Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i hope they show the true level of each persons in the party.

otherwise, if you played badly coz of reasons unknown, you will be suspected of being a low level in your party.

And if your fractal level is shown, and you are a low level, you will be booted without hesitation and this entire change is for nothing. No gear score, no inspections, nothing..is what I vote for. Keep everyone on “equal footing” in eachothers mind. If you stand in fire, thats your own kitten fault and they’ll boot you for standing in the fire, not for your fractal level. Id rather be booted because I screwed up, not because of a number next to my name.

i don’t mind levels actually. but my experience is that i can do smooth runs with my higher level fractal character than with my alt which is level 3 atm. i notice that these low levels are the ones that are ragequitting a lot. out of my zillion runs in my high level fractal char, i only encountered 3 disconnects. and in my low level character, a lot.

so that told me that these low levels have no patience and rage quit when the team gets heavy, which is natural because most of the team are still not experienced.

you can deduce from above that level means experience. and if you pug and high level, you know how to adapt to the group and perform accordingly. higher level means that you got enough experience to know what you’re doing.

and levels should be shown in the party window. if not, you will see lying noobs being carried.

What’s to prevent me on my level 80 thief whose at level 2 with full berserker’s gear who is traited purely for offense and is nearly useful in fractals, saying I’m at level 30 with 25 AR and joining a level 30 fractal run in an effort to get carried.

What’s to stop me from putting on full magic find rares and joining a level 40 run, claiming I have full exotic soldiers gear and 25 AR and that I’ve cleared up to 50?

this change promotes dishonesty. people will gonna lie. people will wear MF gear while being carried and does kitten in a group.

aka lying noobs everywhere.

unless they put the actual level of the person in the window that pops when you enter the fractal dungeon.

but still, the change is good for some people.

the system is good for people with alts that are fed with ascended stuff from their main with constant guild parties/friends who want to level alts.

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanH.5879


guys, but if we go to a lvl 30+ fractal with pugs, and 1-2 of them are low lvl like 1-2-3, and NO agony resist, wouldn’t that break the party?
how about inserting to see about what is their lvl and limiting them to max +10 levels above the lowest fractal number each party member has
so if the lowest guy is lvl 2, then party can do maximum lvl 12.
(just to avoid drama party’s and total disasters)

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grumwulf.9602


Some posters here need to reread the blog post. Rewards you recieve are based on your actual level. A level 2 cannot farm ascended gear. So there is in fact a disincentive for low level players to go too high as they will have all the difficulty, the higher health pools on bosses etc, but none of the reward. Noobs as you call them will not be sneaking into level 40 fractals because it would make no sense for them to do so. The only reason they might do this is if the only groups on the whole server are running 40 plus. This might happen eventually I suppose but for a long time new players will be grouping with players in the 1-10 category because that doesnt require agony resist. Players will generally go for the group that is the lowest possible number that can raise them a level.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Some posters here need to reread the blog post. Rewards you recieve are based on your actual level. A level 2 cannot farm ascended gear. So there is in fact a disincentive for low level players to go too high as they will have all the difficulty, the higher health pools on bosses etc, but none of the reward. Noobs as you call them will not be sneaking into level 40 fractals because it would make no sense for them to do so. The only reason they might do this is if the only groups on the whole server are running 40 plus. This might happen eventually I suppose but for a long time new players will be grouping with players in the 1-10 category because that doesnt require agony resist. Players will generally go for the group that is the lowest possible number that can raise them a level.

do you think that the high level fractal map will be tailored for the low levels? are you saying that the team will get different instances of mobs (like for the low levels much easier ai and for the higher level the actual ai)?

it’s most likely that the mobs that they’ll face will reflect the actual level of the party maker. and the low levels have to deal with that.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LemurTron.9261


I suppose the big question is how will agony affect the lower level player. If, in the given example, a level 1 is brought along on a fotm 21 run and hit with level 21-appropriate agony, I’m not sure how many groups will want that level 1 along (unless it is an alt fed some rings as mentioned) for that reason alone.

I’d imagine most scenarios will involve a ‘tier group’ ala 2 lvl 21s, 2 level 23s, and a level 25 are all willing to do a level 25. That alone will make finding groups much faster than currently, and is a good thing!

