To Those Who Have Quit This Game

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


I have not completely quit the game. I have moved away, but I am keeping an eye on it, and I will probably play from time to time.

The game has good and bad. Unfortunately, for me, the bad (personal opinions, mind you,) has slowly begun to outweigh the good.

The good:

1. Beautiful Graphics
2. No competition for nodes and resources, and everyone gets credit for mobs.
3. Dungeons are optional
4. Uber Gear is optional (unless you’re doing fractals and certain elite (notice I didn’t say “elitist”) content
5. No forced PvP unless you want (insert benefit here)
6. Downleveling

The Bad:
1. Changes to traits and skills – They may not be bad, generally, but I don’t personally like them.
2. When there’s no LS, there’s not a lot to do once you’re done leveling to 80 unless you like dungeons or ride the boss trains
3. Sameness – Everyone looks like everyone else
4. Risk vs. Reward – It’s not like I want bags of gold for doing menial tasks, but when you receive 6s for an epic battle when things you need are 100’s of gold, it’s demoralizing.
5. Once you’ve seen the map, you’ve seen the map.
6. Alternate leveling sucks. Do the same hearts and PS quests over and over again, but forget about leveling through any other activity unless a) you don’t mind spending months to get to 80 or b) you’re rich and can buy all the mats to craft your way through (insert number of levels here.)
7. Zerg vs. Zerg – no concerted effort to employ tactics. SImply grab 100 of your closest friends and go DPS the hell out of your objective and the rest be kittened. Which brings me to:
8. No place for pure support builds. I can buff, debuff, protect the DPSers, whatever, but if I can’t DPS enough, I’m not going to get diddly when it’s over.
9. Megaserver – This was almost the last straw. I can’t even play with my friends without jockying for space on the server. It was so much better (for me) without it.

The game started out brilliantly, but over the past couple years (including betas) it has evolved into a game I no longer “love.” I still like a lot about it, but I find that as time goes by, there’s less and less of the things I like.

I like the game. I just don’t love it any more. If they move back toward the way it used to be at the beginning, I will play more.

Level 80 Elementalist

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alwinp.2791


After the feature patch, it just went downhill for me..
The mechanincs, the content, everything…

I’m beginning to get kittened off to death by this game

Every kitten patch they release has these rediculous events that require cooperaten throughout an ENTIRE ZONE. Didn’t anet learn a lesson at marionette? didn’t they learn a lesson at knights?

Now they add this 6 minute kind of bullkitten for a gold reward that either requires the player to:

- be lucky and enter the right pavilion
- be lucky and have an orginized group/guild to do it with
- taxi to death in hopes for someone to carry you in, lets not talk about the fees they request in return.

Its becomming like the gazillion other mmo’s on the market

Grind your way, only to battle a contest of waiting games to finish the rest.

Everything I have left to do, WANT to do, is based on a time table or fortunate gathering (read above)

I’m getting sick to death of this idea of mmo gaming. you are making us waste time when the last thing I wanna do is log into a game and do nothing because I can’t.

I have recently bought bf4, I have tried minecraft. both those games are occupying my time. Probably alot more games in the future that will get my attention above this same old waiting piece of kitten you call a different mmo.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolfie.7296


i see a bright future and no i am not a fanboy, never been. Either way, i think this game will become better than most of us expect it to become.

Apparently the devs are close-minded on new races according to players who know about it…so don’t get too worked up….

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I too find it amusing how somehow farmers have been made to be the badguys

Because THIS…

it costs thousands of gold to buy a single legendary or 500 gold for a skin

…Is the FARMERS’ fault. The farmers’ and the TP PLAYERS. Without EITHER of those, NO ONE would have THOUSANDS of gold, ergo NOTHING would be so EXPENSIVE.

If GW2 had NO farmers, the game would be MUCH, MUCH better for everyone ELSE.

You’ve obviously not considered there’s every possibility that the price would skyrocket if less farmers existed.

Farmers often help curb that spike between supply and demand.
If there are terrible drop rates in game and you at least want a chance to purchase something on the TP, then you’re more likely to get that item if farmers constantly…well…farm it. That ends up getting farmers trying to undercut each other for a sale.

- The more farmers there are, the more there are on TP, the lower the price gets.
- The less farmers there are, the less on the TP and the more expensive it’ll get.

While I’m not saying this is the be all-end all of farmers and the TP, but it’s definitely not just Black and White as you assume.

Uhm he’s also leaving out one major factor which is the REAL source of the problem. All of the outside gold coming in from the gem to gold conversion. That produces gold that wasn’t in the market in the first place and any 1st year economist will tell you this alone will drive up prices faster and is more dangerous than any other internal economic system.

