Topic on End Game
I would never report people for disagreeing with me. I believe the right for a healthy debate is at the cornerstone of any good community.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I would like to see more character progression. New storyline would be a start. New ways to get new skins for both armor and weapons.. I want to be able to constantly work towards a goal that may take a while.
I have already obtained every pve goal you can pretty much want to get and I’m feeling like there is nothing else for me to work towards. I hate leveling alts and I really mean HATE. If endless character progression was possible give me more of that.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
7. Just enjoying the scenery. GW2 is pretty and beautiful but you just can’t get lost like you could in GW1. And I still think GW1 had a magical feeling about it’s geography.
Wait what?
How did you get lost in GW1 with it being on rails like it was?
There were a large number of areas you never entered if you just did the story missions. Lots of them were rewarding to explore: unique bosses with a chance to drop weapons with rare skins, beautiful (for the time) landscapes (waterfall in The Falls, the Lonely Vigil in the Arid Sea, and so on), unique/elite skills to hunt and some interesting quests.
Taking a party out into the unknown was probably my favorite part of the game. For example, I was absolutely stunned when I happened upon the connection between The Crystal Desert and The Desolation.
This is relevant to the topic: all this enjoyment took place long after I had reached max level, finished the game and collected a good deal of cosmetic gear. I don’t get the same sense of exploration in GW2; I’ve stopped completionist at 71% with little interest in fully exploring the remaining zones.
No, I understand that, what I’m saying is I think GW2 has much more explorable area because you can go almost anywhere (with few exceptions) on the map. In GW1 you were steered by mountains and couldn’t go up/past them.
That left one thing basically to do at end game for a PVe’er. Which was zone wide events, which gave the same rewards generally as Rifts. When I played, everyone basically ignored them and they couldn’t be soloed. So they’d fail. You couldn’t do them at all. You couldn’t go back to early zones, because nothing would even attack you. It was pointless.
They didn’t ignore anyone. They just did a “bad” job “by your standard”.
That is quite different from what you try to convey before.
By my standard and by the standards of lots of others. I was like Clay on those forums. I was the guy who thought the game might have a city that looked like more than a quest hub. Or it might have something to do other than dungeons. Or it wouldn’t put a raid at the end of the only epic quest line in the game.
That’s why I tolerate the guys who bash me all the time for being a fan boy. I was in their shoes on the Rift forums, along with a lot of other people. However, I was nicer to the fan bois than some people on these forums.
Tolerate? Lol!
I’m very tolerant of you guys. I don’t ever report you, even when you say things that are clearly derogatory. That’s pretty tolerant. I don’t even mind. I just figure it’s payback for stuff I said on the Rift forums. lol
I only report people who twist people’s words around and use subtle word play to insult them.
I think you’re way off base if you’re reporting somebody for not understanding what somebody is saying and considering that “twisting people’s words around.”
I don’t think much of the end game content on here but I wish there was something like 15-30 man instances, dynamic events or dungeons, and some kind of SGvG maybe.
Välkyri – 80 Warrior
JQ[Lulz] – Kill fur Thrillz…
Endgame in the way most people use it is asking for raids simply because most people grew up on WoW by now, and all you have there is raidgame or pvp-point grind.
I wish they would add more small explorable open world dungeons with a chest at the end. Not a pure jumping puzzle but a mix of real puzzle elements (pressure plates, switches, trapdoors etc) with challenging combat, time pressure due to respawns and some precarious jumping shortcuts. Put a nice chest at the end and voila.
There are at least 3, maybe as many as 5 full “dungeons” that are open world with multiple bosses and chests. They’re pretty unknown though. I’ve stumbled into two of them. Wiped horridly in one because I thought the things were just regular veterans, and got lucky on the other and stumbled in at the same time as 4 others. We did the whole thing, marveled at it, and went our separate ways.
The one I did as a group was triggered by an event, but not an event itself if I recall right. Hidden and not normally there. The one I tried to solo is always there, and people pass right under it all the time. Its pretty close to a common waypoint and near where two zones meet.
I’ve slipped through walls or bushes on accident before in this game and found myself in whole mini-zones. Sadly most of the ones I’ve found were empty of critters. But not always. Some have even had nods to GW1 lore.
I -DO- think the game needs more content, in the long run, if it is to survive. In my opinion we were given about a year and a half of viable PvE content at launch. We’re nowhere near that point yet. But content needs to keep coming in to keep things fresh.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
(edited by Kichwas.7152)
I have played WoW for the past 6 years. Cata was the first time I really did the so called “endgame stuff”. I wanted to go back and level up another character. Here’s the problem I ran into I was handed out massive amounts of XP just so I would be pushed to level 85. :| Really what if I wanted to you know take my time. There is more to the game then just hitting max level and max gear level.
I won’t go into the other problems I’m having with WoW right now. But the fact the for me GW2 has a cap of lvl 80 right from the get go is a plus for me on top of that the fact that once I get one character to lvl 80 I can go and make another and get that one to 80 at my one pace and time is a big plus.
The fact that I can go to another starting zone and level and seeing that area with out feeling like it’s a bad thing while wanting to see the story is fun for me these past few days. If running raids to get max gear and then getting more max gear is you’re thing then I don’t know what to say other then there should be more to and MMORPG. “key words” there RPG (role playing game) then max level and max item level.