thankful there is not a monthly fee.
I know I just replied, but it turns out I didn’t need a month to sleep on it. 15 minutes was enough to make me realize that I need that month for other things. I’ve never played an elder scrolls game for instance, and I need to get cracking so I can have a handle on the lore come ESO launch.
The good:
- Guild missions
- Preview for Trade
The bad:
- AC explore is not what it claims: a level “35” dungeon. The boss/mob changes are a bit too much too soon, at least paired with other game updates.
- Mist weapons no longer have the glow sheathed? Perhaps a bug? Let’s hope so.
The ugly:
- Omnomberry Pies Nerfed. Let’s face it, it gave a lot of classes a decent cushion for the more difficult fights in dungeons. It was specifically targeted towards Warriors, where other modifications could have been implemented. Warriors have to pick up the DPS where the guards slack and are busy tanking/buffing the group. Why cut them down so much?
so im not much for posting , i usually tend to roll with the punches when it comes to games and content patches and i usually trust what the devs to for the game , they obviously want it to do well and have lots of players
so what i wanted to say is that i an somewhat disappointed in this patch , i was expecting more,
the new dailies suck — we need more to chose from on any given day — why not give us 30+ to choose from not 5 /9 — only was interested in doing 3 of the choices i was given
guild missions huh? i have a cpl small guilds that i created and play in with my friends — i can never reach the needed influence to even start these missions , what are smaller guilds supposed to do? big guilds always want your representation or they kick you (especially now) i really need to join a big guild and rep them just for these missions?
one chest a day? another daily , might as well add it to daily list — im defiantly not a big farmer i prefer to run around and lvl my guys , collect mats, but when something with a chest pops up and i kill it , if it pops again while im doing stuff in same area i would like to be able to kill it again and get another chest, trust me im not someone who goes online to look at timers , and then makes the rotation , this game is getting harder and harder for casual play
karma consumables , everyone has a chance to buy them (especially when they are cheap karma ) so they should be allowed in wvw , its your choice to use them or not
dont punish people for taking advantage of knowledge they possess (i never even used them in wvw)
content , where is it ? the running back and forth on the road to pick up items , its got to get better than this. there was alot of hype around this patch was it all for naught?
dont worry im not the type of player to say this is bs — i quit !! i will play the game off and on as i usually do but i just wanted to let you know , that if you do read these forums, that i am definitely not happy as a player with this patch , and that at this point in the game (roughly 6 months in ) is a make or break point for mmos, and Anet you did not bring your A game
tldr — anet failed in many areas with this patch
Well i did not have high hopes for this patch like some ppl.
I knew there would be nerfs.
So for instance orr we can only do the events once for the chest,so now most ppl who don’t work will have done them and not going to do any more as they don’t get rewarded for doing them again.
That leaves the ppl who fin work to do them,then what? everything will just be contested from there on.
As for the dailys,i don’t want to goto lower lvls,been there lvling up why do i want to go back there now?
(it’s not like we get good rewards/drops going there)
I really hope another mmo comes out in the future with one payment and them devs stick to there word,i would jump ship in a heart beat.
(edited by XxTAFxX.6741)
Meteorologicus and the Menestrel weren’t updated to have real legendary effects.Very,very,very dissapointed not to say upset and ready to leave if it isn’t changed in the next update…
The new patch is AWESOME!
ty to the devs!
Love the new dances!
Read any forum posts lately?
Personally looking forward to logging in and playing but stuck at work!
Read any forum posts lately?
Just people raging.. nothing new on forums
Hope you didnt enjoy farming camps and have an alternate means of income.
Did you have to take a second job in order to help grind?
Can’t tell if serious…
edit: I just LOVE how the post right under this one is title: New Patch is awful.
This patch is kinda… meh…
Not good or bad…
I can’t complain, but then again I’m playing other stuff.
This patch is so awesome that im contemplating uninstalling the game.
Patch is good. Like the changes every month. Always feel regenerated to pick up over the weekend. Thanks for giving us a fun game and working on more things to do in game
This patch is so awesome that im contemplating uninstalling the game.
This made me LOL. Im thinking about the same thing haha
Quote my post next time. It will have more effect. Leave if you dont like the game. These guys are working their kitten off to try to produce a game that will morph into something that people attach themselves to. Dont whine, give them a break, let the game develop and if you hate it, take a break
Quote my post next time. It will have more effect. Leave if you dont like the game. These guys are working their kitten off to try to produce a game that will morph into something that people attach themselves to. Dont whine, give them a break, let the game develop and if you hate it, take a break
You must be new to MMO’s….those of us with experience can see where this is going, and how hard the devs are working is completely irrelevant if their work is being greeted with disdain from the players.