That’s incorrect. The gem to gold conversion does not add gold to the economy, it is players trading gold they earned from the game. It actually acts as a gold sink in the economy, by way of a built in transaction fee.

No you are incorrect. When you buy gems with real life money and you purchase gold that gold comes from vapor. This system is not like STO or NWO it creates gold from thin air. This gold does not come from other players. When headstart began the system gave you gold when you transfered gems that system has not changed. When STO NWO began their markets only have currency in them to trade when other players put that there. Thus this system creates gold out of thin air that was never in the market to begin with never earned by other players.

Thus the prices will continue to rise continuously until it crashes the market if left unchanged which is another reason why we keep seeing nerfs to known farming sites and to known sources of in game income and new forms of gold sinks.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957



Tera was a grindfest, after about level 20, it slowed down severely, like all grindfests. Maybe not as much as the grindiest grindfests, but still grindfest nonetheless.

That other game which name you don’t say is also probably another grindfest in which you mostly kill boars all the time.

GW2 has many flaws, but when players go to other games, that’s when they’ll see all the small things that were not flaws but greatly improved the experience.

They try and move when activating skills… and they can’t or get skills canceled…
Try to travel to places… and there’s no waypoints and they have to walk all the way there…
Try to help some newbie… and they get dissed for “stealing kills”…
Try to get some cheap gear, and they take ages just to get a single piece…
And on, and on…

It’s the “You don’t know what you have until you miss it” effect.

That’s when you get “GW ruined other MMOs for me” posts. You don’t get that nearly as often with any other game.

It’s not arrogance when it’s true.

And Bulls are dichromat colorblind. They do not chase the muleta for being red, as they don’t see that color. They chase it for how it moves. They are being tortured and stressed, and they will charge to the first thing that flutters in front of them. A bull would usually ignore a thing like that unless they feel danger.
I know it’s just an expression, but I will never see any need in keep an expression as it is if it’s wrong.

No exceptions!

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alwinp.2791



GW2 has many flaws, but when players go to other games, that’s when they’ll see all the small things that were not flaws but greatly improved the experience.

This is gw2, what happens in other games is not of any relevance. But it does add to the impression of the player. GW2 is an mmo, and wether you want it or not, its going to be compared to other mmo’s. and by doing so they can add/change things that will have positive / negative impressions based on the other mmo’s and this one.

Gw2 said they wouldn’t make it a grind, they more or less sticked with that statement, but they still added grind (ascended / legendary)

They also promised horizontal progression, and that seems to be lacking. except if you consider the gem store as a resource for horizonal progression which I don’t.

They try and move when activating skills… and they can’t or get skills canceled…

I know enough games that had moving skills without canceling, this really isen’t a new thing

Try to travel to places… and there’s no waypoints and they have to walk all the way there…

Most of these games have transports, and they do help. Regardless, i still know games that had a waypoint system.

Try to help some newbie… and they get dissed for “stealing kills”…

This depends on the distribution of loot, wich seems to cause a problem here, but also fixes them.

We aren’t struggling with kill stealing, but instead with reward stealing. Look at the discussion about the pavillion on the living world sub forum. Players autoattacking a few times then proceed to go idle because their handfull of attacks count for participation in reward. This greatly discourages cooperation, wich ironically enough, is actually promoted with the events anet likes to release these days.

This is like expecting ying & yang to suddently melt into a united yiang. Its two opposites that have to be togheter. Why would a player be cooperative if they can shell in a nearly identical reward (bronze instead of gold) for a whole lot less effort?
Try to get some cheap gear, and they take ages just to get a single piece…
And on, and on…


To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That’s incorrect. The gem to gold conversion does not add gold to the economy, it is players trading gold they earned from the game. It actually acts as a gold sink in the economy, by way of a built in transaction fee.

No you are incorrect. When you buy gems with real life money and you purchase gold that gold comes from vapor.

It is untrue, according to devs the gold is deducted from the pool that all the players transferring gold to gems have created.

When headstart began the system gave you gold when you transfered gems that system has not changed.

Yes, at the headstart both the gem and gold pool has been seeded by anet, but both those seeds were exhausted looong ago. Now they are filled only by players. Thus every gem you get for gold has been bought for real money, and every gold you get for gems has been earned by someone in game first. The price of gems rises, because there’s always more players exchanging gold for gems than the other way.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

The very premise of this thread makes no sense to me. Considering the amount of response it’s gotten, though, I may be a unique situation.

