What is the point in getting end game gear?

What is the point in getting end game gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galtrix.7369


Obviously you haven’t play an Mmorpg besides Guild Wars 2, because there are slots, runestones, gems, and many other things that contribute to the depth of the armor. Saying, “the numbers get bigger” is too simplistic, but that’s what you have with GW2. Simplicity. The only thing you get with GW2 is “more numbers”. Sure, adding new skills adds depth, but Anet royally screwed that up in Guild Wars 1 because all classes were unbalanced to the point of extinction.

Having more ways to add bigger numbers to gear is not depth, it’s complexity. It just means it takes more time, effort and/or gold to maximize your final numbers.

As to the point of the thread, I’ve got a better question. What was the point of putting stats onto armor other than armor rating, or on weapons other than damage rating?

Was it to attract players from earlier MMO’s who have been trained to expect stats on gear? Making that choice opened Pandora’s Box. Once people see stats on gear, they are going to expect to improve those stats on an ongoing basis. I don’t think we are done with gear progression. Once people get their Ascended, we’ll see the, “Nothing to do, nothing to work for…” complaints (again), and ANet will cave (again). I hate being cynical, but the best indicator of future performance is past performance.

You made this one a little too easy.

Yeah, it’s a fun video.

It’s possible that we aren’t in disagreement at all. It’s possible that when you type, “…because there are slots, runestones, gems, any many other things that contribute to the depth of the armor.” you’re referring to a completely different system than I’m thinking about when I read it. On further reflection, I can envision armor stat systems that offer deep choices while to building a character. However, I haven’t really played any of them.

I agree, that’s probably it. And sorry for the errors in my typing. I typed that on my phone and it was too much of a hassle to go back to correct them.

[~Galtrix~] [~Level 80 Elementalist~] [~GoM~]

What is the point in getting end game gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


Dueling wins would mean even less than a Legendary if you showed them off.

The Game will NEVER be balanced for 1v1’s with every single class & traitline in mind.
They could potentially even the playing field on gaining Legendaries once they add Scav hunt and * maybe * do something about how much faster Flipping secures those resources than every other farming activity combined. (but atleast that’s not a class imbalance). Dueling on the other hand, will never be balanced unless it’s Polymock.

What is the point in getting end game gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


As for Ascended, as long as that’s the last tier, it’s more of a step, since a treadmill is continuous until you get off.

Ascended is a massive treadmill. Most people will never be able gear up your alts to max gear, especially if you have multiple builds you wish to play.

Ascended gear was only put in to appease these players who cannot fathom a video game without a useless gear treadmill. There are plenty of games that mask little content behind massive grinds and gear treadmills, those people should just go play those games.

Truth be told, I didn’t think of alts.

And yes, I agree on that point. There are far more inventive ways of having progression than simply numbers going higher.

It’s just slower or do you really think that when they raise the level cap (which is coming according to Anet last time I checked) your current gear will automatically be made level 90 or whatever? Also level cap raises are part of treadmills. Anet is going much slower so you can walk it at your leasure, but ascended gear is step 1 and the level cap raise is likely to be the next one and as you say ascended may not be the last tier. You think that once they’ve brought out armour with ascended stats and most people have it, it will all end there? I have a doubt…..yeh I think it’s just very slow but still a treadmill. And that’s not a bad thing necessarily, so don’t think I am against it per definition.

When the game came out I was against it because it was sold to me as a game without gear progression. Now that I know they never actually said it, well, then that’s what it is. I also play MMOs that do have gear progression and that’s fine as long as it doesn’t go too fast.

They haven’t given a definite answer on raising the level cap; they just haven’t ruled it out (as with you, this is from what I currently know from what they mentioned before launch). Again, this may have changed after the whole Ascended hubbub.

If Ascended truly is the final tier and they don’t raise the level cap, then at 80 it no longer becomes a treadmill (leveling, on the other hand, will always have a treadmill of gear), merely a step.

Again, this is all speculation. We can do the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’, but until someone comes out and confirms something, we won’t know.

Obviously you haven’t played an Mmorpg besides Guild Wars 2, because there are slots, runestones, gems, any many other things that contribute to the depth of the armor. Saying, “the numbers get bigger” is too simplistic, but that’s what you have with GW2. Simplicity. The only thing you get with GW2 is “more numbers”. Sure, adding new skills adds depth, but Anet royally screwed that up in Guild Wars 1 because all classes were unbalanced to the point of extinction.

I played all 3 roles (as well as their sub roles) in WoW from TBC to the beginning of Cata. I’ve also played a Healer / DPS in TSW, and played an Elementalist (which swapped between being a Nuke and Control) and a Dervish in GW (semantics aside whether GW is an MMO or not). Whenever I’ve built my character, I’ve always done the min-maxing myself, and made my own builds.

They don’t add ‘depth’ simply because, depending on your class, there isn’t much in terms of viable choices. If there were 10 gems, there’d only be one or two that you can use in order to maximise your role, and that wasn’t some balance issue like it is in GW2. That was how the game was made. That isn’t depth.

As for GW, remember, they’d introduce stupid amounts of skills (something along the lines of 100’s), not to mention there was a dual-profession feature which didn’t help matters. It’d be much easier to balance in GW2, since all they have to do is add, say, 3 traits to each trait line, 1 heal, 3 utilities and an elite and, providing a) these skills are just as viable as other skills, b) aren’t more powerful and c) Anet work on encounter mechanics (which is a whole different discussion), I can’t see that upsetting the balance in any major, game-breaking way.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

What is the point in getting end game gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PwnsFroggles.7561


He is not saying he wants a gear treadmill. He is saying he wants a reason to get max stat armor. The only reason I can think of so far is so you can join cof p1 gear check groups.

What is the point in getting end game gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hunzo.4509


Well i find this hilarious that half the people commenting on this post have gone into a full frenzy thinking that i am claiming, that GW2 should go down WoWs road by creating better armor continuously, I never implied anything of the sorts nor is that what i want, but as i can tell this thread is long gone to those narrow minded people who have jumped to that conclusion, good day.

Oh and Pwns froggles understands exactly what i mean hallelujah

What is the point in getting end game gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


He is not saying he wants a gear treadmill. He is saying he wants a reason to get max stat armor. The only reason I can think of so far is so you can join cof p1 gear check groups.

Most CoF groups won’t get kittenpissed if you only have 1 or 2 ascended (namely the ones obtainable through dailies).