(edited by LemurTron.9261)

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I’d imagine most scenarios will involve a ‘tier group’ ala 2 lvl 21s, 2 level 23s, and a level 25 are all willing to do a level 25. That [b]alone[b] will make finding groups much faster than currently, and is a good thing!

everything will settle down to that tiered group anyway. coz they are closely leveled and the experience i assume is almost equal.

and is a good thing i also think.

I suppose the big question is how will agony affect the lower level player. If, in the given example, a level 1 is brought along on a fotm 21 run and hit with level 21-appropriate agony, I’m not sure how many groups will want that level 1 along (unless it is an alt fed some rings as mentioned) for that reason alone.

it won’t if that level 2 char is fed with +20 ar items gotten from his main.

so as ive said, change is good for alt leveling. unless a.net does things like there will be no agony on level 2 char or the ai is downscaled to level 2 mobs, which is additional (programming) tasks for them to implement, then itll be good for true low levels. the only issue is their actual experience that they bring to the team. will they be an asset or a baggage?

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LemurTron.9261


Yea if a level 2 player (with no mains to feed rings off of) is getting hit with level 20 agony AND is truly a level 2 player with only 1 run of fotm experience between all of his characters… he/she better be a really good friend of yours to want to bring along xD

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Yea if a level 2 player is getting hit with level 20 agony AND is truly a level 2 player with only 1 run of fotm experience between all of his characters… he/she better be a really good friend of yours to want to bring along xD

if you’re a friend, you will play at level 2 with him anyway. no need to bring him at your level. you will steam roll it because the ai is not that hard.

and you get karma for being a friend.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LemurTron.9261


a good point indeed

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krieb.6039


Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Some posters here need to reread the blog post. Rewards you recieve are based on your actual level. A level 2 cannot farm ascended gear. So there is in fact a disincentive for low level players to go too high as they will have all the difficulty, the higher health pools on bosses etc, but none of the reward. Noobs as you call them will not be sneaking into level 40 fractals because it would make no sense for them to do so. The only reason they might do this is if the only groups on the whole server are running 40 plus. This might happen eventually I suppose but for a long time new players will be grouping with players in the 1-10 category because that doesnt require agony resist. Players will generally go for the group that is the lowest possible number that can raise them a level.

All it says is “personal rewards” are determined by their level.

That is very ambiguous. It could mean anything. Why would they run it? Because higher levels give more relcs, more rares, more exotics.

Anet make Rev great again.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

this is a good idea.

i also propose that everyone gets the same MF as the person with the highest MF in the group so at least that guy will have something contribute to the party other than his constant deaths.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

That’s terrible, it would just encourage people to not invest in AR and run with someone who has more.

Anet make Rev great again.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krieb.6039


Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

this is a good idea.

i also propose that everyone gets the same MF as the person with the highest MF in the group so at least that guy will have something contribute to the party other than his constant deaths.

Haha, yeah that would be great.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

this is a good idea.

i also propose that everyone gets the same MF as the person with the highest MF in the group so at least that guy will have something contribute to the party other than his constant deaths.

Haha, yeah that would be great.

it is. it will make new “gear” roles. one guy takes care of the AR. one guy takes care of the MF. and the three other guys can wear their maxed DPS/Support gear without ascended items (for now since we got limited build stats at the moment) gimping their build.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ezd.6359


Until this patch (end of january) can you implement 8 strings of code earlier?

for(group as player){

Max allowed level is “MAX”, at the end all level<max should be promoted to MAX. I will be happy to go fractals not only for monthly achievement. Thank you.

English is not my native language, sorry :<

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krieb.6039


Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

this is a good idea.

i also propose that everyone gets the same MF as the person with the highest MF in the group so at least that guy will have something contribute to the party other than his constant deaths.

Haha, yeah that would be great.

it is. it will make new “gear” roles. one guy takes care of the AR. one guy takes care of the MF. and the three other guys can wear their maxed DPS/Support gear without ascended items (for now since we got limited build stats at the moment) gimping their build.

And then since the entire group now has perfect stats, then can now go afk and get free rewards at the end.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


All it says is “personal rewards” are determined by their level.

That is very ambiguous. It could mean anything. Why would they run it? Because higher levels give more relcs, more rares, more exotics.