When I quit a game, I quit it. I don’t troll the forums, because they serve no purpose to me any longer. I am not playing the game, therefore the things happening don’t effect me.

As such, if I "quit"* GW2 I would never see this thread because I was no longer playing. Furthermore, if I decided to return the thread would do me no real good because I’ve already returned to find out what’s happening for myself.

So my question is, what exactly is the purpose of this thread, and what is it actually meant to accomplish?

*You can’t really quit GW2, that would be like quitting a single player game. It will always be there available to play any time you want, if you want.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

That’s incorrect. The gem to gold conversion does not add gold to the economy, it is players trading gold they earned from the game. It actually acts as a gold sink in the economy, by way of a built in transaction fee.

No you are incorrect. When you buy gems with real life money and you purchase gold that gold comes from vapor.

It is untrue, according to devs the gold is deducted from the pool that all the players transferring gold to gems have created.

This is only, actually, true, if it were possible to exhaust that supply. If the Gem conversion could literally run out of Gems or Gold, such that no more transactions in that direction were possible, then there is an actual pool of some kind. I am fairly certain the current stat of the conversion economy is the way it is because that’s not true. The prices only go up, like gas.

This can be seen in Neverwinter where the supply of Zen, their version of Gems, has been exhausted. There is no Zen for sale, and hundreds of thousands of people looking to buy it. But then, in that game the transaction is actually player driven. Rather than buying Gems from the game and selling them to the game, they buy and sell Zen directly from other players, through the game.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


“To Those Who Have Quit This Game” … why are you still on the forums, reading posts like this?

I’m more curious about the mentality that would make someone post a message to people that aren’t there…

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Hey, lets give it another shot, they have come closer and closer to perfecting their craft.

i see a bright future and no i am not a fanboy, never been. Either way, i think this game will become better than most of us expect it to become.

Nah sorry. Wildstar is just so much fun, and I’ve already got a CREDD so I my seoncd month (and I’m pretty sure every month) will be free. The Diminishing Returns and constant nerfing of every way of making decent gold for a casual player was really starting to get annoying, and Wildstar came along just at the right time.

My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Hey, lets give it another shot, they have come closer and closer to perfecting their craft.

i see a bright future and no i am not a fanboy, never been. Either way, i think this game will become better than most of us expect it to become.

Gave them “another shot” time and time again only to be disappointed. I see no future for this game and see it becoming worse and worse. I will still watch and would love to be proven wrong but I am not going to hold my breath and not going to give them another chance to disappoint me until things are FAR better then they are now.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord of Rings.5371

Lord of Rings.5371

I like the graphics, the dynamic combat, the competition, and the social connection of the game. Truly it is the only MMO anyone even need.

The problem is that it is too attractive. This game can easily take over one’s mind resulting thousands hours of in game time and even more time thinking about the game while not playing it.

It is complex and deep. For example, there are traits and additional of 1315 (out of 9945) WvW rank abilities points after level 80, and as result many quit without really learned the game. But after spending enough time in the game, it can be very addictive.

For this reason, the game welcomes players back because it is only a matter of time before one loses one’s mind to this world. This could lead to lost of sleep, lost of time for physical activities, and lost focus in real life.

One way to escape is to be with people who do not play this game.

And plan ahead and do not involve your close ones in this, just in case your life wants you to be more focus on real life situations.

Fire Water Air

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


I simply have to laugh at all the people on these forums who claim to have quit the game, yet continue to post here. If you’re not going to play anymore, why not simply move on? Why get mad, or make a scene?

I don’t stalk the forums for WoW, Tera, FFXIV, or Aion, just to constantly complain. I didn’t write an extensive open letter entitled “Why I Am Quitting This Game,” or try to convince others to quit, on the way out. I just stopped playing, and didn’t put extra effort into daring others to try and stop me. Some of you should try it; it’ll save you a lot of time.

Note that I’m not saying there isn’t a place for criticism, voicing frustration, or even complaints. But I’m sure you probably took ample opportunity to voice those complaints already, in dozens of different threads. The rest of us don’t need to hear about it from people who insist they don’t want to be here, yet refuse to leave.

As for the OP’s statement of “let’s give it another shot,” it’s certainly worth doing, in time. I myself took a break from the game for a while. It wasn’t out of dissatisfaction or disappointment — it wasn’t even intentional. I just didn’t play one day, then didn’t play the next day, until after a few months I had unintentionally “quit” without realizing it. I mean, no matter how good a game is, it can’t be the only thing that holds one’s attention.

