Update on Hearts and Minds
We’ve been monitoring discussions about the Hearts and Minds instance and I’d like to take a moment to communicate the plans we have to address your concerns. The recent release of the Caladbolg content made it increasingly clear that we should take the time to make Hearts and Minds a more polished experience for all players. I picked up this project and am happy to say that we have a multitude of fixes in progress that we will release in a future update.
I would like to be clear on the scope of the changes being made: It is my goal to fix all blocking bugs within the instance and to address as many QoL issues as are quickly actionable. A major mechanical overhaul of the encounters is not in the works, but I will incorporate small changes that should result in noticeable improvements to the fun and quality of the experience.
When this update goes live, we hope you will share your thoughts about the changes on the forums. As always, we welcome your feedback.
Like many I am very happy to hear this but, over a year to even acknowledge that the climax to your first expansion has been broken since day 1 – Really?
Also, over a year ago, John Smith, said he was working on fixing mega servers. Since then, the countless and endless threads about empty maps keep on coming – Any chance, this might be addressed eventually?
good, so when are we finally getting w3 fixes?
While I appreciate the apparent proposed changes Soon™ I can’t help but die a little inside when I remember the release date of Heart of Thorns alongside the current date that ANet has decided to even consider fixing that lovely part of the game.
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns release date: 23rd October 2015
AKA: 508 days ago from today (14th March 2017)508 days.
508 Days.
508 DAYS.Five. Hundred. And. Eight. Days. And. It. Still. Full. O’. Bugs. Mah. Boy.
For real.
Pfffft… thats easy to top
Since release there is a bug in the game where characters suddenly stop moving. They pretty much freeze mid-movement and you can’t move in any direction until you let go of all keys. Oldest reports on the forums on that bug are from 2012 and its pretty annoying and happens “kinda often”.
Or that “nice” visual glitch where the “ghost-bird” that appears when you use the Swoop-skill on Rangers never disappears. That bug is even mentioned on the wiki since September 2014… and its in the game for much longer (at least mid-2013).
Not to mention all those nice bugs in EoTM that have been in there for years (broken NPCs @ Tytone, ways to glitch into Spire & Inferno, supply-camps being shown as “full” while they are empty, etc.).
Lets see how long it takes them to fix the broken NPCSs in “Into the Labyrinth”
A visual only glitch isn’t really comparable. If there was a glitch in the H&M fight where Mordremoth turns into an actual potato I don’t think it would matter much.
I’d just like to say this is good to hear especially that there won’t be much change mechanically as I feel it is a decent boss fight with focus on mechanics more than press 2 to kill or DPS as fast as you can.
I’d just like to say this is good to hear especially that there won’t be much change mechanically as I feel it is a decent boss fight with focus on mechanics more than press 2 to kill or DPS as fast as you can.
Funny you mention that, apparently some of the bugs can be triggered by doing too much DPS. :P
Personally the only thing I want to see is to separate the actual Mordremoth fight into its own instance. That way people could do the long part first, kill all the mordrem that surprise you, then kill the first 2 bosses, whichever ones you choose. Then the instance is over.
Now, all you have to do for the final instance is the mordremoth fight. This way even if it does bug out, you don’t have to run through all of that crap again. Or if you are trying to get that stupid don’t get hit while gliding achievement and screw up, you don’t have to do the whole instance again.
having the 2 bosses be in the same instance with the group of morderm at the start feels kinda unnatural since that part of the fight you are already inside the dream so it makes sense to have it being in the same instance with the modremoth fight. I’d suggest connect the instance wher you climb to the top of the tree with the first prat of the heart and mind isntance ( up until u reach trehearne) and then talk to him to open the next instance which is the dream .
The entire last chapter in HoT story feels unnatural.
Plus that’s a horrible reason to leave such a long instance in the game that has multiple annoying achievements associated with it and bugs out so often. It needs to be separated into 2 instances, or at the very least given retry motes after mordremoth that resets just the mordremoth fight and repairs your armor.
maybe a mote? u know like the one in the last instance of a crack in the ice one that skips the cave and takes you to the boss. That would be cool to skip the whole part and take us directly to trehearne. Also you are thinking with the bugs in mind, they said they will fix the bugs so take them out of the equation.
I just want to finish the HOT achievement. Migraine is undoable nowdays. It’s annoying to be dependable of people to finish the story achievements, when it’s presumed solo content.