Why? Because there’s nobody doing level 2 runs but that level 10 run is perfectly doable even with 0 agony resist.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

this is a good idea.

i also propose that everyone gets the same MF as the person with the highest MF in the group so at least that guy will have something contribute to the party other than his constant deaths.

Haha, yeah that would be great.

it is. it will make new “gear” roles. one guy takes care of the AR. one guy takes care of the MF. and the three other guys can wear their maxed DPS/Support gear without ascended items (for now since we got limited build stats at the moment) gimping their build.

And then since the entire group now has perfect stats, then can now go afk and get free rewards at the end.

In fact, forget the dungeon. Instead you get a mail daily that gives you some fractal rewards.

Anet make Rev great again.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I would like to know if ANet plan to add more uses for karma in to the game or even karma specific fractal items. I do not know about other players but having even more karma is useless to me and that as a reward is zero incentive for me to do a lower level dificulty. In the example the level 53 player would receive scaled down rewards (no incentive) and karma (again no point).

Indeed,having 500K + karma atm,and No idea what to do with it.I do like the changes they are making to fractals though.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Casia.4281


no one will take the fractal 2 player since he has no agony resistance.

the system is good for people with alts that are fed with ascended stuff from their main with constant guild parties who want to level alts. still won’t do kitten for the true low level characters who are pugging.

i don’t see the point of this change apart from the karma bonus.

Anyone 1-10 will take the level 2 player.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felicela.2810


All I have to say is Thank goodness, I have been dropped from more Fractals than I can count due to random boots from the game, and hated not being able to rejoin, the sooner this is in the better.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


thing is if a lvl 2 joins a lvl 50 fractal they’ll definitely be compromising the team? They should have a limit how far the lowest and highest level can be. ie. people within 1-10 can party together, 20-30 etc etc

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


2 important issues here …

1. Already not enough good karma sinks in game ( hoping for better karma rewards )
2. End of January ,

Maybe… maybe this is a hint for upcoming great karma rewards!!! :O

Attempts at ele specs:

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


The system is fine as is. I am at lvl 3 and did not have any problems finding a group to complete lvl 1 and 2. If you let a lvl 3 join a lvl 53 group, that lvl 3 is going to get kitten consistently by agony. These changes aren’t really making it that much better. If they’re going for non-gating content, then bad way of doing it because its just going to group people into brackets…1-9, 10-19, 20-29, etc etc. Obviously, there isn’t enough details out on this yet. The only way it would make it just slightly better is if the less than level 10 does not get hit by agony. Still though, I am not seeing a problem with the current system really.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Just put the fractal level into the agony damage algorithm, it’s the most fair thing to do.

Attempts at ele specs:

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

this is a good idea.

i also propose that everyone gets the same MF as the person with the highest MF in the group so at least that guy will have something contribute to the party other than his constant deaths.

Haha, yeah that would be great.

it is. it will make new “gear” roles. one guy takes care of the AR. one guy takes care of the MF. and the three other guys can wear their maxed DPS/Support gear without ascended items (for now since we got limited build stats at the moment) gimping their build.

And then since the entire group now has perfect stats, then can now go afk and get free rewards at the end.

In fact, forget the dungeon. Instead you get a mail daily that gives you some fractal rewards.

yeah, so the quote by mike o brien “we don’t make grindy games.” will be forever be true.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASB.4295


Looks like they want newbies and scrubs to be able to lie their way into fractal groups, which of course decreases the average success chance of a fractal group if players don’t take any precautions to weed out those undesirables. But how? In GW1, you had tokens you could show to other players in trade. Yes, you could also buy them, but the chances for a scrub to buy 100+ was enough of a deterrent to keep out the worst.

(edited by ASB.4295)

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cactus Brawler.7415

Cactus Brawler.7415

What is most likely is a scaled buff of passive agony resist, so that say at level 15 you have a baseline of X Agony Resist, and at level 25 X+10, but never as much as wearing the right level of Ascended gear.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kanthor.2094


To the super hardcore crowd that expects high standards from completely random people: stop pugging. As I said before, this change will make it much easier for you and your friends/guildmates to progress together.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genesis.5169


Personally i’m fine with this change as long i can see peoples current fractal level or something.