Having followed some of the updates GW2 had over that time, I was starting to get the itch again. So, I started playing once again. And as we all know, that’s the easiest thing in the world to do, because there’s no subscription to set up, no gear grind to catch up with “power creep,” and no reservations about whether it will be “worth it” if you won’t get to play a certain quota of hours each month. Personally, I’m finding tons of reasons to play nowadays — more than I ever had before. Sometimes, taking a break is needed, and can cleanse your palate. Go, try some other games on the side, and come back later.

It’s funny someone mentioned Wildstar. I tried the beta for that one, and man — if there is anything that makes me appreciate GW2 to the fullest, it’s sampling another MMO. Yikes!

(edited by Fyrebrand.4859)

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Talcmaster.7391

The Talcmaster.7391

always remember that if one of your players is angry with you, it is because he really cares about the game, and that’s much healthier for you than apathy

That’s a line from Jeff Strain (one of the founders of Arenanet) in a speech he gave soon after GW2 was announced. Keep that in mind before you say anything about people complaining on forums.

I can firmly say that I quit last summer, as I last logged into the game to make sure that my account wasn’t stolen. I still check into the game’s updates and read the forums from time to time, because you could say I invested quite heavily into the game, what with the waiting and anticipating for half a decade (big GW1 fan). I really like the many changes that happened in the feature pack (even if stuff like megaservers left the API a pile of smoking rubble, but sacrifices have to be made sometimes), and the announcement of season 2 living story being more of a permanent nature is almost enough to make me come back. But as much as my stopping was in protest of those sorts of practices (activity level speak louder than forum posts), I remember what I spent most of my time in game doing each day: A checklist of repetitive chores that leave me not wanting to play at all once they were done.

It’s normal to get tired of a game after a while, and I got tired of GW1 regularly. But the thing is that I left the game still liking it, just wanting to do something else. So I kept coming back to it. I think about GW2 and I don’t want to get mired in it again. Part of that has to do with the timegating making it feel like I am being punished for not putting time in every day. Punished for being busy, essentially. I am not going to play something that does that. If that changes, maybe I will come back for a bit.

Fort Aspenwood – [fury], [SAO], [NICE]
Fun on someone else’s schedule is not fun

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peow peow.2189

Peow peow.2189

Bring amazing spvp skins that cant eb bought with gold but only spvp exp, then youl have me back in a heart beat.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689



Tera was a grindfest, after about level 20, it slowed down severely, like all grindfests. Maybe not as much as the grindiest grindfests, but still grindfest nonetheless.

That other game which name you don’t say is also probably another grindfest in which you mostly kill boars all the time.

GW2 has many flaws, but when players go to other games, that’s when they’ll see all the small things that were not flaws but greatly improved the experience.

They try and move when activating skills… and they can’t or get skills canceled…
Try to travel to places… and there’s no waypoints and they have to walk all the way there…
Try to help some newbie… and they get dissed for “stealing kills”…
Try to get some cheap gear, and they take ages just to get a single piece…
And on, and on…

It’s the “You don’t know what you have until you miss it” effect.

That’s when you get “GW ruined other MMOs for me” posts. You don’t get that nearly as often with any other game.

It’s not arrogance when it’s true.

And Bulls are dichromat colorblind. They do not chase the muleta for being red, as they don’t see that color. They chase it for how it moves. They are being tortured and stressed, and they will charge to the first thing that flutters in front of them. A bull would usually ignore a thing like that unless they feel danger.
I know it’s just an expression, but I will never see any need in keep an expression as it is if it’s wrong.

Used to be the case, but people are catching on, the game im currently playing;
you can move freely in combat;
has fast travel/warps/teleports, though not exactly same as WP
no kill stealing
fairly cheap mid range gear.
a balance of quests in the field that autocomplete and traditional quests.

And yeah GW2 did a lot right, but with this latest MMO, i started out like kitten GW2 did this so much better, and the more i play it now, im like, man but it did XYZ so much better, and XYZ is things that will probably matter more when it comes to long term enjoyment.

And another big MMO looks like it too will adopt a lot of teh strengths of GW2. They did achieve the goal of altering the genre a bit, the key for them now, is will they be able to be the front runner in its style, or will they be the old model that didnt quite get it right.

I still believe they could be the front runner, but they have to step up the depth of the content, It needs to encourage mastery more. It needs to have deeper more involved stories/lore that you can pursue, It needs to tie more rewards to designed content. Most of all it needs to grow, new weapons/skills proffesions, zones, stories.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


always remember that if one of your players is angry with you, it is because he really cares about the game, and that’s much healthier for you than apathy

That’s a line from Jeff Strain (one of the founders of Arenanet) in a speech he gave soon after GW2 was announced. Keep that in mind before you say anything about people complaining on forums.