I remember back when they called the story achievements challenging solo content, but allowed groups to trivialize them.
A mote could also work. I had forgotten that they existed in some episodes honestly. After you beat it once you can just mote straight to the mordremoth fight. Even when the bugs are fixed though, there is still flights of fancy achievement to worry about, so having to redo the entire instance every time you screw up once is aggravating to say the least.
Its the only HoT story achievement I don’t have, and the only reason I don’t have it is because of how tedious it is to constantly redo that instance over and over and over.
A mote could also work. I had forgotten that they existed in some episodes honestly. After you beat it once you can just mote straight to the mordremoth fight. Even when the bugs are fixed though, there is still flights of fancy achievement to worry about, so having to redo the entire instance every time you screw up once is aggravating to say the least.
Its the only HoT story achievement I don’t have, and the only reason I don’t have it is because of how tedious it is to constantly redo that instance over and over and over.
idk i cheesed that 1 EleGiggle i went up the vine with a friend of mine and as mesmers we out lasted the projectiles with evades and reflects ^^ because i cant find a way fml to not get hit by the eyes that fire at you
I thought I would never get to do the Caladbolg events. Hopefully this will make it possible for me.
I wouldn’t let the stories of trouble put you off. I didn’t do Hearts and Minds at all, largely because of them, until Caladbolg, decided to give it a go and have now done it about 8 times with really very little problems. Chances are you won’t hit the bugs enough to really get in the way!
This is good news for everyone as this fight has been a thorn in everyone’s side…
What I’d like to see addressed is:
The Penalty Box – This isn’t fun. The encounter isn’t a raid and it’s required to finish the story which is what a lot of people just want to do. If you were to change the encounter to have challenge motes that include a penalty box mode for an achievement, I think that would be the only way I’d like to see it stay.
Gliding – This part is OK if you hit the updrafts and don’t get smacked down by rocks. The problem is that the entire player base has been trained to jump into updrafts to glide…not run into them and hit a key. Why did you change how it works in this singular instance? Also…they are buggy…so there are many times where they just don’t work.
Encounter Phases – The entire thing needs phase waypoints that you can restart from as you progress instead of having to do EVERYTHING over from the beginning if you wipe. Again…this isn’t a raid.
Break Bar Bugs – The ONLY way I was able to finish this encounter was a lucky hit after playing through it multiple times. Each previous attempt had us stuck at the final phase unable to break his bar and do any damage. Just an endless stalemate. There needs to be some sort of timer that kicks in if this stalemate happens so that the encounter just finishes at some point. Playing a Valkyrie Reaper, I was indestructible, and so was he. I ran around for 30 min trying everything I could to get the breakbar to fall while my party mates were stuck AFKing in the penalty box. This isn’t fun.
Over all, it’s not a bad encounter…just not well put together.
A mote could also work. I had forgotten that they existed in some episodes honestly. After you beat it once you can just mote straight to the mordremoth fight. Even when the bugs are fixed though, there is still flights of fancy achievement to worry about, so having to redo the entire instance every time you screw up once is aggravating to say the least.
Its the only HoT story achievement I don’t have, and the only reason I don’t have it is because of how tedious it is to constantly redo that instance over and over and over.
You do not need to restart the whole instance for Flights of Fancy. At least according to the UI. Restarting the fight with Mordremoth will reapply the “you qualify for this achievement” icon.
A visual only glitch isn’t really comparable. If there was a glitch in the H&M fight where Mordremoth turns into an actual potato I don’t think it would matter much.
Of course, visual bugs aren’t that import (on the other hand: this bug drives you totally crazy and the only way to get rid of it is to relog or change the map-instance → which is “awesome” when you’re in a borderland with queue, a DS-map, etc. ) but it was more about the fact that there are bugs around that have been reported over and over again in the last couple of years and nothing happens. I’m totally with you that fixing “game-breaking” bugs is way more important! No doubt about that. But I would really like ANet to invest some time in a general “Lets fix the hell out of GW2”-patch
Would it also be possible to add a restart mote to the “No refuge” instance? The achievements requires the player to go through the whole instance every time they die, and it is very tedious
I agree with Mithran (I actually was in one of their groups for the challenge mode). Please do fix the challenge mode as well, or remove it from required story and mastry point achievements.
Thanks for looking into this!
I’ve never been able to complete it, so ANY change (in the right direction) would be good.