I don’t want bad people in my Fotm. For the people who say stop puging. Something your down one man and you need to find that one guy or sometimes you login late and you wanna do you daily and your guild has done it already.

Let us see players fotm levels and this is a pure win for me.

These forums are a joke its not for opinions or debate its just a safe place for people to cry at.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narat.9258


I dont normally post in forums, but I felt a strong urge to put this out there:

If you are on a fractals team doing missions and you DC for whatever reason, do not click the return to start button, the only thing you will succeed in doing is kicking the whole team out, forcing them to start over (especially if the team is on number 3 and either did not get the swamp mission or is playing very well together), the fix for dc wont be ready until next month, so please be considerate and just go make another team and try again, dont make entire team suffer because of your internet connection.

And at the same time, um Anet, why do we have to wait a month for the fix? Guild Wars has a 5 minute to reconnect feature there, cant you just copy the code into this game?

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holron.9271


I would like to see the following, make your fractal level account bound, not character bound.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Gosh this whole thread makes it sound like a level 2 fractal player is a complete and utter noob. Remember, most likely that player has played, obviously, to 80 and probably has a full set of exotics. He/she isnt a noob.


Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genesis.5169


Gosh this whole thread makes it sound like a level 2 fractal player is a complete and utter noob. Remember, most likely that player has played, obviously, to 80 and probably has a full set of exotics. He/she isnt a noob.


You seem to think its wrong to have to prove your self to the group before you can join. Will you pay for my repair bills? Will give me all the time i wasted because some newbie/scrub failed to pull his weight?

If not please stop with this OH i have exotics im pro crap.
I’ve seen people in LEGENDARIES fail at arah why? Because they either A sucked or B had no experience.

Let us see fotm levels and all is fine anet.

These forums are a joke its not for opinions or debate its just a safe place for people to cry at.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Gosh this whole thread makes it sound like a level 2 fractal player is a complete and utter noob. Remember, most likely that player has played, obviously, to 80 and probably has a full set of exotics. He/she isnt a noob.


You seem to think its wrong to have to prove your self to the group before you can join. Will you pay for my repair bills? Will give me all the time i wasted because some newbie/scrub failed to pull his weight?

If not please stop with this OH i have exotics im pro crap.
I’ve seen people in LEGENDARIES fail at arah why? Because they either A sucked or B had no experience.

Let us see fotm levels and all is fine anet.

How about stop with this “Oh I am a high fractal level player, Im OP” crap. Hm?

All I am saying is that if they allow displaying the fractal level of the player, that completely negates the purpose of this change. Right now, if you are fractal level 10 you cant get into that lvl 25 group that is spamming LFG. After the change, if you are able to see the fractal level, that lvl 25 group will take one look at your fractal level and boot you to the curb. Theres absolutely NO point to it. What dont you people see about this? Displaying the fractal level undoes the new system completely and Arenanet is not dumb enough to institute this new system with such an obvious freakin flaw.

Just get used to the fact that a low level player MIGHT join your “holier than though” level 40 group. Get used to it, going to happen unless people begin gear checks which will happen and cant be avoided.

If you want my opinion, the tier system was better: 1-10 together, 11-20 together, so on and so forth. No idea why this didnt happen. Chris Whiteside even alluded to this as a possible option and I thought it was a fantastic idea.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

(edited by cesmode.4257)

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaptainOok.1048


I still don’t understand how these changes will solve the issue of replacing a group member that leaves.
Even worse, I don’t see how it will solve the issue that affects every type of instance when the instance creator disconnects/leaves the group and kicks everyone else out.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkmoon.5849


Just get used to the fact that a low level player MIGHT join your “holier than though” level 40 group. Get used to it, going to happen unless people begin gear checks which will happen and cant be avoided.

First off, it’s “Holier than thou”. I got a good laugh though, so thanks.

Second, on to the meat and potatoes of this issue: Fractals have been and continue to be a bad idea, and a way of creating a disparity in the playerbase. This new change will only emphasize the issue, when a lower fractal level player, lacking agony gear, gets into a higher level group. The player will end up getting carried, or kicked. Displaying fractal levels on the FotM entry screen would be a nice change.

Don’t bother coming at me with the “you don’t want low level players tainting your pro group” nonsense; I’m only on fractal 11… because I’m pretty well bored to tears with this game.