I can firmly say that I quit last summer, as I last logged into the game to make sure that my account wasn’t stolen. I still check into the game’s updates and read the forums from time to time, because you could say I invested quite heavily into the game, what with the waiting and anticipating for half a decade (big GW1 fan). I really like the many changes that happened in the feature pack (even if stuff like megaservers left the API a pile of smoking rubble, but sacrifices have to be made sometimes), and the announcement of season 2 living story being more of a permanent nature is almost enough to make me come back. But as much as my stopping was in protest of those sorts of practices (activity level speak louder than forum posts), I remember what I spent most of my time in game doing each day: A checklist of repetitive chores that leave me not wanting to play at all once they were done.

It’s normal to get tired of a game after a while, and I got tired of GW1 regularly. But the thing is that I left the game still liking it, just wanting to do something else. So I kept coming back to it. I think about GW2 and I don’t want to get mired in it again. Part of that has to do with the timegating making it feel like I am being punished for not putting time in every day. Punished for being busy, essentially. I am not going to play something that does that. If that changes, maybe I will come back for a bit.

yeah the style of timegating they chose, is very play every day or dont play all. They at somepoint got better with the dailies being less of a checklist, and more of a do anything, but then they cut down the options last update.

The ascended crafting is very daily oriented in a bad way as well.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twizya.4075


I have not completely quit the game. I have moved away, but I am keeping an eye on it, and I will probably play from time to time.

The game has good and bad. Unfortunately, for me, the bad (personal opinions, mind you,) has slowly begun to outweigh the good.

The good:

1. Beautiful Graphics
2. No competition for nodes and resources, and everyone gets credit for mobs.
3. Dungeons are optional
4. Uber Gear is optional (unless you’re doing fractals and certain elite (notice I didn’t say “elitist”) content
5. No forced PvP unless you want (insert benefit here)
6. Downleveling

The Bad:
1. Changes to traits and skills – They may not be bad, generally, but I don’t personally like them.
2. When there’s no LS, there’s not a lot to do once you’re done leveling to 80 unless you like dungeons or ride the boss trains
3. Sameness – Everyone looks like everyone else
4. Risk vs. Reward – It’s not like I want bags of gold for doing menial tasks, but when you receive 6s for an epic battle when things you need are 100’s of gold, it’s demoralizing.
5. Once you’ve seen the map, you’ve seen the map.
6. Alternate leveling sucks. Do the same hearts and PS quests over and over again, but forget about leveling through any other activity unless a) you don’t mind spending months to get to 80 or b) you’re rich and can buy all the mats to craft your way through (insert number of levels here.)
7. Zerg vs. Zerg – no concerted effort to employ tactics. SImply grab 100 of your closest friends and go DPS the hell out of your objective and the rest be kittened. Which brings me to:
8. No place for pure support builds. I can buff, debuff, protect the DPSers, whatever, but if I can’t DPS enough, I’m not going to get diddly when it’s over.
9. Megaserver – This was almost the last straw. I can’t even play with my friends without jockying for space on the server. It was so much better (for me) without it.

The game started out brilliantly, but over the past couple years (including betas) it has evolved into a game I no longer “love.” I still like a lot about it, but I find that as time goes by, there’s less and less of the things I like.

I like the game. I just don’t love it any more. If they move back toward the way it used to be at the beginning, I will play more.

Man get out of my head!!!

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

“To Those Who Have Quit This Game” … why are you still on the forums, reading posts like this?

I’m more curious about the mentality that would make someone post a message to people that aren’t there…

Believe me, at least 90% of those that left still watch/reply in these forums.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haxwell.7398


Unfortunately, to any veteran GW1 players, GW2 was failure from the start. A small upgrade in some fields, massive downgrade in most.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

Unfortunately, to any veteran GW1 players, GW2 was failure from the start. A small upgrade in some fields, massive downgrade in most.

If GW2 had followed the manifesto as it was advertised during the time we were playing GW1 things would be WAY DIFFERENT and better, but, the way I see it the manifesto was nothing more than GW2 BAIT then they SWITCHED IT to what it is now, BAIT AND SWITCH fiasco to get our money.

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Nobody that’s posting on these forums has actually quit the game. They are taking a break. They don’t understand what quitting means.

You can’t say you’ve quit the game more than once like some of these posters have been. “I quit 2 months ago, then I came back and played a little, then I quit again for a few months, then I tried it again after the patch…”

That’s not quitting, that’s taking a break from the game. Quitting implies done for good. If you are spending your time on the forums of a game you’ve “quit” then you haven’t quit, you are merely taking a break and keeping yourself informed to judge when to come back.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


“To Those Who Have Quit This Game” … why are you still on the forums, reading posts like this?

