What’re THE 5 things you love most about GW2?

What’re THE 5 things you love most about GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curae.1837


1. I love that there is no such thing as ‘killstealing’ – no badmouthing players for helping them out or need to party up before killing the same things.
2. weaponspecific skills – this opens up so many options already it’s amazing. I love playing around with different weapons – it also allows for many different builds and looks.
3. dynamic events – it’s awesome to see npc’s actively running to you and asking for help as well as thanking you when you have done the event with sometimes stories unfolding.
4. do whatever the hell you want – I can do jumping puzzles, explore, craft, grind, personal story, dynamic events, living story, dungeons, fractals… it doesn’t matter – it can help me level.
5. no gear treadmill – I can go and focus on other things without getting behind on anything else than some living story updates, some skins and achievement points, and I love that…

There are a ton of other things I love about this game, many already said in this thread… overall – I’ve never loved an mmo as much as I love gw2 ^^

“When we remember that we are all mad.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”

What’re THE 5 things you love most about GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


These are in no particular order, although 1-3 are the things that got me to buy GW1 and later GW2. I’ve always loved the idea of MMOs but one or more of these always put me off playing them. 4 and 5 are things I never really thought about before but came to love while playing.

1. No subscription fee.

2. No open-world PvP.

3. No kill stealing, node stealing, stealing gear off dead players etc. (I’m including these all together because it’s all basically the same thing).

4. Dynamic events. As much as I actually like the traditional quest structure (I always try to talk to the heart NPC before doing a heart because I like to know why it needs doing) I also agree that for some things it makes more sense that NPCs need help now and can’t wait around for you to come and do it. I also like the drop-in/drop-out format because if I decide I’d rather do something else part way I still get credit for what I’ve done, I haven’t wasted my time up to that point and I’m not forced to stick around to get credit. It also makes re-visiting old maps feel more worthwhile because I’ll often come across an event I didn’t see the first time. (Or even the second and third times.)

5. Jumping puzzles, mini-dungeons and all the other hidden stuff in the maps. I love exploring in any and all games that allow it (and even some that obviously didn’t intend it) but it’s always a bit disappointing when most of the map is basically empty. Even the times when I don’t find anything – when that cliff is just a cliff or the cave is only 6 feet deep or the dead end really is a dead end – are so much more exciting when I know I could find something hidden.

There’s a lot more I could add too, I could probably do a top 10 or 15 easily. But these are the ones that always come to mind when people ask me what I like about this game.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

(edited by Danikat.8537)

What’re THE 5 things you love most about GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcrow.7513


1. Art Style

2. No sub

3. No kill steal

4. Deposit to bank directly from UI

5. I am grasping at straws thinking of something….Maybe that I can uninstall it and install it from a folder(ie. I can back the .dat file up)

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What’re THE 5 things you love most about GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

1. The art
2. The log off button