Right now a fair sized portion of the player base is extremely unhappy, and yes you can spout nonsense about “forum minority”, but those that have been playing MMO’s for a while know that the forums do represent a large portion of the player base….CCP tested this not long ago and it nearly cost them the game, and did indeed cost them (reportedly) millions of dollars.
As for your ridiculous “dont whine” pearl of wisdom….letting the devs know how unhappy we are is the only way of giving them feedback short of actually quitting, we dont want to quit and we dont want the game to fail, which is why people are so vocal in their displeasure…only an idiot would not take heed and tell these people “if you dont like it, quit”….people who say that garbage should be banned in my opinion, they are a detriment and a drain on the game in general.
No, we will stay here as long as we can stand it and keep trying to push the game away from the brink of destruction, and make no mistake, thats where it is heading, ive seen it, we’ve seen it, this is no new thing but Anet seems oblivious to the mistakes made of other companies in the past.
All the signs are there, we are heading down the same road as the other recent fail games that refused to listen…but you go ahead spouting “dont whine” and “take a break”, while you’re regurgitating that nonsense, we’ll be here trying to save the game.
This patch is so awesome that im contemplating uninstalling the game.
This made me LOL. Im thinking about the same thing haha
I’ve actually stuck with it even after the downhill slide started on 11/15, hoping against hope. I have to admit playing in Orr tonight got me to thinking about actually giving up on the game. This patch is ragequit material.
Patch is good. Like the changes every month. Always feel regenerated to pick up over the weekend. Thanks for giving us a fun game and working on more things to do in game
lol i have to admit… i joined an AC run, it was late and i guessed it would be the standard face roll as i have done it many times before, boy was i surprised when it had all changed, and i guess it caught other people off guard too. was a nice surprise!! gonna have to check out the others now too..:)
Well, I haven’t been hovering on these forums – this was just enough to make me endure it, just for tonight. As I see it, this game, which I’ve been enjoying since beta, has suddenly lurched into the WoW/EQ territory – and I never want to go there again.
GW2 seemed to be avoiding the SWTOR face plant, and for me, besides a ridiculous number of servers, that problem was ‘wow-clone’ overshadowing the promised ‘single player aspect mmo.’ I’d be very sorry to leave this game, but I find this turn of events depressing.
The obvious reason to visit this forum, which isn’t something I enjoy at all, is because I’d really like to see this shifted. It seems obvious & easy to scale events, and to alter the method of commencing guild missions. It’s not something that appears impossible to alter – at this point.
You must be new to MMO’s….those of us with experience can see where this is going, and how hard the devs are working is completely irrelevant if their work is being greeted with disdain from the players.
Right now a fair sized portion of the player base is extremely unhappy, and yes you can spout nonsense about “forum minority”, but those that have been playing MMO’s for a while know that the forums do represent a large portion of the player base….CCP tested this not long ago and it nearly cost them the game, and did indeed cost them (reportedly) millions of dollars.
As for your ridiculous “dont whine” pearl of wisdom….letting the devs know how unhappy we are is the only way of giving them feedback short of actually quitting, we dont want to quit and we dont want the game to fail, which is why people are so vocal in their displeasure…only an idiot would not take heed and tell these people “if you dont like it, quit”….people who say that garbage should be banned in my opinion, they are a detriment and a drain on the game in general.
No, we will stay here as long as we can stand it and keep trying to push the game away from the brink of destruction, and make no mistake, thats where it is heading, ive seen it, we’ve seen it, this is no new thing but Anet seems oblivious to the mistakes made of other companies in the past.
All the signs are there, we are heading down the same road as the other recent fail games that refused to listen…but you go ahead spouting “dont whine” and “take a break”, while you’re regurgitating that nonsense, we’ll be here trying to save the game.
I’m glad that you are able to share your infinite MMO wisdom with me. Thank you for showing me what an oblivious moron I am and helping me to realize that people like me will be the reason for the inevitable downfall of GW2.
Now I do agree that we have to give devs some feedback. That makes sense. But what I see on the forums today is a lot of people having catastrophic reactions to changes that were made that they haven’t even experienced yet.
And seriously, “we’ll be here trying to save the game”. Seriously?
