When was the last time you got a dye drop?
30ish hours played this weekend. Zero dye drops.
i get at least one dye ever other day it seems like.
I maybe get one dye drop per 3-4 hours of game play. The price of dropped unidentified dyes on Jade Quarry has shot up to 19s on the trading post.
The trading post is shared across all servers, so the drop rate has significantly decreased since last week.
I usually get 1-2 per day depending how much time I spend playing. The majority of them are from harvesting plants rather than dropped from enemies.
I usually play in 2-3 hour blocks. I track my drops pretty closely, for marketeering purposes. The last three weeks, I’ve received dye drops 3 days out of every 5. Going back further than that, my data has some gaps because some of my spreadsheets didn’t save correctly, but this pattern appears fairly consistent going back to the couple weeks immediately after the Massive Dye Glut last year.