To those who hate reading replies from those that quit the game, on a thread that is addressed " To those who have quit the game."

Why are you reading it?

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360



Tera was a grindfest, after about level 20, it slowed down severely, like all grindfests. Maybe not as much as the grindiest grindfests, but still grindfest nonetheless.

That other game which name you don’t say is also probably another grindfest in which you mostly kill boars all the time.

GW2 has many flaws, but when players go to other games, that’s when they’ll see all the small things that were not flaws but greatly improved the experience.

They try and move when activating skills… and they can’t or get skills canceled…

Don’t miss it. I play a Monk. Monk’s can move and cast. Besides, NOT being able to Move when you need to cast channeled skills adds another element on tactical play to combat. “Do I move? or can i stop to channel a spell, while the mob is either distracted by another player…or do I take a few Lumps?”

The Irony is… a GOOD thing in my opinion, a Good thing Anet tossed out with the bathwater.

Being able to move with all skills…is not a good thing.

Try to travel to places… and there’s no waypoints and they have to walk all the way there…

For me… waypoints make the game world feel smaller. And it ruins my immersion. Having to hoof it everywhere, for me… makes the world feel more real. Less Instanced.

Try to help some newbie… and they get dissed for “stealing kills”…

As opposed to trying to kill a champion, and get dissed for " stealing Champion kills from the champion train" ?

Try to get some cheap gear, and they take ages just to get a single piece…
And on, and on…

I get by with gear that drops off mobs, my entire experience of “That game that shall not be named.”is, I have never had to buy gear til I reach level cap. Til then, I don’t need a single piece of gear that needs to be purchased. I accumulate gold fine.

It’s the “You don’t know what you have until you miss it” effect.

Funny, I was just thinking the exact same thing, I did Not know what i had in “That game that shall not be named”, til I played Gw2 through the last few months of patches and changes…. and Missed it.

That’s when you get “GW ruined other MMOs for me” posts. You don’t get that nearly as often with any other game.

My experience is the opposite… Gw2 has taught me to love “That game that shall not be named” again.

It’s not arrogance when it’s true.

It’s arrogance when it’s not.

And Bulls are dichromat colorblind. They do not chase the muleta for being red, as they don’t see that color. They chase it for how it moves. They are being tortured and stressed, and they will charge to the first thing that flutters in front of them. A bull would usually ignore a thing like that unless they feel danger.
I know it’s just an expression, but I will never see any need in keep an expression as it is if it’s wrong.

It’s a metaphor. Relax. besides I never said a RED cape. Did I? There is a reason, I also Know a Bull is color-blind.

Lastly. It took me this long to reply because I have not checked the gw2 forums all week. Read into that what you wish.

Also, While I can understand and accept that you enjoy Gw2. And while My attitude is " to each his or her own." I do not understand this … thing, where people hear players saying " I went back to “That game that shall not be named”, and checking in from time to time to see if there are changes that I might be interested in checking out."

and Instantly, get responses like this,..telling everyone " Gw2 is awesome… gw2 ruins other games for all players." Just because it ruined other games for them.

I assure you…Gw2 has NOT ruined “That game that shall not be named” for me… Pandas, battle-pets, and Monks, are ruining Gw2 for me.

As things are now..Unless Anet changes direction, I may find myself spending less and less time on gw2.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I like the graphics, the dynamic combat, the competition, and the social connection of the game. Truly it is the only MMO anyone even need.

The problem is that it is too attractive. This game can easily take over one’s mind resulting thousands hours of in game time and even more time thinking about the game while not playing it.

It is complex and deep. For example, there are traits and additional of 1315 (out of 9945) WvW rank abilities points after level 80, and as result many quit without really learned the game. But after spending enough time in the game, it can be very addictive.

For this reason, the game welcomes players back because it is only a matter of time before one loses one’s mind to this world. This could lead to lost of sleep, lost of time for physical activities, and lost focus in real life.

One way to escape is to be with people who do not play this game.

And plan ahead and do not involve your close ones in this, just in case your life wants you to be more focus on real life situations.