But, there are two absolute disasters that really MUST be fixed:
The penalty box. Really? You die, and you get to watch and hope your comrades can carry your worthless self. Not fun. Not fun at all.
The blowers need to be much more clear. Someone who is blue/gray (or blue/yellow) colorblind simply can’t see them. I once went with another player, and I could see where he was catching the updrafts. But, to my eyes, there was no updraft there. Change the color to either orange or brown, so no color-blind people are completely prevented from seeing them. And, make sure whatever color/texture you use contrasts with the flooring.
Oh, and shouldn’t this thread be in the HoT forum?
The updrafts are mostly transparently/white. Not being colorblind isn’t really much better off there. The sparkly effect on the floor isn’t doing it any favors either.
I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.
I didn’t particularly mind the challenge mode being somewhere between a hard dungeon and a raid – it is possible for most people to complete but it requires being very careful with builds and gameplay.
But I would prefer having some kind of mechanic to bring players back out of the penalty box, at an expense. Particularly in normal mode.
And it’s always better to be able to re-try achievements without having to restart the instance. Either that or offer repeat attempts the ability to skip to the end, as in the last instance of LS3 episode 3 (except actually working, as that never has).
I managed to get through it my first time through, but it was close and I was definitely concerned about some of my less sturdy characters going through it. It’s nice to see that it might be getting a bit of retuning.
Btw anyone else ever encountered the impromptu PvP bug?
I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.
That’s unfortunate since apparently the instance-opener being in the penalty box CAUSES some of the bugs.
Thank you thank you for working on bug fixing. I have found that if the instance owner is in the time out box, when Mordremoth enters the last stage, the rifts don’t spawn after the first 1 or 2. If you have 2 people alive that can coordinate heavy CC, it is workable, but tough.
Sometimes the updrafts fail to work.
Also have had issues with people DCing in the last cinematic and not receiving credit.
I’ve helped several guild mates get through this, and the bugs are so frustrating, especially considering the time the instance takes.
I also agree with removing the time out box. It is so frustrating.
Btw anyone else ever encountered the impromptu PvP bug?
I’ve become targetable as a sylvari when Mordremoth starts calling to me.
Btw anyone else ever encountered the impromptu PvP bug?
I’ve become targetable as a sylvari when Mordremoth starts calling to me.
It is possible to get stuck on the wrong team.
Thank you for this! I have yet to try Migraine, but I have encountered the bug where the Blighted Teammate (Tybalt in my case) turns green but never unfreezes, and the rift never becomes available to interact with again. That was frustrating. Also, lighting up the updraft cones for takeoff would be a real gift to vision-impaired players and a major QoL improvement for everyone.
I just completed this again for about the 10th time I think and hit 2 of the nasty bugs. One I have seen before which is VERY annoying and the other I guess is minor.
The first one is the “Annoying Eir” one. That is if you deplete her HP to zero weather it be by accident or on purpose while her pet is still alive you will NOT be able to close the rift. What happens is she will constantly spam her attack where the circles chase you around making it impossible to close the rift. This seriously needs fixing.
The second was with the Canach fight. You get to the part where he says to take the shield yet it does NOTHING. It reflects nothing back and does no damage. So you just drop it and hit the dude as per usual to finish the fight. Heck even the tooltip for the shield skill is simply “…” which seems like another bug in itself.
Apart from these bugs I agree with needing “save points” or something after each part of the fight where you kill off one of the summoned chars. It’s no fun killing them all and then falling out of the sky in the second take to the air part and not being able to recover and get yourself back up. Which of course results in having to do EVERY single one of those fights again.
I just did this as a zerk ele and let me tell you even in zerk mode the HP of these summons as well as Mordy himself seems far too much. Especially considering my low HP pool. However surviving the fights is not that hard but once you hit the air look out. With that low HP pool if you go down there is a good chance that’s it….repeat city for maybe another hour or 2.
I fell out of the sky twice and had to repeat everything. And even on my third attempt I fell again but luckily (and maybe due to a bug but a good one) I managed to pick myself up and get back into the air long enough for the next phase to continue and res myself. What happened was I used my skill 2 downed skill and managed to take to the air in that form (being I passed over the updraft). I managed to do this 3 times, the next phase started which gave me a chance to res and continue/finish the fight.
