Why are people crying anet not listening?

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


I wanna just say one more thing before I leave this topic alone. I like GW2 very much. I find it to be the best MMO I ever played. with that said i think it needs some tweeks, fixes and changes.

To be honest, more than anything else I’ve been frustrated with the game. If I didn’t care for the game I would have just not played anymore. In my limited game time, I’ve been farming like crazy for what I want to only have the game patches work against me and thweart my efforts.

Then I come to the forums with what I feel are legitimate concerns and suggestions and I am met with hostility, derision and insults. I know that I have been on edge lately too.

Judging from the last few posts on this thread its clear that the posters like the game as much as I do. Maybe more so for they feel a need to defend it. Sorry, if it got a little contentious, See you all in game.

(edited by SHM.7628)

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FenceJumper.9106


I didnt intend for this to become a flame war… I was just asking why everyone is so instant to jump on the nerf/buff bandwagon when the meta game hasn’t even established yet.

Can this get locked? The flaming is helping nothing..

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


I didnt intend for this to become a flame war… I was just asking why everyone is so instant to jump on the nerf/buff bandwagon when the meta game hasn’t even established yet.

Can this get locked? The flaming is helping nothing..

That is what forums have become for just about every game in existence. Sadly the unhappy, vocal minority come to the forums whenever they dislike something. Yes, there are several people who don’t actually use the forums for that purpose, but generally the ones happy with the game are actually playing it.

Right now I am playing the AH which takes time so I’m watching TV and fixing dinner. Once my buy orders are finished then I’m going to salvage them and hopefully make a profit by selling the mats back. Then I’m going to go finish the last quest of my personal story. I skipped Arah because I knew it was going to be the place of my final battle and I didn’t want to ruin it. Can’t wait to slay the big, bad dragon!

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

If ANET wasn’t listening, why would they open up a forum with staff replies?

You have to consider that they must be careful and review everything they post on here. Just a single paragraph probably has hours of review to predict the community reaction to a single staff post.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


@ar so since by your calculations exotic is 10percent increase and that rune alone +5percent damage increase, and theres six so its 30 + 10 = 40 percent.

1000 damage vs 1400 damage, sure eq doesn’t doent matter?

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: edjahman.9104


Patience young grasshopper…

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


@ar so since by your calculations exotic is 10percent increase and that rune alone +5percent damage increase, and theres six so its 30 + 10 = 40 percent.

1000 damage vs 1400 damage, sure eq doesn’t doent matter?

Already replied to your PM, but just in case anyone else failed to grasp this I’m going to repost it here.

Superior Runes/Sigils can be placed in ANY item that is at least level 60. It doesn’t matter if it is White, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, or Red (I think legendary is red), so long as it is level 60 then the rune/sigil can be used in that item.

Now, since any item, of at least level 60, can house a Superior Rune/Sigil you cannot take that set bonus into account without giving the same bonus to every other item that meets the level requirement. A level 60 white can get that same 30% bonus that a level 80 exotic can get. Due to this you are only able to use the base item stats themselves when making a comparison, aka the ~10% increase.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


Step 1. Goes in sPvP.

Step 2. Gets killed by a class.

Step 3. Gets killed by the same class.

Step 4. Ragequits.

Step 5. Goes on forums, starts a topic and demands a nerf to that class.

Step 6. Starts the same topic again.

Step 7. Starts a topic about how boring GW2 is.

Step 8. Talks about a game that has not yet been released, will be a better game than GW2.

Step 9. Bumps #5 and #6.

Step 10. Starts a topic and says that ANet doesn’t listen to what players say.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


I didnt intend for this to become a flame war… I was just asking why everyone is so instant to jump on the nerf/buff bandwagon when the meta game hasn’t even established yet.

Can this get locked? The flaming is helping nothing..

That is what forums have become for just about every game in existence. Sadly the unhappy, vocal minority come to the forums whenever they dislike something. Yes, there are several people who don’t actually use the forums for that purpose, but generally the ones happy with the game are actually playing it.