There are those of us Not as …. Enraptured I guess. We find it easy to play other things, and monitor the forums to see if things improve. Not everyone agrees the recent changes improved things In general… maybe a few of the trees are shiny, but the forest is dieing.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SMichealSmith.2469


I would just like to comment, that i have easily, with a little work and effort, made 100 g in the span of 24 hours. there are alot of ways to make gold, fractlals and dungeons are probably the most popular, and very profitable. another way is farming t6 mats, either in orr, or southsun. gathering from rich nodes (iron and plat to be exact) is currently how im making the majority of my gold. other than this, there is playing the tradepost which you can find alot of info about online. do world events, salvage the rares, sell the ectos. these are just the ways that i grind for gold, granted there are plenty of other ways. (being a hoarder will not make you rich)

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phadde.7362


It’s slowly becoming better, but there doesn’t seem to be neither additional sPvP game modes, nor challenging PvE content on the horizon.

There just isn’t nearly enough.

Vote for/against <dueling>:
Cred to Latinkuro
Gw2 is a masterpiece at it’s foundation. Content-wise however…

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord of Rings.5371

Lord of Rings.5371

There are those of us Not as …. Enraptured I guess. … maybe a few of the trees are shiny, but the forest is dieing.

Yeah. There was a time I had nothing to do in the game. The zones were empty on my server, and I died instantly when running into a zerg in WvW. No guild mates were online from the guilds that were formed at the launch. That was about 340 hours in game time and before the MegaServers.

Then I gusted to BlackGate for the Triple Wurms and experience coordinated play with many players. I joined a WvW guild and improved gears, changed skills. Now after about 600 hours of playing as an elementalist, I can charge into a zerg and deal damage and come out alive and I can solo capture Camps in WvW and I have done so many times.

People quit the game for many different reasons. Some players quit because they have not understood the complexity of the game. Others quit because after learning the depth and scale of the game, they could not justify the amount of time spend in the game and the extra time thinking about it outside game.

The game comes alive when there are many players in involved. An effective way to learn the game is to found others and play along. An effective way to quit the game is to spend time with people who do not play this game.

Fire Water Air

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


That’s incorrect. The gem to gold conversion does not add gold to the economy, it is players trading gold they earned from the game. It actually acts as a gold sink in the economy, by way of a built in transaction fee.

No you are incorrect. When you buy gems with real life money and you purchase gold that gold comes from vapor.

It is untrue, according to devs the gold is deducted from the pool that all the players transferring gold to gems have created.

This is only, actually, true, if it were possible to exhaust that supply. If the Gem conversion could literally run out of Gems or Gold, such that no more transactions in that direction were possible, then there is an actual pool of some kind. I am fairly certain the current stat of the conversion economy is the way it is because that’s not true. The prices only go up, like gas.

This can be seen in Neverwinter where the supply of Zen, their version of Gems, has been exhausted. There is no Zen for sale, and hundreds of thousands of people looking to buy it. But then, in that game the transaction is actually player driven. Rather than buying Gems from the game and selling them to the game, they buy and sell Zen directly from other players, through the game.

Exactly. In STO it’s the same way there have been times when the direction in STO was so bad that the conversion economy became so scarce that the prices skyrocketed and it was an emergency situation for the devs. They knew that if they didn’t make major improvements in the game quickly that the game’s economy would crash and that the game itself would lose lots of players. This happened in D3 where 60% of the players suddenly vanished all at once when things like their own version of DR was put in place to limit the amount of drops from enemies that players could farm (because their economy demanded grinding as well at the time).

This is the same old system. Economically we’ve seen it before, do not be fooled by the gem store conversion because that is immaterial, nerf after nerf after nerf to activities to that provide gold outside of Eotm (which used to be in WvW mind you) has been a thing now for a long long time, add to that recent unmentioned changes to the dungeons (the only other means of making gold) and you’ve got a clear and present system of preventing players from gaining wealth from gameplay.

6 months ago we were told there would be a complete revamp of the rewards system. Still haven’t seen that one have you? I don’t understand how people cannot see the truth of this problem. Whenever there is ever an economy in a game where the developer wants you to spend more real money in the store to buy things you get in the game no matter how normal it looks it always always ends up making the game less fun because in order to prevent people from just playing the game and actually improving sales of the currency in the store one must limit the rewards, which as any game psychologist will tell you, is the KEY reason why people play games. To feel rewarded.

I don’t know about you but when i complete a map I don’t feel particularly rewarded. 5 silver, a piece of armor that looks like the whites I find so it doesn’t even have visual value, and some achievement points I can’t spend directly (unlike other achievement systems in other games where there is an achievement store) just doesn’t feel like it’s a game anymore. If that’s all you have to look forward to when you login it’s just not fun. And yes other people play for other reasons and that’s fine but the majority of players play to feel rewarded and when that feeling isn’t there they search for it elsewhere.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


There are those of us Not as …. Enraptured I guess. … maybe a few of the trees are shiny, but the forest is dieing.

