What is the best way to make gold?
swiping your credit card
swiping your credit card
for an option purely in game that you can grind all day any time, gathering is 15-20g/h iirc
for an option purely in game that you can grind all day any time, gathering is 15-20g/h iirc
From what you remember, is that gathering anywhere? Or specific routes? If the latter, do you have a guide handy at all?
Fractals are a good source, to save time and effort T3 would be better. You’re more likely to find a group, the instances are usually faster, rewards are almost as good. Raw material farming is a very consistent option- Sparkfly Fen is the best place for platinum and hard wood. Be warned though that right now, during the Wintersday event, many crafting materials are at a record low price for the year. Everyone is selling off their materials to get Winter’s Presence items.
Fractals are a good source, to save time and effort T3 would be better. You’re more likely to find a group, the instances are usually faster, rewards are almost as good. Raw material farming is a very consistent option- Sparkfly Fen is the best place for platinum and hard wood. Be warned though that right now, during the Wintersday event, many crafting materials are at a record low price for the year. Everyone is selling off their materials to get Winter’s Presence items.
Thanks for the tips!
Personally I’ve found T3’s to be more difficult than T4’s. It seems people know what their doing better at T4 which makes for a smoother run. Also my guild does T4’s from time to time I’ll definitely keep at that then.
As to raw material farming, are there any guides for this? Any estimate at the gold per hour?
Fractals are a good source, to save time and effort T3 would be better. You’re more likely to find a group, the instances are usually faster, rewards are almost as good. Raw material farming is a very consistent option- Sparkfly Fen is the best place for platinum and hard wood. Be warned though that right now, during the Wintersday event, many crafting materials are at a record low price for the year. Everyone is selling off their materials to get Winter’s Presence items.
Thanks for the tips!
Personally I’ve found T3’s to be more difficult than T4’s. It seems people know what their doing better at T4 which makes for a smoother run. Also my guild does T4’s from time to time
I’ll definitely keep at that then.
As to raw material farming, are there any guides for this? Any estimate at the gold per hour?
That depends entirely on the market and your farm rate. I suggest a daredevil- with traits, skills, and boosters you can have perma swiftness. My farmer also runes of the traveler for 25% passive movement speed. Short bow for the shadow step. Item boosters and heroic boosters will increase your gathering as well- if you decide you want to do this long term get permanent gathering tools (watchwork pick axes gives you watchwork sprockets every time you gather- that extra silver adds up!).
Rough estimate, 5-10 gold in an hour. Websites like gw2bltc.com can help you track market prices for items to help you decide what to farm and what to list your sell prices as. https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/19702-Platinum-Ore
That depends entirely on the market and your farm rate. I suggest a daredevil- with traits, skills, and boosters you can have perma swiftness. My farmer also runes of the traveler for 25% passive movement speed. Short bow for the shadow step. Item boosters and heroic boosters will increase your gathering as well- if you decide you want to do this long term get permanent gathering tools (watchwork pick axes gives you watchwork sprockets every time you gather- that extra silver adds up!).
Rough estimate, 5-10 gold in an hour. Websites like gw2bltc.com can help you track market prices for items to help you decide what to farm and what to list your sell prices as. https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/19702-Platinum-Ore
Sweet! Thanks!
most “casual” farming and gold making can earn from 10-25 gold per hour depending on how efficient you are.
The first thing that comes to mind when reading your criteria is farming crafting materials such as platinum, seasoned and hard wood. even iron ore.
there are web pages with routes that you can go trough and using a high mobility fast character such as a thief that has permanent swiftness as well as teleports makes things super fast.
About 6 months ago hardwood and seasoned wood was the most profitable item on the tp and i tried all map routes with them and these are my resoult on a regular thief (not daredevil) :
Timberline falls 20 minute
Harathi 5 minutes
Bloodtide coast 15minutes
(shatterer boss zone,forgot the name) 25minute
Total= 23.46 gold in 55minutes (19.94g after tax)
Can use the other 5minutes for a short break, take a drink,walk around, resuply on gathering tools, switch to another character and do the whole thing again.
By the time you finish it with a 2nd character the nodes will respawn and you can go back to your first character
Farming nodes for materials puts money in the bank.
Hit every permanent iron and platinum vein with every character every day and sell it all.
Farm hard wood on a few alts a day for a little extra, and hit up the elder wood farms in Orr with all of your alts each day.
Do all of these things every day and you’ll have more gold than you know what to do with after a while. It can become incredibly tedious the more regularly you do it (so much so that you will likely burn out on it after a few days) but it’s a pretty solid way of making gold.
That depends entirely on the market and your farm rate. I suggest a daredevil- with traits, skills, and boosters you can have perma swiftness. My farmer also runes of the traveler for 25% passive movement speed. Short bow for the shadow step. Item boosters and heroic boosters will increase your gathering as well- if you decide you want to do this long term get permanent gathering tools (watchwork pick axes gives you watchwork sprockets every time you gather- that extra silver adds up!).
Rough estimate, 5-10 gold in an hour. Websites like gw2bltc.com can help you track market prices for items to help you decide what to farm and what to list your sell prices as. https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/19702-Platinum-Ore
Runes of the Traveller are superfluous for any profession except guardian (unless you can make it to permanent swiftness on the guardian too). In my experience, my Daredevil gets 17-18 gold in 1 hour, with my other characters taking slightly longer for the same result.
for an option purely in game that you can grind all day any time, gathering is 15-20g/h iirc
You do not make 20g/h gathering plz.
As for mat-gathering guides (I don’t know how out-of-date they might be), I believe Wooden Potatoes released a video(s) with the route(s) posted in the comments.
Good luck.
for an option purely in game that you can grind all day any time, gathering is 15-20g/h iirc
You do not make 20g/h gathering plz.
“Timberline falls 20 minute
Harathi 5 minutes
Bloodtide coast 15minutes
(shatterer boss zone,forgot the name) 25minute
Total= 23.46 gold in 55minutes (19.94g after tax)”
Check my reply a few posts up
for an option purely in game that you can grind all day any time, gathering is 15-20g/h iirc
You do not make 20g/h gathering plz.
You can quite easily make 20g/hr gathering. Just because you personally have not made that much doesn’t mean others haven’t—you may not be familiar with the specific routes other players take or the shortcuts they take advantage of.
Farming strictly rich iron veins on a per character basis can give you around 5-6g every twenty minutes or so (takes around 2 minutes to hit each rich vein provided you know where they are and have the waypoints unlocked, and there are 10-11 that are easily reachable every day, each giving about 20 iron per harvest). So farming rich iron veins alone will give you around 10-15g per hour depending on how quickly you move from vein to vein. If you were to introduce even a single good waypoint for hard wood (one with 5-6 nodes immediately near the WP) into your farm, you could easily stretch that to 20g or more.
Node farming is not glamorous, but it is certainly profitable. Repeatable, steady income, provided you have the time and patience.
Grinding a few hours for your boss, buy gems with the ‘loot’, exchange for gold.
Well, there’s also the tried and true; buy a bunch of accounts when they are cheap and get the log in bonuses for an easy income.
ANet may give it to you.
Working a hour in the real world then cashing it in for
Gems, that nets me between 300 to 400 gold per hour depending on the exchange rate.0
Without using real money? Microsoft Excel and Trading Post.
for an option purely in game that you can grind all day any time, gathering is 15-20g/h iirc
You do not make 20g/h gathering plz.
Not now you don’t, because wood prices have dropped by ~40% thanks to the event karma gifts.
About a month ago though, yea, definitely. Hard Logs were around 4s each…and they are everywere.