Right now I am playing the AH which takes time so I’m watching TV and fixing dinner. Once my buy orders are finished then I’m going to salvage them and hopefully make a profit by selling the mats back. Then I’m going to go finish the last quest of my personal story. I skipped Arah because I knew it was going to be the place of my final battle and I didn’t want to ruin it. Can’t wait to slay the big, bad dragon!

Ok, You and I disagree and I don’t expect that to change. Let me address this vocal minority thing you keep saying. Its convenient to say because it supports your position. Anyway you slice it its a vocal majority on this board thinks at least some changes and fixes are in order.

Secondly, It goes beyond the boards. I’ve seen (and others have noticed too) a massive change in in game behavior. examples- People are not doing events. The way points are mostly blocked now. I also noticed when I do events, there’s a flood of people who are, for lack of a better term, semi-AFK. They tag one or 2 monsters, then go AFK.

This is because the last patch (diminishing rewards) went over like a lead baloon. Sometimes thecure is worse than the disease. Listen, I play the game. I like the game. I want to love the game again. Lots of peoiple feel like this. I’m seeing a lot less people on my server playing as well.

If you want to dismiss large groups of players’ opinions becasue they differ from yours then you are free to do so. However, you remind me of the alchoholic who swears there isn’t a problem despite the fact that everyone he knows is saying differently.

(edited by SHM.7628)

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Let’s say 5% of a games players visit the forums, in reality it’s lower than that at around 2-3%. An even smaller % of that actually post on the forums. Now, you have to take into account that there are different sub-forums that players go to. In the end you’re looking at less than half of a percent of a games population are going to be vocal about the same topic. Now, let’s say 75% of those people are making the same complaint, you are now down to .375% of a games population are vocal about the same problem on a games forums.

Let’s say there are 2 million players for GW2, that means roughly 7,500 people are the vocal majority, again the numbers are actually lower. 7,500 out of 2,000,000 is really nothing. You can have the vocal majority on a forums but you’re still a pimple of the actual game, thus an extreme vocal minority overall.

Now, as I posted earlier in this thread there are indeed things that need to be changed and ANet is making changes to the game.

Farming: If you played GW1 then the “Anti-Farm Code” they put in should NOT surprise anyone as the same basic “code” was used. You could only farm the same area so many times before they basically turned off the drop chance. If you expect ANet to change the way they did things for the past 7+ years then you’re crazy. If you want to avoid the “Anti-Farm Code” altogether then you can go to a different area and do something else. That’s the whole point of the “code” to begin with. They don’t want you doing the same thing over and over and over again, they want you to experience the world. If you don’t like that then go play a different game, or create your own with your own ruleset.

Bugs: ANet fixes bugs quite fast. With the exception of the weekend, as everyone needs some time off, they have a bug patch for you just about every morning when you log on. If they haven’t fixed the bug you wanted then make sure to report it, and have others report it as well. Just because you reported it and several others know about it doesn’t mean that everyone else reported it as well. I’m sure there are a lot of people who don’t know how to report bugs. If you find a bug then report it yourself, then tell your guild/map chat about it and request they report it as well. The more people that report it the quicker it gets fixed. Some bugs are more difficult to fix so even if everyone reports it, it may not get fixed right away.

Exploits/Bots/Gold Spammers: As with the above section, report it and make sure that everyone else is reporting them as well. More people reporting = more chances that ANet knows about the problem. Like most MMO developers they probably do mass bannings instead of individual. Due to this it does take time before you notice changes. I would love for them to just ban all bots right away, but it probably won’t happen anytime soon.

Cultural Set Price: Again, they are expensive because they want the skins to be kept rare. They are not exotic quality because ANet wants you to get them if you really want to represent your culture. I am saving up for the Asura Set myself because I want to represent my culture. It is also a gold sink to ensure a stable and healthy economy. If you don’t agree with the price, or if you don’t think the set is worth the price, then no one is forcing you to buy it. If you do want it then save up. Even a slow earner should be able to get 10 gold a week, so if that person really wanted the armor then they could save up for a few months. This is a MMO and doesn’t have a sub fee so save up a little at a time and eventually you will have a full set.