Tone down the HP pools while you are at it. As I said in zerk form the pools are too high. Which reminds me of the pain of when I ran 7 of my alts through way back when who were all in PVT gear. Let me tell you, it can easily add an extra 30 mins to an hour going in with any kind of survival/toughness gear due to their HP pools…no fun at all! And lets no forget that HOT was touted as being the killer of the zerk meta. How so when things take FAR, FAR, FAR too long to kill in any other gear?
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.
That’s unfortunate, Sean. Because, with the penalty box, the mission is simply not worth the time spent playing. I recommend abandoning your other fixes, because they won’t help significantly in comparison to leaving the penalty box.
But, perhaps you could explain WHY there’s a penalty box? I’ve not seen a single valid reason suggested for its existence, and it’s near-universally despised. But, there MUST be a reason for ANet to have spent the amount of time needed to construct it.
The updrafts are mostly transparently/white. Not being colorblind isn’t really much better off there. The sparkly effect on the floor isn’t doing it any favors either.
Ah. Then, just making them higher-contrast might help. Or, maybe tint them to contrast with the background.
I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.
That’s unfortunate, Sean. Because, with the penalty box, the mission is simply not worth the time spent playing. I recommend abandoning your other fixes, because they won’t help significantly in comparison to leaving the penalty box.
But, perhaps you could explain WHY there’s a penalty box? I’ve not seen a single valid reason suggested for its existence, and it’s near-universally despised. But, there MUST be a reason for ANet to have spent the amount of time needed to construct it.
My guess is to put more importance into being successful in the fight. I mean for most of the game most players can goof off and still pull through with what they are doing. They just don’t care how well they do because they don’t have to. There is little penalty for failing.
Here if you goof off you are going to be punished by being forced to do EVERYTHING over. This makes players play at their best or try harder/better. I don’t necessarily see it as a bad thing in general. But when you have parts such as this instance does as the falling out of the sky so easily or not even getting into the air in the first place! Then yes it’s a bad, bad, bad mechanic.
What happens is she will constantly spam her attack where the circles chase you around making it impossible to close the rift. This seriously needs fixing.
Keep spamming the rift. After enough ticks, it’ll just end. I’ve even had her continue attacking after it was done.
You get to the part where he says to take the shield yet it does NOTHING.
The shield seems useless, whatever it was actually intended to do, but the ability it gives you is spammable. If you hold down the button, it’ll constantly spam it and reflect some of the attacks. When it’s used however, the boss will do the same, going into his reflect/block stance, so it’s just a constant reflect spam on each other.
I just did this as a zerk ele and let me tell you even in zerk mode the HP of these summons as well as Mordy himself seems far too much.
Mordremoth feels like such a grind at first, with how little health you’re taking out, but the pace really picks up after you gain your friends. I’m guessing that was intended. It’s still very long though, compared to other bosses. I just did it on a p/p thief wearing zerker rares, and it took roughly 12 minutes for just Mordremoth, while Eir only took 3 and Canach took around 5.
The blighted NPCs during the fight have like a 90% damage reduction when they first spawn, to prevent you from killing them during their dialogue, which is a common stalling bug.
But, perhaps you could explain WHY there’s a penalty box?
It’s solo content. There is no penalty box when you do it solo.
The fight it taking place in the dream, so when you die, you’re supposed to be pulled out before your mind is shattered. Personally, I would have gone with the blighted mechanic, where a blighted NPC spawns on the dead of a player, which needs to be taken down and rifted to respawn them, the same way the NPC allies work.
The actual reason for it however is likely Migraine mode.
While I appreciate the apparent proposed changes Soon™ I can’t help but die a little inside when I remember the release date of Heart of Thorns alongside the current date that ANet has decided to even consider fixing that lovely part of the game.
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns release date: 23rd October 2015
AKA: 508 days ago from today (14th March 2017)508 days.
508 Days.
508 DAYS.Five. Hundred. And. Eight. Days. And. It. Still. Full. O’. Bugs. Mah. Boy.
For real.
I’ve never encountered a bug in that instance other than his bar not automatically breaking at the end and needing to do it myself. I’ve done that instance at least 15 times but probably about 20. If a bug is very rare, and difficult to reproduce, it’s not unreasonable to expect it to not get fixed immediately.
I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.
That’s unfortunate, Sean. Because, with the penalty box, the mission is simply not worth the time spent playing. I recommend abandoning your other fixes, because they won’t help significantly in comparison to leaving the penalty box.