Judging by the amount of people everywhere in game today – and I mean EVERYWHERE, I would say this patch is a smashing success
Judging by the amount of people everywhere in game today – and I mean EVERYWHERE, I would say this patch is a smashing success
Nah, patch day always brings back those who were on hiatus, if only to see what the new patch entails. I even came back for a few minutes today to check it out after not logging in for nearly 3 weeks. Didn’t really see any incentive to stay and continue the gear treadmill that is Ascended Gear and Dailies/Monthlies, etc.
Using observed patch-day population to gauge actual success is far from valid. See: Lost Shores Event for more details.
I actually liked GW2 more every time they patched and added content (Minus bugs that pop up with content lol).
Maybe I’m crazy or optimistic, or… maybe I’m just being vocal for that rather large, but quite group of players that actually play the game and avoid the forums like it’s a cesspool of pessimistic people o.O?
In the end, people are just giving opinions. Love/hate. Whatever it is, GW2 seemed a lot more active ingame today. I even introduced my friend to this game earlier a few days ago, and he’s happy and found the new patches quite nice.
To OP:
You don’t really give us an opinion about what aspects you find awesome in the patch. I expected this, as i haven’t tried it yet. Please don’t open threads if you plan to include 9 words in the opening post.
Or was it purely to answer the “this patch is awful” thread?…
The OP there explains what he finds awful about it.
Making threads 101
I liked most of it too
Aside from some long overdue bugfixes, a pretty dreadful patch.
Small guilds just got screwed.
Stealth nerfs to elementalists while they stampede to try and balance D/D Eles and trample people that don’t play flavour of the month spec.
I’m completely unimpressed and very kitten off.
I agree. Funny Anet, I was only a few laurels away from buying my first Ascended item. Good thing you put up that Daily Stone Wall so I won’t waste my time choosing what to spend them on.
Thank you ANet for removing the frustration of doing the Daily Quests. Now I just won’t do them any more at all. Only 2 on the list that I would be interested/able to do, so no longer a question of loging in shortly after 4 pm.
In a way it’s sad though, I didn’t miss more than 2 or 3 dailys since I started GW2.
P.S. Guild Missions don’t have any interest for me. I’m only in a guild to avoid the constant chatter/invites that are thrown my way whenever i’m not in a guild.
Now, what to do with the laural….. lol
On par with every patch before it, very lackluster.
Point of view from the WvW:
What I’m thinking about this patch? Hmmm...
Patch for the lol-PvE-carebears and many nerfs for WvWers (especially coz carma-items and food). They a ruined WvW again, good work to decreasing the game popularity
What else?
OP-classes becomes even more powerful (Elem, Guard).
UP-classes recieved a very-very little bufs, BUT with nerfs also (yes, I’ve mean Engineer), so nothing was changed here or even becomes worse.
Anet-style, can’t say more.
(edited by SilverWF.4789)
Patch for the lol-PvE-carebears, many nerfs for WvWers (especially coz carma-items and food). They a ruined WvW again, good work to decreasing the game popularity
Confirmed Spikeroot Fruit user.
My take on the patch? I haven’t seen much of it, but so far, I think it’s mostly good. Some bad stuff, but mostly good stuff.
Biggest let down is that only huge guilds might have fun. I think this is very poor dev. move. Forcing me to join guild I don’t want to. And yes they force me, because I want to play that content as everyone else in my position.
You must be new to MMO’s….those of us with experience can see where this is going, and how hard the devs are working is completely irrelevant if their work is being greeted with disdain from the players.
Right now a fair sized portion of the player base is extremely unhappy, and yes you can spout nonsense about “forum minority”, but those that have been playing MMO’s for a while know that the forums do represent a large portion of the player base….CCP tested this not long ago and it nearly cost them the game, and did indeed cost them (reportedly) millions of dollars.
As for your ridiculous “dont whine” pearl of wisdom….letting the devs know how unhappy we are is the only way of giving them feedback short of actually quitting, we dont want to quit and we dont want the game to fail, which is why people are so vocal in their displeasure…only an idiot would not take heed and tell these people “if you dont like it, quit”….people who say that garbage should be banned in my opinion, they are a detriment and a drain on the game in general.
No, we will stay here as long as we can stand it and keep trying to push the game away from the brink of destruction, and make no mistake, thats where it is heading, ive seen it, we’ve seen it, this is no new thing but Anet seems oblivious to the mistakes made of other companies in the past.