Dungeon Sets: Same with the above post. Meant to be something you get over a period of time. If you want to grind for it and get it in a few days, you are free to do that. If you want to run the instances once a day then you will have a full set within 2 months. If you don’t like “grinding” instances to get the sets then you are playing the wrong genre. MMO’s are meant to last a LONG time. If you want a game where you can get everything in a matter of hours then this is the wrong game for you. You can easily get a full set of exotic armor off of the TC for 10-20 gold. There are multiple paths you can choose.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


Farming: If you played GW1 then the “Anti-Farm Code” they put in should NOT surprise anyone as the same basic “code” was used. You could only farm the same area so many times before they basically turned off the drop chance. If you expect ANet to change the way they did things for the past 7+ years then you’re crazy. If you want to avoid the “Anti-Farm Code” altogether then you can go to a different area and do something else. That’s the whole point of the “code” to begin with. They don’t want you doing the same thing over and over and over again, they want you to experience the world. If you don’t like that then go play a different game, or create your own with your own ruleset.

I actually don’t disagree with your entire post here. except for a few points and here they are:

1) The anti farm code from GW1: They never punished you EXP or gold. It was only for specific rare drops. You didn’t do a mission and get hurt on the EXP. You also wasn’t punishment on weapon drops. Was a different system so I can’t compare karma or crafting.

2) You can’t prove this vocal minority thing. There’s simply no way for you to determine this. You don’t have have the data. You would have to be guessing on percentages…………………….Admit this, I am not wrong here. Even if its a small samply of players, you are suggesting that therepresentation is skewed. * You can not prove this*

3) last but not least Player behavior has changed on a large scale. This is the ultimate litmus test. Waypoints are blocked, there are less players, players are now trying to exploit events to get karma by tagging one or 2 enemies. Meaning there are more AFKers.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Lol, polish at release? Good joke bro. The Trading post was down for maintenance for like a month. That COMPLETELY ruined the Gem prices because nobody had gold to spend on gems due to not being able to sell anything on the trade post. The Gem value is finally going up, albeit slowly. The damage has already been done. Seriously, don’t make me laugh, this game was absolutely broken at release…

Edit: and there is no excuse for it. People like me who had been saving up hundreds of dollars for gems to sell for gold completely got screwed because Anet dropped the ball with the trading post being broken for a month at launch.

I’m generally agreeing with people who are trying to make constructive critcisms to improve your game, but nothing about this post was constructive, nor was it as much Anet’s fault as it was your own stupidity.

You got screwed because you wanted to spend money to gain gold on Day 1, you and EVERYONE ELSE. It wouldn’t matter if the market was up on Day 1 or Day 30, guess who has gold to buy gems with this early in the game? NOBODY. Guess how many things are in the Gem shop that are worth buying? Not a whole lot.

And if you were actually stupid enough to already convert your gems to gold, well that’s your fault too. You might as well have kept saving until the gem shop was beefed up, and for the amount of Gem>Gold conversions to slow down. You’re just being a kitten for thinking you’re the only person saving up money so you could hoard gold early on. And on that basis you’d call the game completely broken too, bahahahaha. It was disappointing to see the Trading Post not up for so long, but the game was very polished for its size and scope by the time it came out.

I agree. There was no way someone who spent hundreds of dollars on gems would have made any money at all by trying to sell those gems for gold when the game was just released. ANet doesn’t buy the gems from you, you don’t get paid until someone buys those gems. If no one has gold then no one is buying, doesn’t matter if the TC is up or not. The reason prices are going up now is because supply is starting to go down and gold on hand is going up. If people flooded the market with gems again then prices would sink, yet again.

I did hate that the TC was down for such a long time but thinking you would have gotten rich with gems > gold right as the game was released is just idiotic.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Farming: If you played GW1 then the “Anti-Farm Code” they put in should NOT surprise anyone as the same basic “code” was used. You could only farm the same area so many times before they basically turned off the drop chance. If you expect ANet to change the way they did things for the past 7+ years then you’re crazy. If you want to avoid the “Anti-Farm Code” altogether then you can go to a different area and do something else. That’s the whole point of the “code” to begin with. They don’t want you doing the same thing over and over and over again, they want you to experience the world. If you don’t like that then go play a different game, or create your own with your own ruleset.

