Why did you guys buy GW2?

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanceHavenbay.2067


I bought it because I thought it was Guild Wars 2, not “another MMO with Guild Wars lore”.

Learned my lesson I suppose.

Story of my life. xD

To elaborate, the first PC game I even played was… Need for Speed? On my dad’s computer. Not soon after, I was introduced to Starsiege: Tribes and proceeded to playing that every day of my life, obsessively. I would hide in my room as a kid, or skip school just to play it. xD Then I got hooked on Diablo 2… Then, my brothers and I tried Runescape. I did not like it from the start. It sucked. >.> I immediately typed in “Free MMORPG” and found Guild Wars 1. I downloaded the client and found out I needed to buy it, AFTER I already had the client up… Sure enough, I bought it with my chore money asap. The loading screen, (Campfire) just screened epicness to me as a child. I downloaded the game, and ended up staying in Pre-Searing, with my E/N pretending I was a super-necro. I pretty much did not advance in the game till after a year. I was having so much fun in Old-Ascalon. lol. Around the 1 year mark, I actually began to do missions and get involved. I was already so in love, and feel for the game more. Guild Wars 1 was the only game I’ve ever played where I would actually look forward to it’s holiday events more than my own holidays. (There was not much to do where I lived.) I could tell you pretty much anything about Guild Wars. I breathed it. I knew everything by heart. It was not until EoTN/and HoM calculator that I stepped up and started doing things for myself. Most of the time on Guild Wars 1, I was just socially involved, helping everyone I ever met. I ended up doing (enjoyable) title grind with Fort Aspenwood etc. I remember hearing the hype for Guild Wars 2, and was supe excited, even if their profession trailers were very dull. They were going to “improve” the game I loved so much. Getting rid of instances sounded fun, as did having Dynamic events. I bought Collectors for Guild Wars 2, because as a child I could not afford it on the other games.

I was fairly disappointed during beta, but did not have internet at the time, and was unable to fully contribute during the developing stage. I would bring my laptop and camp out at Starbucks parking lots just to explore the game.

Upon release, I was overall satisfied, but felt the game was lacking some very important aspects. Which I promptly set out to fix.

Just as Zii said, I was really hoping GW2 was not going to be just another MMO with Guild Wars Lore. But sadly, that is what it seems to be. :/ All an all, I would give Guild Wars 2 a 7/10.

That is my life story. xD

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rising Vengeance.2768

Rising Vengeance.2768

got it because gw1 impressed the hell out of me. it was unique, it was fun, it was a beauty. i think i really miss it now. would if they would keep the server up or make a patch for offline only?

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Because i played gw1 from the start,got all expansions and still think gw1 is the best mmo i have ever played.After about having done everything in gw1,i tried dozens of other mmo’s, ( p2p and f2ps mostly ) From aion to FF,to perfect world to ..well the whole f2p list aswell actually,and the last p2p i bought was tera ( huge mistake ). And becoming extremely dissapointed with mmo’s in general,thinking back to gw1 all the time and seeing how awesome that game was in every way,i couldnt hesitate to buy gw2 asap.And eventhough gw2 has it flaws,it still left the best experience from all mmo’s i played after gw1.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I bought GW1 because I liked the idea of MMO’s (the ‘play with friends and random strangers part’ not pay-to-grind model) but didn’t want to pay for one and my brother and his friend recommended it.

I bought GW2 because I loved GW1, even after my brother and his friend quit, and I liked what I’d seen in all the videos and other promotions.

So far I don’t regret it, I love it and a lot of the complaints that compare it to other MMOs just make me think I wouldn’t want to play those games.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


I’ve always been attracted to MMORPGs but put off by three things:
1) Subscriptions.
2) Hideously unoriginal fantasy worlds.
3) The prospect of uber-competitive ‘veterans’ acting like complete [censored].

GW2 ditched the first and has made great strides in the second, with inventive races like the Asura and Sylvari, and professions like the mesmer and engineer. Added to that, the painterly art style is gorgeous. It also promised that the PvE environment would be geared towards proper coop play where you and other adventurers join forces (as you would) to destroy evil, instead of grinding, farming and dungeon-queueing in a big to one-up each other.