Hope is the carrot dangled before the draft horse that plods along in the vain attempt to reach it

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


if the only reason for you to do fractals is to get ascended items, you can stop at level 26. fractal skins are ugly anyway and there is no point progressing beyond 26+.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


Perhaps they can implement something like this to avoid pug disasters:

Everyone gets the same AR as the person with the highest AR in the group.

If they did this,

You think the introduction of Ascended gear started a Kitten Storm, everyone who has been farming these would rage quit in less time than Anet broke the Manifesto

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

are they adding new fractals with this update? because i’m extremely tired of spamming same ones. They need to add new fractals and a goal (as rings/weapons were but now they drop like candy and too easy to get). Add new armors already or do i have to wait 2 years for the first expansion before getting anything new!~?

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


@nuke cola: You must be extremely lucky because I havent gotten a single ascended ring. Not one.

I hope they wait another 3-6 months before adding more gear. Plus, I think Chris Whiteside said something to the effect of “No, we wont be adding new gear every 3 months or so”. This was in the AMA

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


@nuke cola: You must be extremely lucky because I havent gotten a single ascended ring. Not one.

you can do level 10+ dailies and get the pristine fractal relics. 10 of those will get you a ring.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

@nuke cola: You must be extremely lucky because I havent gotten a single ascended ring. Not one.

I hope they wait another 3-6 months before adding more gear. Plus, I think Chris Whiteside said something to the effect of “No, we wont be adding new gear every 3 months or so”. This was in the AMA

I have 17 rings, ~380 fractals done, now bored as **** of them ALL.
Edit: if they don’t add a new dungeon, new gear or multiple new fractals (3+) i don’t know what exactly will be the reason for me to log in. I like to play challenging stuff and ultimately have a goal in those challenging areas and right now there’s NONE. Nothing to play in gw2 in only 3 months lol and that never happened to me in gw1 over 5 years… That what happens when your game has bs DR everything on everything, badly structured and unrewarding dungeons and the main goal they’re giving you is legendary weapons lol gw1 had none and i enjoyed farming/grinding rare skins to wear/sell way more than i will ever enjoy combining mats in mystic toilet ty.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

(edited by Nuka Cola.8520)

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


What is your magic find at? And when did the rings start pouring in?

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


@nuke cola: You must be extremely lucky because I havent gotten a single ascended ring. Not one.

you can do level 10+ dailies and get the pristine fractal relics. 10 of those will get you a ring.

This I know, still requires 10 days to get one. I think the Nuke Cola is referring to drops and all, not the pristine relic acquisition which was recently introduced.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horrorscope.7632


You seem to think its wrong to have to prove your self to the group before you can join.

How about proving yourself while being invited to the group? Fonzi disproves of your uncool behavior.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


I welcome these changes wholeheartedly. The people in my guild doing fractals are a pretty loyal bunch. We’ve been trying to schedule so that we all remain around the same level – so that no one is left out as we advance.

This change allows the more active players in the guild to advance without having to worry about leaving anyone behind.

It will also allow players with alts a way to bring their other characters without having to ask that the group repeat starting levels.

Outstanding change.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


I welcome these changes wholeheartedly. The people in my guild doing fractals are a pretty loyal bunch. We’ve been trying to schedule so that we all remain around the same level – so that no one is left out as we advance.

This change allows the more active players in the guild to advance without having to worry about leaving anyone behind.

It will also allow players with alts a way to bring their other characters without having to ask that the group repeat starting levels.

Outstanding change.

I agree. While it isnt exactly what I would have done, it is a step in the right direction. And your guild sounds pretty stellar, for waiting around for fractal levels. What server? PM me :p

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

Upcoming Fractal Changes: Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Psientist.6437


Could a consumable be used to mitigate Agony for avatars being advanced the furthest? Granted a low fractaled avatar is already receiving a benefit, but that benefit can and will affect party success rate. Consider the 2-21-21-21-53 as an axle and wheel assembly; the high and low the wheels and the mids the axle. To spin we need grease and the 2 needs the most.
Possible considerations for the consumable:
available within dungeon only?
cost of consumable to ascended gear ratio?
consumable effects based on comparative difference in actual and proposed fracting levels?

Please apply metafunphysics.

“No! You can’t eat the ones that talk!
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human