I actually don’t disagree with your entire post here. except for a few points and here they are:

1) The anti farm code from GW1: They never punished you EXP or gold. It was only for specific rare drops. You didn’t do a mission and get hurt on the EXP. You also wasn’t punishment on weapon drops. Was a different system so I can’t compare karma or crafting.

2) You can’t prove this vocal minority thing. There’s simply no way for you to determine this. You don’t have have the data. You would have to be guessing on percentages…………………….Admit this, I am not wrong here. Even if its a small samply of players, you are suggesting that therepresentation is skewed. * You can not prove this*

3) last but not least Player behavior has changed on a large scale. This is the ultimate litmus test. Waypoints are blocked, there are less players, players are now trying to exploit events to get karma by tagging one or 2 enemies. Meaning there are more AFKers.

1: You’re right, they didn’t reduce exp you gained in GW1 when you farmed the same thing over and over again. I’ve yet to see anyone complain about exp being lowered here though. As I mentioned, if you go do different events in different zones you will NOT notice any change. This is true with GW1 and GW2. If you don’t want reduced exp/karma/gold/drops then do different things. It’s that simple.

2: I can easily prove the vocal minority thing. ANet said they sold over 2 million units. Go through the forums and count every unique poster. Vocal = people who voice their opinions. Ok, so it’s not really easy but you get my point, it can be proven that a vocal majority of a forum is nothing but an extreme vocal minority of a games overall population.

3: I don’t know if this was directed at me. If you participate in an event then you get rewarded. Yes, it does lead to some people doing the absolute minimum in order to get rewards, but they did participate. I could see ANet addressing this and making it where you had to participate more to get the rewards, and I would be fine with that. Contested zones happen a LOT in Orr, but you can go to other zones and do events there if you’re just after event rewards. Sure, you’re not going to get the same level drops as you do in Orr, but you mentioned event rewards which are more/less the same, I think they could stand to be boosted to based on actual level instead of effective level of course.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TurtleofPower.5641


Part of it is just maturity level. Whenever I see someone say, “Oh wow this skillpoint is bugged ANet only cares about the gem store” in map chat… I know they’re sort of ignorant of the truth. They’re not realizing the massive, massive scale of this game. It takes time to deal with the issues.

People just need to relax and realize ANet loves to utilize your bug reports and gameplay enhancement ideas. Keep those coming. However, you really don’t need to be melodramatic or super bitter about it. That part you’re just doing for no reason, because they do care about their community and their game. Of course, people will keep being rude because as I said it’s a maturity thing and it can take a really long time for people to understand that you don’t need to act that way.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


how does that work rune like that?
sometimes i loot an item that have an update with
0/1 power something
0/2 crit something

how do i unlock these?
and sometimes its like 3/2 crit something…

i am lost in that…

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


how does that work rune like that?
sometimes i loot an item that have an update with
0/1 power something
0/2 crit something

how do i unlock these?
and sometimes its like 3/2 crit something…

i am lost in that…

Not really sure what you’re asking, not complaining about your English as it may not be your first language. I’m going to try and answer what I think you’re asking though.

Let’s say you have a Superior Rune of X, it has a 6 piece bonus listed. In order to get that bonus you have to have 6 of those Superior Runes placed in 6 pieces of Armor that are of at least level 60. Items have an Upgrade Slot on them. If you double click a Rune you can place it in any piece of armor so long as that piece of armor meets the level requirement. If you put 3 runes of X in and 3 runes of Y in then you will only get the 3 piece set for both pieces of armor. If you are using Minor Runes of X then all you need is 2, Major is 4. If you have 4 Minor Runes of X placed in your armor then you are only going to have the 2 set bonus, no additional bonus for the other 2 runes that are in the armor.

If you find you don’t like that rune bonus any longer you can replace it with another. Doing this will delete the rune that was used previously though. If you found an upgrade and you want to use that rune you can salvage that piece of armor and you have a chance to get that rune back, sometimes you won’t though. If you want a 100% chance to swap the rune over you can use a transmutation stone. Double click a transmutation stone, place the upgrade in 1 side and the other item with the rune in the other. Select the skin you want to keep at the top, the middle has the stats you want to keep (generally will want to pick the upgraded stats of course), then the bottom has the rune you want to keep.

