What to spend my gold on?
I’d suggest leveling a different character class. There’s no money sink like an alt.
Buy trays upon trays of food. Invite everyone in the game to your birthday party, and throw out all the trays for people to eat. After they’ve eaten, run aorund shouting. “It’s people…Soylent green is people!!!”
Next thing Anet will be breeding us like cattle for food…
The alt suggestion, may well sink some money into that. I’ve dabbled in a few other chars up to low levels but not really had anywhere near as much fun as a thief, yet anyway..
You could use some to purchase gems from the Trading Post and buy vanity or fun items.
Other than crafting a legendary you really don’t need much gold in this game.
Buy ingredients to craft more infusions(you need 12 for a complete ascended set). If you still have gold left, save it for the next infusion tier.
You should spend it cute Asura girls.
Like me….
Buy trays upon trays of food. Invite everyone in the game to your birthday party, and throw out all the trays for people to eat. After they’ve eaten, run aorund shouting. “It’s people…Soylent green is people!!!”
Dude, seriously. Spoiler alert.
OP- buy gems, then buy things like more bank space, inventory space, etc.
You should spend it cute Asura girls.
Like me….
That’s a little gold getter if I ever saw one.
Haha, Mif, not into any of that roleplaying stuff (in-game at least, haha) although if I was, it would be with a char like yours, you could pretend to be an Asura gold digger and I could be the lonely, 80 year old asuran millionnaire with a dodgy ticker, it’d be fun times all round.
Thanks Cord, hadn’t really considered buying gems but I might do, blow it all on this Wintersday event or something, go broke in a blaze of rng glory.
ASB – ascended? Infusions?? Wash your mouth out with soap!!
hadn’t really considered buying gems but I might do, blow it all on this Wintersday event or something, go broke in a blaze of rng glory.
If you plan to continue playing, you could always invest in some bag or bank slots for gems.
You could take up crafting, there a lot of money to be spent there … each craft will yield you 10 levels of experience. So, create alts with two professions each … buy some crafting boosters and go to town.
Whatever you like in a game.
Alts are a good money sink. Combined with cash shop upgrades (getting 8 character slots so you can do each profession, bank slots, inventory slots etcetera), it’s even better.
Also, WvW can be a money sink. Commander costs 100g iirc, and you can burn through money for blueprints.
If you have a small guild, I think you can buy influence with gold, if you like to upgrade it faster.
Blow it up on festive items etcetera.
Collect something.
Get legendaries.
Whatever you fancy, really. If you don’t want any of it… then simply don’t do things to get money. Certainly don’t go grinding, or even farming
And if you like gambling, then there’s chests, mystic forge etcetera.
Finally, if all this doesn’t work, I’m willing to take over half your gold for a modest price (say, the other half of your gold :P). While reluctant, I understand the need for gold sinks and think I can be one for those in desperate need xD
Give it away by making a fun event that will allow you to laugh at people. A guy here has already posted a dance competition. And there’s the how much damage can you take competition… So use your imagination and make a new one! As people to do something silly… Like post a pic with the funniest face expression you’ve seen in the game on a player on an NPC or something