So I waited to see if the reviews were good, and then I bought it.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Groonz.7825


No subscription fee.
Wanted MMORPG (sorta).
Played the first one.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Wow, a lot of people putting their entire memoirs up.

I bought it cuz my gf really wanted it. She played UO then GW1 and Rift.

I got excited about GW2 cuz of the manifesto, the not-til-it’s-ready hype. :p

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faux Sheaux.6179

Faux Sheaux.6179

I bought GW2 so that I could mix up my priorities, stay up later more often, sleep through classes more, stand up my friends when they invite me to parties, make my girlfriend nag at me to spend more time with her, and to run around with a tail because Charr are kind of awesome.

Ehmry Bay – Grindhouse Gaming [GH]
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Played GW1 7 years, loved the lore and story.
Played Daoc years, loved RvR.
Played L2 4 years, loved the mass PvP and sieges.
Played action combat MMO, loved action combat.
Played traditional MMOs, hated PvE griefing and treadmills.
Stopped playing MMOs, dreamed a lot since of a MMO with all this in one game.

Then a wild GW2 appears, with everything I dreamed of packed in.

I’m here for the long run.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shooopa.5632


I played in one of the betas.

I think I got $50 worth out of this game so far, but I’m having trouble finding other players. Is Henge of Dervani supposed to be so desolate?

User will be infracted for this post.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spryt.8012


1. sPVP where everyone has same gear/lvl and skills
2. WvW, been really missing large scale battles in other games
3. Dynamic events/Orr, not quite what I imagined but still step up from traditional quests
4. Beautifully designed areas and art work and interesting lore
5. No monthly fee

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenal.2601


I was vaguely aware of the GW2 discussion (hype?) buzzing around in the background, but didn’t pay much attention to it – I was too busy rotating between Tera, TSW and Rift. One particular night, a bit bored, I saw someone on one of those games forums talk GW2 up. So I said “sure, why not, it might last me until the Rift expansion.”

Very glad I did. Not so sure I’ll be getting to that Rift expansion for quite some time after it comes out.

“I’m always achieving greatness!”

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Many years ago I went to the store to buy WoW. I wasn’t sure though because the idea of paying a sub didn’t appeal to me. I never had played a game with a sub as such.

At the store, next to WoW, was a box called Guild Wars. It said no sub on the case and had a picture of Eve on it. She looked 10 times better than the WoW artwork and the no sub element was also important to me. I bought GW1 instead and never regretted it. Years and thousands of hours later GW1 grew kinda stale as no real new content was added and we knew GW2 was coming.

So I prepurchased the game based on my GW1 experiences and joined the beta’s. I was thoroughly disappointed and decided I had wasted my money.

And yet, when release came about, having paid for the game, I thought, well, let’s give it another try. It took me a couple of weeks but the game grew on me.

Ok, I generally like a good story line and GW2 doesn’t have that, but there are so many things I do like that I decided it wasn’t so bad and just enjoy the game for what it is.

Over 300 hours later I am still here and very much enjoying the game. Very happy it’s not a gear treadmill.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


A friend told me about it, and it sounded promising. No sub. Equal PvP. And the clincher for me was “NO GEAR GRIND!” And I expected that this game was nothing like WoW or SWToR.

I compared this game to my all time favorite which is Fallout 3 (weird right, I should have said Skyrim but I haven’t played that yet). With the open world, with the things just happening out of nowhere, this was my new MMO world.

BTW, Asuran ears are so cute. When I rolled one for the first time, I loved how the ears would flip up like a cat’s when they unsheathe their weapons.

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Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


bought it because it’s one time fee and its the sequel to guild wars

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Firstly: I played GW1 and was looking forward to the follow up for years…
When it was announced, 2 main features struck me as the thing I was looking for:

1. I wanted to be able to roam around the entire gamewrold, even at max level.
Not just go there, you always can, but go there and still be challenged in the encounters.
In other words: downscaling

This was my first disappointment: the world at 80 is Orr… and in the lower level maps downscaling still makes you far too strong to be calling it ‘challenging’.

2. Second reason was: I wanted balanced and very divers pvp. I saw the GW1 pvp formats, I read the announcements on world pvp, on the whole pvp system.

Once in the game I saw there was only capture point mode, both in a ridiculous zergy 8v8 format for only 3 points… and in a more strategic 5v5 mode.
As a newer player, I end up in 5v5 against premades, as pugs, which isn’t helping for the fun.