But, perhaps you could explain WHY there’s a penalty box? I’ve not seen a single valid reason suggested for its existence, and it’s near-universally despised. But, there MUST be a reason for ANet to have spent the amount of time needed to construct it.
Unless you are doing Migraine mode ressing other people isn’t much of an issue …
Speaking of Migraine they should fix the exploit for it as well if they haven’t already.
My guess is to put more importance into being successful in the fight. I mean for most of the game most players can goof off and still pull through with what they are doing. They just don’t care how well they do because they don’t have to. There is little penalty for failing.
That makes some sense, but I would really like to hear it from ANet. Because if that’s the case, then it’s just one more example of how they gated everything behind either extremely difficult content or artificial delays. But, the last mission? That seems far-fetched even for HoT.
There is no need for a penalty box just to punish people for failing ..
There is already a mechanic thats there for people that massively keep on failing in the game, without rethinking on what they are doing and thats destroyed armor and standing somewhen after x fails completely naked there and having to repair your equipment. Thats the official “penalty system”. Nothing else needed to be there.
Thats the kind of punishment thats there for people who keep on failing and don’t learn anything from the mistakes and missing coordination/teamwork that lead to the situation of them having died so much that they are naked now.
I don’t see a reason, that should stop Anet from removing that pointless penalty box, unless its removal would cause some kind of completely new bugs that would require their very own fixes However.. a mechanic also doesn’t need to be removed", it can be simply also be just only “deactivated” with the programming codes ect still being fully intact of the instance, but just the trigger mechanic that moves defeated people into the penalty area beign deactivated, so that defeated people will stay where they are and can be revived by one of the still living players just as normally peole would try to do so.
Can’t believe, that something like that should be impossible to do.
The penalty box could also have been handled in a way similar to https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Echoing_Banishment
It’s great to hear that improvements are in the making! I barely got through this on my first character (experienced some of the bugs), and haven’t even tried on others due to this problem. After the fix I definitely will. Thanks Sean & whoever else is working on it!
Alright, despite from from my previous post I decided to re-do the mission on another character anyway (bug-free this time!). Here are some suggestions:
The first bosses are fine, the Mordremoth fight isn’t.
1. The electrified floor. The fight already lasts forever, with twists and turns and the difficulty increasing step by step. The elecrified floor and the gliding part are simply too much, I managed to get Mordy down to 25% on my first try and then failed to activate my glider → fight all over again. This feature should only exist in the extreme mode, since the fight is tedious enough without it. OR AT THE VERY LEAST: make it happen just once at the 50% mark, not thrice.
2. The penalty box. This is quite a harsh punishment, and shouldn’t reset the fight, which might take a very, very long time depending on the player’s gear and build. Maybe there could be a checkpoint every 25% or even 50% of the boss’ health?
Don’t get me wrong; I’m not one to complain about challenging content. I’m simply trying to look at this from a perspective of a casual player, who perhaps doesn’t yet have the optimal gear, buffs and build, who doesn’t yet time their dodges correctly, and who just wants to enjoy the story and get it completed. This is going to be a nightmare for those players. When I was still learning my way around the combat mechanics and the optimal gear, this story step was impossible for me to do. I never even got to the Mordy fight.
We already have the extreme mode, other challenging content, even the HoT maps are challenging on their own. The story part, even the last fight, doesn’t really have to be this difficult.
Just my two cents.
We already have the extreme mode, other challenging content, even the HoT maps are challenging on their own. The story part, even the last fight, doesn’t really have to be this difficult.
Just my two cents.
I have only tried it 2 times. wont go back. i shouldn’t have to do the WHOLE thing over every time i die. I wont. Im a casual, i just want to get the darn story done.
We already have the extreme mode, other challenging content, even the HoT maps are challenging on their own. The story part, even the last fight, doesn’t really have to be this difficult.
Just my two cents.
I have only tried it 2 times. wont go back. i shouldn’t have to do the WHOLE thing over every time i die. I wont. Im a casual, i just want to get the darn story done.
Exactly how I felt when I tried it for the first time. Then, 500 hours later I come back with full Elite and the best gear possible, and still find it way too difficult just to be a story chapter. Definitely doable, but tedious.
Oh, and I did it on a tanky minion master Reaper, and the minions sucked in all the damage. I can’t even imagine what happens when a class cannon Ele or Thief goes in there. The difficulty is definitely worth re-adjusting.
OMG die jas this authority had a problem on a part(party) there was a horrible window which to ask you to leave the authority during the fight. We have of to finish migraine has 4, by mistake 1 has to leave the authority.