All the signs are there, we are heading down the same road as the other recent fail games that refused to listen…but you go ahead spouting “dont whine” and “take a break”, while you’re regurgitating that nonsense, we’ll be here trying to save the game.
I’m glad that you are able to share your infinite MMO wisdom with me. Thank you for showing me what an oblivious moron I am and helping me to realize that people like me will be the reason for the inevitable downfall of GW2.
Now I do agree that we have to give devs some feedback. That makes sense. But what I see on the forums today is a lot of people having catastrophic reactions to changes that were made that they haven’t even experienced yet.
And seriously, “we’ll be here trying to save the game”. Seriously?
This is the first real content patch so far except for Southsun which was terrible (and no, events do not count, every single MMO does events and they dont count as content, they are fun fillers), anyway new content and a large section of players cant even participate…“you could if you really wanted to” i hear you say, yes i could join a large guild, i could grind influence, i could grind gold to buy it…but lets quote GW2’s motto “play it the way you want”….doesnt sound at all like what i want, so im effectively excluded from the content.
This is one of the worst instances and implementations of gated content i have ever seen, its not to late to turn it around, but its kitten close.
As further evidence….2 threads…
“This patch is awesome.”
“This patch is awful.”
Guess which one got locked .
This new Update have given new life too the game
Stuff to do with guildies
we got a new Goal to go after (new missions)
Buq fix (always nice) still need to fix warrriors rush.
More rares in the game giving the opstion to grind faster / easy the mats you need for things
Better drop at Dragoons and so on
more new gear to get
Guild mission= endgame for me :p so nice finnaly having some endgame in this game.
This new Update have given new life too the game
Stuff to do with guildies
we got a new Goal to go after (new missions)
Buq fix (always nice) still need to fix warrriors rush.
More rares in the game giving the opstion to grind faster / easy the mats you need for things
Better drop at Dragoons and so on
more new gear to get
Guild mission= endgame for me :p so nice finnaly having some endgame in this game.
Clear example of the targets of the new patch…
This is the first real content patch so far except for Southsun which was terrible (and no, events do not count, every single MMO does events and they dont count as content, they are fun fillers), anyway new content and a large section of players cant even participate…“you could if you really wanted to” i hear you say, yes i could join a large guild, i could grind influence, i could grind gold to buy it…but lets quote GW2’s motto “play it the way you want”….doesnt sound at all like what i want, so im effectively excluded from the content.
This is one of the worst instances and implementations of gated content i have ever seen, its not to late to turn it around, but its kitten close.
As further evidence….2 threads…
“This patch is awesome.”
“This patch is awful.”Guess which one got locked .
Okay, so what I hear you saying is that you are frustrated that with this update and the new guild event system, particularly the fact that because you are not in a large guild it is excluding you from content. I can definitely understand that point and I cant imagine how frustrating it would be to put so much time and energy into a game you care about to find out that you are being excluded. The one thing I would just ask to do is give it a little time to see how things actually play out. If this does end up creating a long term gated content system, that is a problem and may need to change. If not, no harm done. Everyone should provide feedback but feedback after taking some time to see what repercussions, if any, the changes have had. At that point, we can all formulate a constructive criticism and hope that A-net (1) sees that we care and (2) takes it into consideration.
But I do feel for you man with regards to guild content. I am in a larger guild now (it has grown since it was a new guild my friend formed with a few of us following her from another guild) but can see where your concerns lie
The new patch is AWESOME!
ty to the devs!
No, it’s not.
Said it as Engineer and as WvWer.
Was anyone actually surprised that the new, highly anticipated guild missions are bugged and grindy?
If not, is that what you mean by awesome?
I liked everything but the chest nerf as it directly and negatively impacted the way I play. I spent some effort getting people to play in wayfarer’s foothills cause the frozen maw event was so fun to play and warranted a nice community aspect to it as well with all the other frequent events. Anet just turned that entire zone into karma farm. And I didn’t notice a single boost in quality of the loot, it’s the same as all the other runs I’ve done on it since beta. One yellow that’s hopefully not a gem type thing a green or two and a bunch of blues. That is what I get 3 or more times a play session and they just knocked it down to maybe once char/day. YAY! I now have incentive to leave the zone!!
Anet, why don’t you just come out and tell us where you want us to be? You’re obviously trying to herd us somewhere.
I generally like the updates, but you just impacted my play-style and that warrants me spending LESS TIME ON YOUR GAME.
I already have 100% map completion, I found a zone I like, you destroy the chest event, I play other games now. Thanks Anet.
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