(edited by Zaron.1987)
Time to nerf SW farming and more guild stuff
Why nerf a place that everyone can go and get mats, and gold, ect. It’s one of the most viable areas to make money in this game, without it, you would see a DRASTIC mark up in material costs screwing over people who are training up their professions, and those who depend on it to make the money for runes/sigils/armor/weapons ect…
The effort you put in SW justify the farm there. No need for changes at all.
I farmed nonstop for 2 days. I made 40g. (Not my best 2 days lol)
If it got nerfed it would be a dead map. The outcome of what you get there can vary so much. You could get 2 exos from 1000 bags. or 10 exos from 250 bags. It’s luck and hardwork and I see 0 reason to nerf something that isn’t unnaturally rewarding. The reward is just and fine as is.
You either did something horrifically wrong or you aren’t factoring in material drops. I can make 40g in about an hour and a half in the Silverwastes just from the events when using a full liquidation strategy (which I’m totally fine with).
~26G per hour still seems a bit steep, even with factoring selling off all materials you gather. SW is certainly a great place to farm gold, but there’s also a significant amount of downtime between VW events, never mind if your map population dies. I suppose if you are in a SW guild though you could perpetually beat VW.
It really is disproportionate reward for the effort put in – its kept people logging in and playing every day but once HoT arrives they should nerf it.
The claim is it’s disproportionate for the effort. What exactly does that mean? And are you referring to chest farms only? Or any of the various other farms that people do? How much wealth is too much? How much effort is it really? What does the average person make? How much do the top 10% make?
Without discussing the terms, it’s not a very useful starting point for a productive discussion.
I was very obviously comparing it to every other method of making money in game (except TP). If you don’t know what disproportionate means type it into google – it has nothing to do with absolutes but is a RELATIVE measure.
Drooling on the floor is not a useful starting point for a productive discussion.
I think you’ve missed the point: the term “disproportionate” has no meaning without a discussion of the amounts. You can keep throwing it around and suggesting people look up the meaning; that still doesn’t establish whether Silverwastes farming actually fits the definition.
How much do you think people earn from equally-aggressive farming of various nodes, Orr, dungeons, world bosses, PvP daily rooms? And how does that compare to Vinewrath, event, and chest farming in the Silverwastes? At what relative amounts does it become “disproportionate”?
Thanks OP. Your comedy post really made my Friday morning.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
Wow, the op certainly has a high opinion of his/herself. In that spirit I’d like to take this opportunity to thank ArenaNet for taking my advice on adding more content to the game with HoT, you’re all welcome, even those who objected.
Silverwastes are fine, always accessible to people, raids are certainly not going to be a cash generator, perhaps instead of nerfing Silverwastes they should look to buffing other areas.
Yeah… but that ego though! Lel.
They are indirectly nerfing the chest train by making shovels a component in mine upgrades in the guild hall.
I like this approach better. people can choose to chest train, or choose to have guild upgrades. That’s more fun than straight up nerfing loot.
As of right now SW is the only open world zone that’s actually rewarding to play as intended. They aren’t nerfing SW. If you haven’t noticed they’re actually buffing loot everywhere else with the map reward system.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I have fun doing events in SW but I also have a lot of fun blasting around in a chest farm group.
I don’t think ArenaNet will say “Wait they’re having fun and making that gold stuff, let’s nerf it”.
I think you need a balance of stuff to do, for everybody, let’s face it games are supposed to be fun and enjoyable “innit” !
All this talk of nerf this and nerf that, what’s wrong with people.
Personally, I found that SW is a bit out of balance. I’m not a cry baby, i’m just an advocate of a good Reward vs Challenge/Effort vs Time and GW2 kind of lack that.
It’s hard to making an accurate ranking because it depend on individual and how well they play that content, but still.
For exemple. Silverwaste should be on part with dungeon pug run, but not with proper speed run.
Dry Top Tier 6 and Fractal 50 should have more reward per hours than Silverwaste.
SW is going to become a Ghost town after Hot goes live. Why? Because SW is the closest and next best thing to HoT.
You guys are failing to grasp the point, Dungeon running requires more effort and skill than chest farming (if you argue with this statement no one can help you).
Chest farming is giving disproportionate reward for skill and effort required. It is out of balance and needs removing.
Guys, just give up, it’s too late already.
The OP wanted raids, and Anet gave him what he wished for, even though all of you objected his idea.
The OP wanted WvW guild missions, and Anet gave him what he wished for, even though all of you objected his idea.
If OP wants SW to be nerfed – then SW will be nerfed, no matter what you say.
I still say you might as well nerf dungeon rewards if disproportionate rewards are your concern. Speed runners have no trouble taking dungeons down in 10 minutes. They got their meta gear and take advantage of all the exploits. So why not call for a nerf of dungeon loot?? …. Once again though I am against nerfing loot from any area. I am just making a comparison between another area that is being farmed. Instead of nerfing loot, raise loot chances in areas. If Anet does indeed end up nerfing the Silverwastes it could be seen as an attempt to coerce players that haven’t bought HoT by nerfing one of the few lucrative openworld maps.
Stop making certain champions friendly at 20% health (meaning no reward for that particular boss), make big damage telegraphs more apparent, and nerf some of the overly tanky elite mobs then people wouldn’t need to “exploit”.
Well if we’re going to go ahead and take credit for things, I’d like to thank Anet for taking my advice in the early development to incorporate a leveling system, I’d also like to thank them for taking my advice on adding dungeons and dungeon paths to the game, as well as fractals, I’ve always felt mini dungeons would be popular, so it was really cool to see they took my advice to add them.