As far as balance goes: the professions don’t feel all that perfectly balanced to me yet. That’s partly lack of experience, but I’m still capable of seeing certain mechanics that shouldn’t be there in that degree.

So the pvp isn’t really that balanced, and it certainly isn’t that divers!
Second disapointment.

Those were my 2 main reasons and the game hasn’t delivered on those, not for me.

This said: it’s still a great game. But not as good as I hoped, sadly enough.
The freedom and ‘questing’ and events… all of that is really special and entertaining. Just a shame about those respawn rates and often empty mid level maps…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


To play it obviously. Do you buy games just to look at them?

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: talasomething.4659


My main reason was for the WvW. I was hoping to find something even close to DAoC which I still feel was the best Player vs Player MMO to this day. Much to my surprise the PvE aspect is a blast and I haven’t even found myself jumping in WvW near as much yet.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


After playing wow for many yrs,I finally tired of it and searched for about 18 months for another mmo,found Faxion online which I totally loved and would still be playing if it hadn’t shut down.Since then I’ve tried swtor,tera,dc,TSW and they all disappointed.Next up was GW2 which I must say has not disappointed as much as the list above. Still not as much fun as Faxion was but if ANet sort the bots out and depending how darkfall turns out i plan on playing for a good while.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Honestly? Because they said it was fashioned on DAoC RvR. Instead we got WAR light, and WAR was already DAoC light. Disappointed is not a harsh enough word.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

It sounded like a WoW meets D3, minus the gear treadmill progression that both those games share…. It intrigued me and while I do like the concept and on aggregate enjoy the experience, there are somethings I find not well executed.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

Almost 7000 hours on gw1.

’nuff said

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


I bought it because a long time ago in a galaxy far far…I mean Once upon a time, I played GW, it was the best mmorpg (argueable if it was a mmorpg) that I’d ever played. The depth with which you could forge your toon with skills and in some cases reputation (titles! In GW, people could actually see your titles easy, why change that?) was phenomenal.

Ps. I don’t mean to show off titles for the sake of saying, “Hey, I’m the King, all bow before me!” But new players in GW would see they titles and could ask those seasoned title holders for help. They’d say “Cool title!” and we’d be hooked

How will they do this in GW2?

I waited with bated breath for GW2. It was a good game for the first 3-4 weeks (bugs included) but the severe lack of skills for which I was hoping was just due to beta limitations is horrible (Anet playing it too safe with balance~?)

The game seems to have done a BF3, trying to appeal to a wider audience and ignoring what made the original great (imho).

It was really amazing in the first 2 weeks though because of so many gamers on and I’ll never forget it

(edited by Paul.4081)

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScoobySmith.5283


I always was a MMORPG player and when I was in High School one of my friend’s told me about a game called Guild Wars. We were talking about how I never played WoW because I did not want to pay a monthly fee just to play a game. He had another friend of our account info and gave it to me and told me how to get the game. I did it and started playing. It was one of the funnest games I had ever played and became a fan boy. I missed the release of Guild Wars 2 because of to much work and school. About a month ago when I got payed I bought it and can’t say I regret it.

Why did you guys buy GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darth Loki.5610

Darth Loki.5610

I picked this up for several reasons. First, there’s no subscription. I don’t have the time to play enough to make coughing up so much money each month worth it.

Second, It’s the gameplay. In SWTOR my Mercenary main, after about level 40, was all about spamming the exact same rotation until whatever I was aiming at died. Blah. Contrast that to my Ranger now, who nimbly leaps and dashes around the battlefield, circling foes to strike at weaknesses and firing off arrows like crazy. And the there’s leveling. A few minutes ago I “grinded” for xp by assisting several others in killing a champion mob after defending an outpost from an undead assault, which is way more fun than randomly killing rock crabs or collecting twelve droid gizmos.

Third, I’m a customization nut. I hate having ugly mismatched armor or matching armor with a stupid color scheme. Dyes fix everything (well, my low level gear still looks stupid on my Sylvari, but I’ve seen how it gets better).

Fourth, PvP. Or rather, WvW. Most MMOs have team-based PvP. This game has entire freaking ARMIES.

Also, the dance emotes. Quasi Yodas doing the moonwalk? Yes please.