Why are enemies so stupid?

Why are enemies so stupid?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I would love unpredictable AI on the level of an fps shooter, or even just as different as those class npcs in Hear of the Mists.

In addition I loved having downstate on those nightmare mobs (was it them? can’t remember) during the old living story – lack of stomping in pve also makes it extremely boring.

In summary – more unpredictable enemies, stomping/downstate in pve.

Why are enemies so stupid?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


A better question is: “Why are you so smart?”

YEs you are! Yesss you are!!!

That’s pretty much the only thing you should be taking away from this thread.

Merry kittening Christmas!

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Why are enemies so stupid?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I would love unpredictable AI on the level of an fps shooter, or even just as different as those class npcs in Hear of the Mists.

In addition I loved having downstate on those nightmare mobs (was it them? can’t remember) during the old living story – lack of stomping in pve also makes it extremely boring.

In summary – more unpredictable enemies, stomping/downstate in pve.

Stomping is just padding the mob with more HP in this case. One of the least interesting thing you could do to a mob. With enough DPS the stomp is a waste of time.

Why are enemies so stupid?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I would love unpredictable AI on the level of an fps shooter, or even just as different as those class npcs in Hear of the Mists.

In addition I loved having downstate on those nightmare mobs (was it them? can’t remember) during the old living story – lack of stomping in pve also makes it extremely boring.

In summary – more unpredictable enemies, stomping/downstate in pve.

Stomping is just padding the mob with more HP in this case. One of the least interesting thing you could do to a mob. With enough DPS the stomp is a waste of time.

Stomping is fun to do and the lack of it in pve I find really boring. Would be nice to have npcs you need to Tele stomp or stab/invuln stomp.

Why are enemies so stupid?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


A truly smart AI would be nearly unstoppable. That’s why the AI is deliberately stupid.

For example, a perfect AI could dodge your attacks with perfect timing.

A perfect AI would also ignore tanks and attack the squishiest and highest dps character. That’s why I never liked games that supported tanks — you have to include a way to get the mob to attack the tank, which is generally not the best plan for a smart mob.

Play gw1 if you haven’t.

Monster ai,

-they focus the squishiest.
-won’t stand in aoe
-melee won’t stack more than 3 on a single target
-The healers kite from melee
-They know which of their allies are being attacked and will cast support skills on them
-they will attempt to interupt skills (visible activation bars in gw1)
-they won’t waste energy (resource) casting hexes/enchantments on targets that already have them, they can see the buff/debuff bars
-monsters with a self dmging hex (think confusion) would stop attacking if the next attack would kill them and cast non attack skills, if it was a hex that damaged self on spell casting and next spell would kill them they would just attack.
-if their enemy had an enchantment spell that dmged foes when struck, the ai would often just retarget another nearby enemy.

But it wasn’t completely troll or anything,
-if the enemy monk was the last foe from their party standing then they would stop kiting.

I have played GW1. There’s no dodge. A perfect AI in gw2 could hypothetically dodge with perfect timing.

PS It’s not cheating — just unfair.

Yes good AI could dodge, twice, before running out. That assumes that mobs would be given full endurance.

You can still defeat a player opponent who dodges your attack in PvP.

Also from the other side. As seen in GW1 the AI wasn’t perfect at interrupting skills either.

That aside. The AI would need a way to decide what it does or does not dodge. An AI that just randomly dodges or easily baited to burn dodges would not be a very dumb AI as well. Although even that dumb AI would still be an improvement over what we have in terms of actual engagement.

Edit: did they finally fix that stupid forum bug???!

the game does have a way to decide whether or not to dodge


It turns out that this game ai has weighted ai. I am quite annoyed at the fact that the ai seems template.

Why are enemies so stupid?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I would love unpredictable AI on the level of an fps shooter, or even just as different as those class npcs in Hear of the Mists.

In addition I loved having downstate on those nightmare mobs (was it them? can’t remember) during the old living story – lack of stomping in pve also makes it extremely boring.

In summary – more unpredictable enemies, stomping/downstate in pve.

Stomping is just padding the mob with more HP in this case. One of the least interesting thing you could do to a mob. With enough DPS the stomp is a waste of time.

Stomping is fun to do and the lack of it in pve I find really boring. Would be nice to have npcs you need to Tele stomp or stab/invuln stomp.

If you really enjoy pressing F that much you might want to give material gathering a try.

Why are enemies so stupid?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


I would love unpredictable AI

For about a day or two if not less.