Some players quit because they have not understood the complexity of the game. Others quit because after learning the depth and scale of the game, they could not justify the amount of time spend in the game and the extra time thinking about it outside game.

The game comes alive when there are many players in involved. An effective way to learn the game is to found others and play along. An effective way to quit the game is to spend time with people who do not play this game.

I Played Guild Wars. Trust me, this game is neither complex nor deep.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

(edited by Nerelith.7360)

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord of Rings.5371

Lord of Rings.5371

I Played Guild Wars. Trust me, this game is not complex or deep.

I played a lot of GW and achieved God Amongst Mere Mortals, about 6 times more in game time in GW (over 4000 hours) than GW2 (about 700 hours).

GW has a lot of horizontal development through secondary professions and heroes after level 20. GW2 after 80 level, has WvW ranks, ascended armors and legendary weapons to add its depth. Even though some are bored with WvW maps, the maps are a lot larger than the ones in JQ, FA and GvG in GW and the being 24/7 WvW is lot complex with competitions in GW.

In fact, it is so complex and time consuming to be successful in WvW that only few servers consistently staying in top tiers and many servers facing unrecoverable declines.

Fire Water Air

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


I Played Guild Wars. Trust me, this game is not complex or deep.

I played a lot of GW and achieved God Amongst Mere Mortals, about 6 times more in game time in GW (over 4000 hours) than GW2 (about 700 hours).

GW has a lot of horizontal development through secondary professions and heroes after level 20. GW2 after 80 level, has WvW ranks, ascended armors and legendary weapons to add its depth. Even though some are bored with WvW maps, the maps are a lot larger than the ones in JQ, FA and GvG in GW and the being 24/7 WvW is lot complex with competitions in GW.

In fact, it is so complex and time consuming to be successful in WvW that only few servers consistently staying in top tiers and many servers facing unrecoverable declines.

If you say so dude. Needs more dragons.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord of Rings.5371

Lord of Rings.5371

Just play GW2 for fun when you have time.

Have fun dude.

Fire Water Air

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Just play GW2 for fun when you have time.

Have fun dude.

Some people’s fun is the prospect of getting rewards for in game activities, when those rewards are missing or extremely cheapened by the economic model, it destroys that type of player’s fun. Where do you think constructs like the “Ding” for leveling came from in the first place?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maraca Kabob.3564

Maraca Kabob.3564

How about
permanent additional content
More dynamic enemy mechanics
more dungeons, basically keep adding stuff like FotM. best update by far

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord of Rings.5371

Lord of Rings.5371

Some people’s fun is the prospect of getting rewards for in game activities, when those rewards are missing or extremely cheapened by the economic model, it destroys that type of player’s fun. Where do you think constructs like the “Ding” for leveling came from in the first place?

Yeah. Now I do not have any expectations based on the game’s PR any more, after finding out the much of the gaming experience was unexpected, starting from the Manifesto to the season 2 WvW rewards.

So I play only when I have time and what is fun. I play it on my terms. Do not play Fractals or Dungeons; do not grind for weapons skins or armors, just no time for them.

Right now my tiny goal is a few more WvW ranks while helping my server improving its WvW ranking because I totally appreciate all the time and energy many of the server mates have invested in the game. Unlike the PR of the game, they did not disappoint me. They are trying their best to make the experience fun for all of us despite all the curve balls given by the developer.

If I miss the Season 2 of Living World because I have no time for it, so be it. I would not be disappointed.

Fire Water Air

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


Just play GW2 for fun when you have time.

Have fun dude.

Some people’s fun is the prospect of getting rewards for in game activities, when those rewards are missing or extremely cheapened by the economic model, it destroys that type of player’s fun. Where do you think constructs like the “Ding” for leveling came from in the first place?

“Ding” has nothing to do with “cha-ching”. As an early player of EverQuest I remember playing EQ with sound accidentally disabled. I thought " hey I never played an MMO before, maybe it goes with out sound."

Then I updated my sound card driver, and leveled. And I heard this Huge " Ding!"…

Ding is Not about reward, it’s about the sound EQ made when you leveled.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.

To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerelith.7360


Just play GW2 for fun when you have time.

Have fun dude.

Some people’s fun is the prospect of getting rewards for in game activities, when those rewards are missing or extremely cheapened by the economic model, it destroys that type of player’s fun. Where do you think constructs like the “Ding” for leveling came from in the first place?

You are right. This has the feel that it was put together by a bunch of amatures that don’t know the basics of MMO design.

Or maybe the MMO design is centered around maximum Money earned for Anet for minimum expenditure of energy, time, money and / or resources.

The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.