Hope that answers your questions.

(edited by Artorous.8573)

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


partly, but thx for clarifying some stuff.

i have an item:
helm of power
0/1 +5 power
0/2 1% dmg

(and there is no update slot avail on it).
im just wondering why i dont have the update bonuses.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xtzc.6214


I would like to say a few things…

1:The game is massive,different and very good at launch in comparison to other Mmorpgs.It has huge potential for more…

2:Like others said before me a lot of ppl have lost patience which is not a good thing from my point of view…dunno though what made them to lose this patience over the years.Hang in there i would say for all those ppl.

3:The last thing is (might sound a bit meh) the game has no sub fee,yet the devs and Anet is here watching and replying in comparison again e.g. Swtor and Bioware ( my last mmorpg ) taking stuff into consideration and preparing more to come i am sure of it..!

just my 2 cents…cu all in-game and keep it friendly

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


Lol, polish at release? Good joke bro. The Trading post was down for maintenance for like a month. That COMPLETELY ruined the Gem prices because nobody had gold to spend on gems due to not being able to sell anything on the trade post. The Gem value is finally going up, albeit slowly. The damage has already been done. Seriously, don’t make me laugh, this game was absolutely broken at release…

Edit: and there is no excuse for it. People like me who had been saving up hundreds of dollars for gems to sell for gold completely got screwed because Anet dropped the ball with the trading post being broken for a month at launch.

You chose to spend your own excess money on gems, to sell back for gold, without even knowing what value they’d have, and then blame another? Not very intelligent. You were playing the market and were upset it didn’t work for you. That’s tough.

You could have bought gems later. You could sit on the gems now. Nothing is lost, except your own anticipated result, and that was not a sure thing anyway.

People who are pointing out bugs are not crying. People demanding an immediate fix, that is crying. That is also ignorant. That is why others look down on them, for lack of foresight and intelligence.

“I paid for a game and I deserve blah blah.” That is a matter of perspective. And most people lack it, severely. An example, it is funny to see that gems only sold 100 for 20 silver, but people then blame Anet that inflation didn’t take off to expected values. No one had to buy gems (which are at a flat fee, so we can buy later when they are priced where we want the market to be). Complaining about our own poor choice is not someone else’s fault. The fault is entirely our own.

Upset the game isn’t smooth enough for our personal standard (my shield clips and I refuse to play until fixed!)? Fine. Then go away, and come back in a few months. We aren’t paying a subscription. We don’t lose money. And the game we want will be ready then.

Trade Post is a wonderful help. It is not a needed mechanic that needs 100% up-time. We didn’t pay $60 to play on a Trade Post. We paid to play content. If your personal story is screwed, then you have a legit bug, and should expect it to be fixed, at some point. We don’t declare that point (again, ignorant to do so). A Skill Point or Dynamic Event can be done later, and doesn’t ruin the other content available. PvP and WvW balance is debatable, so to hear people complaining already is childish. Point out an issue and move on. Don’t stomp your feet and throw a tantrum. Legit complaints get addressed.

For those with a wider perspective, we see this all and just wait. We report the bugs. We see them addressed. We move on. We’re informed. We paid money for a working game, and we have it (or if your perspective is different, you will have it). There is no difference between “now” or “later”. If you lack patience, then you could have read the wealth of reviews. They honestly state GW2 is a great game but has bugs that inpatient types might want to wait until fixed, before buying. Everything has been quite upfront and available, for anyone willing to not be lazy and look.

If I’m upset I can’t level with my friends, that is silly. I can’t be upset at someone else for my friends not waiting on me. But I am, since I don’t expect them to wait and I need to be upset at someone. I ignore that they can play with me as a higher level. Or we can play alts.

Many complaints are complaints of luxury. “First World Problems”

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Why are people crying anet not listening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator


We do not need a thread to complain about complainers on this forum.