Otherwise there is anything has to change PLS lost not of time(weather) silly they has thousand things has to make before example:
The promised storages there are months.
I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.
That’s unfortunate, Sean. Because, with the penalty box, the mission is simply not worth the time spent playing. I recommend abandoning your other fixes, because they won’t help significantly in comparison to leaving the penalty box.
The penalty box is only an issue when you’re trying the instance in a party, right? Some (myself included) have no desire to ever play the story in a party (something I think they know by now) fixing the other defects would help us to complete the instance without frustration.
I actually like that the battles reset when you die, and I wish the rest of the game’s checkpoints worked in a similar way.
Oh, and I did it on a tanky minion master Reaper, and the minions sucked in all the damage. I can’t even imagine what happens when a class cannon Ele or Thief goes in there. The difficulty is definitely worth re-adjusting.
In my experience, glass cannons tend to do this kind of fights with a similar survival quota as tanks: since glasses kill the enemys much faster, thay have less attacks to survive in the end, and the total damage received diminishes.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Oh, and I did it on a tanky minion master Reaper, and the minions sucked in all the damage. I can’t even imagine what happens when a class cannon Ele or Thief goes in there. The difficulty is definitely worth re-adjusting.
In my experience, glass cannons tend to do this kind of fights with a similar survival quota as tanks: since glasses kill the enemys much faster, thay have less attacks to survive in the end, and the total damage received diminishes.
Yeah, I get that. But if we consider the Mordy battle, there’s so much AoE, so much projectiles coming at you, you simply cannot dodge/evade/block it all. You will take damage no matter what, and the only way to survive it is to sustain it. Which is something glass builds cannot do. In this case, how fast you apply damage simply doesn’t matter.
Also, experienced players might beat the fight, but what about a casual player with green/yellow/exotic mixed gear who picks Thief, for example? There’s no way he can survive that. I strongly believe that the story mode should be something everyone can enjoy, but at the current state Hearts and Minds demands either high skill or optimal gear.
I actually like that the battles reset when you die, and I wish the rest of the game’s checkpoints worked in a similar way.
They mostly do already.
Some things even reset without anyone dying …
Also, experienced players might beat the fight, but what about a casual player with green/yellow/exotic mixed gear who picks Thief, for example? There’s no way he can survive that. I strongly believe that the story mode should be something everyone can enjoy, but at the current state Hearts and Minds demands either high skill or optimal gear.
Exotics are good enough for everything in the game except high level fractals and even there it is more for the agony resistance than the stat increase.
(edited by Khisanth.2948)
I’ve been keeping an eye on this post, and I’ve seen several comments asking for the removal of the penalty box. Unfortunately, that mechanic is intricately involved in the design of the entire instance and removing it is simply not feasible.
Great to hear it, its the last fight of an expansion, we are fighting an elder dragon. It should at least be on a difficulty above the rest of the story ( but the truth is that its not even that hard ).
If was not for the many bugs this fight would had been received much better as a last battle.
Aside from the bugs and poor design choices, Hearts and Minds seems to represent a disconnect between the audience that the content is designed for and the difficulty level. Who was your audience for this? Seems like it was made for raiders despite your story generally being billed as casual solo content designed for all players.
I did this as a zerker necro knowing that it’s intended for sturdier characters and expected to die a lot. I was expecting to die because I can’t face tank for long, there’s only so many times you can dodge, and because you’re supposed to have an elite spec, not because I kept getting dropped clear out of the air into AoE because of broken updrafts. In the end the boss fell over of his own accord, seemingly without needing my help to die. What happened, salad-dragon?
Also, experienced players might beat the fight, but what about a casual player with green/yellow/exotic mixed gear who picks Thief, for example? There’s no way he can survive that. I strongly believe that the story mode should be something everyone can enjoy, but at the current state Hearts and Minds demands either high skill or optimal gear.
Exotics are good enough for everything in the game except high level fractals and even there it is more for the agony resistance than the stat increase.
Even with full exotics the chapter is unnecessarily hard. I’m emphasizing the point about fresh players/those who casually only play open world PvE; you need some serious game-reading skills during the fights, unlike in most content you come across if you don’t do fractals or raids. If the fight felt hard for me in full ascended and 1000+ hours played, it’s going to be impossible for someone who hasn’t played that much and just wants to start their journey with completing the story.