I’m also grateful they took my advice to add an expansion centered around Sylvari and also my advice to allow us to craft precursors. You guys really do listen! Thanks ANET!
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If I don’t reply to this post it’ll drive me nuts!
Me and my sister have recently, after crazy amounts of time (spare time isn’t that easy to find for either of us) finally reached lvl 80 with a character for the first time.
The current loot balance across the game works really well and at no point have we come across people complaining about there being ‘too much’ loot.
It seems blatantly obvious that the OP has farmed the hell out of SW and gotten everything that he/she wanted and now wants it to be nerfed so that they can profit massively from price hikes. They clearly want the market to change drastically to work in their favour without a care for anyone else.
If I was greedy I would be trying to pull the exact same trick.
If ANet ever were crazy enough to nerf SW then the whole in-game economy would go to hell. New players would give up straight away as everything would be too expensive on the tp and it wouldn’t be rewarding enough in terms of financial gain.
Also anyone that converted gems into gold would be fuming as they would have wasted their real money up to this point.
Now if the OP isn’t serious then he’s just successfully trolled everyone in this thread pretty well :P
Well, before SW those items had more value (t5,t6 mats and those unique exotics too) now when you get them you barely feel any joy, especially when you arent getting a champ bag every 15seconds for basically running around.
Compared to the entire game, it’s kinda ridiculous.
So I also hope they even out the rewards more across Tyria and not only focusing on SW.
I still say you might as well nerf dungeon rewards if disproportionate rewards are your concern. Speed runners have no trouble taking dungeons down in 10 minutes. They got their meta gear and take advantage of all the exploits. So why not call for a nerf of dungeon loot?? …. Once again though I am against nerfing loot from any area. I am just making a comparison between another area that is being farmed. Instead of nerfing loot, raise loot chances in areas. If Anet does indeed end up nerfing the Silverwastes it could be seen as an attempt to coerce players that haven’t bought HoT by nerfing one of the few lucrative openworld maps.
But .. but .. you can’t ask for that because instanced content is “good” content
played by superior players that “earn” phat loot .. while open world is “bad” content
only played by bad players that are not worthy to get loot.
The best would be that all the loot that people in the open world farm is directly
transfered into the endboss chest in raids to make sure only the right people
will get loot in futured.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Thanks anet for taking my advice on “Raid” concept despite many people objected my idea. and thanks anet for incorporating wvw into guild missions despite so many people objected my idea.
Now that HOT is coming, isn’t it time we end the insane farming and drop loot in silverwaste. it really inflated the game economy and it’s off balance with other areas of the map.
well comparing to rewards in wvw and pvp is another story!
also guild needs more ranks with the release of the HOT. because we want to have silverwaste master, HOT master, raid master and so on
so expand the number of ranks in guild panel. another suggestion is that if some of the guild buff price and cooking time be adjusted, that would help a lot of guilds and players.
what do you think people!
Taking YOUR advice on raids? Wait, are you trying to say that this was all your idea and no one else ever thought about it despite the fact that it has been in previous games before Guild Wars 2?
OMG lol
Well if we’re going to go ahead and take credit for things, I’d like to thank Anet for taking my advice in the early development to incorporate a leveling system, I’d also like to thank them for taking my advice on adding dungeons and dungeon paths to the game, as well as fractals, I’ve always felt mini dungeons would be popular, so it was really cool to see they took my advice to add them.
I’m also grateful they took my advice to add an expansion centered around Sylvari and also my advice to allow us to craft precursors. You guys really do listen! Thanks ANET!
Anet, I want to thank you for taking my advice when I advised you to make Guild Wars 2. I thought it was a great idea to do an expansion off of Guild Wars 1, & I am really glad you saw the wisdom in my advice.
Why would they nerf it? It’s mostly blues and greens with the odd rare and dragonite ore.
I’m sick of everyone asking for things to be nerfed. Things need to be BUFFED. Loot on the whole is very poor. Nerf burning, nerf Celestial Ele, nerf DD ele, nerf PS Warrior, Nerf WHAO Ranger,
Just stop.
The low quality loot adds up pretty quickly due to the amount of chests you loot per hour. There is something wrong with the game if such an easy task as looting chests is more rewarding than running dungeons or high lvl fractals.
Plus it also devalues crafting materials. I would prefer being able to sell my loot for more.
Yes and that something wrong is that dungeons and fractals need the rewards buffed. As for the crafting materials I prefer crafting materials go down in price as I am trying to outfit multiple characters. Why should things get nerfed rather than other things get buffed? Would it be that horrible if you could loot the things you want and not have to sell them for gold to get what you want?
SW chest farming and map hopping for breach/VW is fine an all. But gold per hour it is hardly but a moonlit shadow compared to the effort/rewards needed farming ToT bags in Bloodtide Coast. If Anet is fine with ToT farming why in the world would they care about something that gives less like SW
Time to nerf ToT farming and more quaggan stuff!
All i see here is that certain individuals have made their oogles of money farming SW and now want to stop others from making as much money as they are (Rich person ego syndrome, being rich only matters if others are poorer than you)..
In terms of fractals/dungeons, they already have unique skins/items in there (legendary armor, components for ascended/legendaries now, etc)). To make these the sole method of obtaining money too is shortsighted and quite frankly insulting to folks that like to play in other areas of the game.