We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paladine.6082


Well after pre-purchase, beta and early starter and finally a month of disappointment – my fiancée and I are looking for something else to do.

We would like to say it has been fun but in all honesty it has been a huge disappointment. After literally years of anticipation for what was billed as the paradigm kick for MMOs we feel utterly disappointed.

Why? Here is why…

SPVP – Who decided on the mechanics for this, it is ridiculous. You cannot use your own gear and it puts you into random teams. When my fiancée and I join sPVP in a party we expect to stay in that party, not get split up and put on opposing sides. Utterly unenjoyable.

WvWvW – Lag makes this unplayable. My fiancée and I are on 15mb/s cable behind NAT and it is impossible for us to both be in WvWvW at the same time as the lag hits 3 minutes+ (no exaggeration) – so again, complete waste of time and utterly unenjoyable, which is a shame because we both love PvP and met in an MMO on opposite factions fighting each other. But neither PvP option in GW2 works for us.

Personal Storyline – We enjoyed this for the most part, especially going through it together but the ending was an utter disappointment and the rewards were just laughable (low lvl items in the bags).

Dynamic Events – Can we say bots spamming Ember spawns and Meteor Showers causing eye crippling migraines? Also, what is dynamic about dynamic events – absolutely nothing. Same old thing time after time, same mobs, same number of waves etc. – it isn’t dynamic it is a grind fest.

Dungeons – Well where to start? Rather that a huge rant about the dungeons lets just say ANet have seriously let every single one of their paying customers down with the dungeons – they are without doubt the worst part of the game.

Armor and Weapon Skins – No preview in TP takes the fun out of skinning.

Useless Loot – Erm we have about 200 Black Lion Chests between us which we will not open because our banks are already full of stupid blue potions – the rewards from these chests are pathetic and the cost of the keys to open them is ridiculous. If you expect me to spend my money on Gems to buy keys you need to give me something useful out of the chests not just a bunch of transform potions and the occasional booster which is almost completely useless after lvl 80.

Crafting – Fun at first, exciting at first but rapidly became dull and annoying. With the economy in freefall and the complete lack of balance on materials (especially Orichalcum and Gossamer) not to mention the terrible trading system, crafting just became tedious. 15% tax seriously? Makes crafting about as fruitful as trying to milk a Risen Shark with a Warhorn.

We have tried to find something fun to do – guess what – we failed and after just 1 month that is a real tragedy.

I have spent over $150 on Gems for things like mini pets, bank upgrades, inventory upgrades, keys, armor skins etc. and for what? For nothing but disappointment.

When you add to all these other problems the issue of customer support, it becomes utterly infuriating. If I drop coin on a game and a bug has a serious impact on my ability to play, I expect better than “We are unable to do anything at this time but we are aware of the bugs kthxbye” as the response from support.

So we are going to find something else to do with our time and our money. I hope GW2 becomes everything it promised it would, and we will check back every now and again – but to say we are disappointed at this point would be a huge understatement.

Mystic Forge Attempts for Pre-Legendary
Lvl 80 Axes : Rare: 483; Exotic: 4 – Frostfang: 0
Lvl 80 Swords : Rare: 20; Exotic: 0 – Zap: 0

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Untouch.2541


They fixed the rewards in the personal storyline.

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paladine.6082


They fixed the rewards in the personal storyline.

Yes they did, but not retroactively…and the fix was equally disappointing lvl 78+ greens or better is what I read – for killing the big bad, for completing the destiny of the Pact, for ridding the world of evil you get NPC food…

And you know what upset me more than anything? I bought this game for my Fiancée as a gift because she liked the look of it when I was playing the early starter – now I feel like I bought her a headache.

Mystic Forge Attempts for Pre-Legendary
Lvl 80 Axes : Rare: 483; Exotic: 4 – Frostfang: 0
Lvl 80 Swords : Rare: 20; Exotic: 0 – Zap: 0

(edited by Paladine.6082)

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xericor.9103


Over exaggerated, opinionated rubbish. Thanks for wasting another post in the General forum. Why not just walk away mate, let it die…

www.auroraglade.eu – Community Site for Aurora Glade!

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


bye, you’ll be back. in fact, you are your fianceeee are probably playing right now.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Sorry it wasn’t the game for you.

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hezkore.9568


Bye!! _o/

Btw. I’d look into your router or whatever you’re using.
Me and my girlfriend are playing on a 10/10mbit line and we haven’t had a single problem with lag since beta.

We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


“I have spent over $150 on Gems…”


We'd like to say it's been fun, but really it hasn't.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regina Buenaobra

Regina Buenaobra

Content Marketing Lead

Thank you for your feedback.

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