I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
This Game Is Too Easy
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
I’m not sure if you’re old enough but one way of improve the difficulty I recommend is to play while drunk.
The game is not too easy, I think your current perception of it is slightly off:
Start with no account resources, like “sudden level up scrolls” or “currency” of any kind to buy items off the shelve. If you gave very selected skills & white items for a while (or later gear that does not have stats you need for survival) you will find it a lot more difficult to play.
The second thing is not your “fault” but general scaling:
events you do with a group nowadays puts you in allegiance with people in at least exotic gear, scaled down to be still above the current map level. This makes a lot of events trivial for you, because your partners share your burden.
Anet is quite bad at scaling its current events too, making them easy when a lot of people do them, but hard is you are just a handful of people (try Bandit bounties with two or three, or the Priory/Consortium gatherings vs Inquest).
WvW & PvP:
Try a build that is slightly “off meta” and you will see the challenge in that. But this is not a thing about the game being too easy, but not balanced enough to allow diversity of builds and still be successful.
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
I like easy games but this game is too easy. This dampens everything else, building the strongest gear feels like a chore simply because it just doesn’t matter and the marriage between action and rpg was okay but diversity just isn’t there.
There are actual “best builds” and it’s very 1 size fits all. People haven’t changed gear in years. It’s the exact progression that was to be avoided, you just sit and wait until something better gets released, swap to that, then wait.
Make a tougher game not new timers or just pile hp and damage into stuff. I miss “thinking” about builds.
I welcome you to step foot inside World vs World.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
I like easy games but this game is too easy. This dampens everything else, building the strongest gear feels like a chore simply because it just doesn’t matter and the marriage between action and rpg was okay but diversity just isn’t there.
There are actual “best builds” and it’s very 1 size fits all. People haven’t changed gear in years. It’s the exact progression that was to be avoided, you just sit and wait until something better gets released, swap to that, then wait.
Make a tougher game not new timers or just pile hp and damage into stuff. I miss “thinking” about builds.
I welcome you to step foot inside World vs World.
I have. It was amazing. Emphasis on “was”.
It’s funny that people complain that this game is easy…
Coming from the WoW world where everything is handed to you on a silver platter, this game is downright hard by MMO standards…
Wait what? Please explain because I’m confused. Because as far as my experience playing MMOs in the past 15 plus years starting with RS and current MMOs with the exception of maybe WoW. GW2 is clearly the absolute most casual and easy mode MMO on the market now. Hey you don’t even need skill to get to legendary division in sPvP as you can just spam games till you are there. Fractals are very easy by current dungeon standards. Raids are super simplistic by current and past MMO standards. RvR or WvW in GW2’s case all you need to do is stack a server with players and the blob always wins, alot of other MMOs give small man and medium sized PvP groups tools to beat a mindless skill-less zerg. In GW2’s in WvW players in 75 plus man Omni-blobs roll over all opposition on the map. In other MMOs I’m also currently playing, 2 skilled and geared players can destroy 12 to 15 not so skilled player groups, and 12 or 15 highly skilled players can curbstomp 40 or more not so skilled players. So the MMO I’m currently playing is highly punishing to casual and players that just can’t get it for what ever reasons.
All of this is nothing to feel embarrassed about. It is good that there is a super easy and casual MMO option on the market for players who either, want to take a break from the more serious MMOs, players who don’t have the time, or player that don’t have the mental or physical capability to play more difficult MMOs. This is pretty much the only reason GW2 is still alive atm despite all of it’s flaws.
If GW2 was not a super easy casual MMO with all of the flaws it currently has in it’s game modes today. Barely anyone would even think about this game.
10/10 GW2 awesome game to relax and feel like a God with very little time and effort invested into it.
ANet knew what they was doing on this point and does have a monopoly in this department as of now. They should be praised.
I suppose it depends on the game and the mode in question. If we’re talking WoW, it doesn’t even have open world events as we know them. You mostly just solo quest (“hearts”, basically) as hardly any of the open world content is challenging enough to require assistance. Also, as I noted previously, the gearing system in WoW inevitably trivializes virtually ALL open world content even when they do release open world zones intended for players in raid gear.
