Update PVP Masquerade Armor Set in PVE?

Update PVP Masquerade Armor Set in PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yorda.3746


Update PVP Masquerade Armor Set in PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Masquerade is incomplete, it was rushed into launch.

try using mesmer greatsword on a human female with masquerade leggings.. real humans do not have a 1 foot droop like that.

Update PVP Masquerade Armor Set in PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lancaeron.1524


No, you’re all incorrect; this is not a bug, nor incomplete. The PvE version of the PvP Masquerade skin (Tribal skin for PvE aspect) was actually in-game during beta, but was removed by ANet by launch in August, seeing there was not a PvP version of the PvE Masquerade skin available anywhere in-game whatsoever. Another PvP armor skin that is not available in PvE is the Rubric skin. Only the chestpiece, of the Rubric set, is available, and can only acquired from one of the high-level personal storyline rewards.

Also, I don’t understand why people keep posting about this, because I keep giving the OP’s the same answer all the time I do post my replies. Yet, this same issue keeps coming back up. We were all given an update about it prior to the 3rd and final Beta Weekend Event, if I’m not mistaken, back in April, 2012.

(edited by Lancaeron.1524)

Update PVP Masquerade Armor Set in PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yorda.3746


The thing is I just want the same look for PVE I already use this look in PVP.

This is the armor I use right now in PVP it’s mixed with the some of the PVP Masquerade armor.

PS: What I’m trying to say is if they took it out of PVE can you please put it back in for me thank you! XD


(edited by Yorda.3746)

Update PVP Masquerade Armor Set in PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


The leggings look like the Pinion leggings in Lornars Pass.

Update PVP Masquerade Armor Set in PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


Also, I don’t understand why people keep posting about this, because I keep giving the OP’s the same answer all the time I do post my replies. Yet, this same issue keeps coming back up. We were all given an update about it prior to the 3rd and final Beta Weekend Event, if I’m not mistaken, back in April, 2012.

It’s not so much an answer or explanation but a speculation. Whether this is intentional on ANet’s part is not known currently.