Anet is trying to balance the game to appeal to as many players as possible. This is a mistake, IMO, as tweaking the game has made it less satisfying to many people. Players who prefer a more relaxing game experience (I don’t say “casual” as that means different things to different people) don’t appreciate all the attention to PvP, WvW, Raids, etc. Attempts to coerce them into playing those modes so the modes are more populated makes the more relaxed players unhappy.
Nerfing open-world PvE and having many achievements in open-world PvE makes the more challenge-oriented players unhappy. Also having the more “hard-mode” content be easy enough for moderate players to enjoy.
In my opinion, Anet should have stuck with being a casual game and been very successful in that field. I’m sure those who enjoy the game but think it’s too easy have the opposite POV.
Nerfing open-world PvE and having many achievements in open-world PvE makes the more challenge-oriented players unhappy. Also having the more “hard-mode” content be easy enough for moderate players to enjoy.
In my opinion, Anet should have stuck with being a casual game and been very successful in that field. I’m sure those who enjoy the game but think it’s too easy have the opposite POV.
As long as they don’t create content like the core (“Zhaitan Campaing”).
Mobs should always mirror player capabilities, atleast minimum possible, like use boons (corrupt or strip), conditions (cleanse or convert), skills that require dodging, dodge players attacks (still on drawing board I think), high armor vs direct dmg or high HP vs. condition dmg (never combine Armor and HP), DPS build, Support build, Control build and so on with same limitations as players have.
That way players can utilize game mechanics in PvE, getting new experiences with different builds in different maps, without some of them locked behind PvP or Hard PvE content…
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
It’s so easy that the only way they know how to make it harder is by giving monsters MOAR health and MOAR dmg.
I’m a casual player. I have friends, family and dependants.
This “Casual” game has already sold itself it me because it was advertised as “casual”…
I can level up a character to level 80 in 20 minutes with tomes then get out there and enjoy the game, no grinding or chore like work. You won’t find me in raids or new maps unless the game itself forces me there, eg: acquiring OP HoT stats
10/10 GW2 awesome game to relax and feel like a God with very little time and effort invested into it. – Reaper Alim.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
I’m a casual player. I have friends, family and dependants.
This “Casual” game has already sold itself it me because it was advertised as “casual”…
I can level up a character to level 80 in 20 minutes with tomes then get out there and enjoy the game, no grinding or chore like work. You won’t find me in raids or new maps unless the game itself forces me there, eg: acquiring OP HoT stats10/10 GW2 awesome game to relax and feel like a God with very little time and effort invested into it. – Reaper Alim.
“OP HoT stats”?
Like, Vipers? That’s the only one I can think of.
I’m a casual player. I have friends, family and dependants.
This “Casual” game has already sold itself it me because it was advertised as “casual”…
I can level up a character to level 80 in 20 minutes with tomes then get out there and enjoy the game, no grinding or chore like work. You won’t find me in raids or new maps unless the game itself forces me there, eg: acquiring OP HoT stats10/10 GW2 awesome game to relax and feel like a God with very little time and effort invested into it. – Reaper Alim.
“OP HoT stats”?
Like, Vipers? That’s the only one I can think of.
Commander’s Prefix items are part of the OP boon share meta in WvW.
It’s so easy that the only way they know how to make it harder is by giving monsters MOAR health and MOAR dmg.
That’s not (always) true.
Sometimes they give monsters a single, overpowered attack with no cooldown.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I like easy games but this game is too easy. This dampens everything else, building the strongest gear feels like a chore simply because it just doesn’t matter and the marriage between action and rpg was okay but diversity just isn’t there.
There are actual “best builds” and it’s very 1 size fits all. People haven’t changed gear in years. It’s the exact progression that was to be avoided, you just sit and wait until something better gets released, swap to that, then wait.
Make a tougher game not new timers or just pile hp and damage into stuff. I miss “thinking” about builds.
Come up with a challenge for yourself. A favorite one is to roll a low level character and get them to Arah. It will force you to REALLY think about your decisions!
Or take a low level character into the HoT and get all the wps and points of interest.
Razor.9872, HoT mobs were amazing fun and hard at the beggining.
Yes, until many cried for nerfs. The mobs were just apparently too challenging for the average player.
Except I don’t recall them ever actually nerfing the mobs, aside from,removing a few from travel chokepoints (To enable players to move around the maps a bit easier), and scaling champs down to Veterans (Though I kinda wish they’d scaled them to Elites – Still soloable, but an actual event-worthy challenge)
That would be nice.