Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I didn’t read the comments, but I read the OP’s post – so forgive me if this is repetitive.

If you are saying it is wrong to tell you that you are playing the game wrong, would you tell me that I am playing the game wrong if I were to play Wow and complain that I am not level 85 when all i have done is craft gear? You could say, no, you are supposed to quest. Then I could argue, that isn’t fun for me – I want to craft gear and level up, why can’t I do that?

(I wouldn’t actually say that, I love questing.) My point is, you can tell someone they are playing the game wrong if they are not playing the way the game was designed to be. It doesn’t matter if you think the way it is designed is less fun. It’s still being played wrong from a design stand-point.

I really do not know how you can exhaust everything from the game so quickly. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface and I have easily over 200 hours of gameplay. I also feel like I have been playing tooooo much, and that it is a huge addiction.

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Campana.9216


Once upon a time, in the small village of Emoville, the most popular fruit was apples. Nearly everyone loved apples, because they were crunchy and crispy and they were eaten every day. One day, however, a pear seller wandered into the village square. People were intrigued, because the pear seller claimed her pears were totally different from apples and would just melt in your mouth when you bit into them.

Everyone tried the pears. Some of the villagers loved them, finding them succulent and juicy and delicious, and much nicer than apples.

But some people complained that the pears were no good because they weren’t as crispy and shiny as apples.

As a result the village divided into two camps – those who loved apples, and those who loved pears. They spent all day arguing over which was better. Apple lovers claimed pears were an inferior product, whereas pear lovers claimed that apple lovers just didn’t know how to eat pears properly in order to appreciate them.

True story.

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


Once upon a time, in the small village of Emoville, the most popular fruit was apples. Nearly everyone loved apples, because they were crunchy and crispy and they were eaten every day. One day, however, a pear seller wandered into the village square. People were intrigued, because the pear seller claimed her pears were totally different from apples and would just melt in your mouth when you bit into them.

Everyone tried the pears. Some of the villagers loved them, finding them succulent and juicy and delicious, and much nicer than apples.

But some people complained that the pears were no good because they weren’t as crispy and shiny as apples.

As a result the village divided into two camps – those who loved apples, and those who loved pears. They spent all day arguing over which was better. Apple lovers claimed pears were an inferior product, whereas pear lovers claimed that apple lovers just didn’t know how to eat pears properly in order to appreciate them.

True story.

And then the Watermelon seller wanders by accidentally and the stuff really hits the fan

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
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Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nageth.5648


Once upon a time, in the small village of Emoville, the most popular fruit was apples. Nearly everyone loved apples, because they were crunchy and crispy and they were eaten every day. One day, however, a pear seller wandered into the village square. People were intrigued, because the pear seller claimed her pears were totally different from apples and would just melt in your mouth when you bit into them.

Everyone tried the pears. Some of the villagers loved them, finding them succulent and juicy and delicious, and much nicer than apples.

But some people complained that the pears were no good because they weren’t as crispy and shiny as apples.

As a result the village divided into two camps – those who loved apples, and those who loved pears. They spent all day arguing over which was better. Apple lovers claimed pears were an inferior product, whereas pear lovers claimed that apple lovers just didn’t know how to eat pears properly in order to appreciate them.

True story.

And then the Watermelon seller wanders by accidentally and the stuff really hits the fan

Only if Gallagher was in the village.

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

While I get your story, the “village that survives” is the one that supplies both pears and apples. Thing is, there’s stuff available that can feasibly be endgame; namely, the dungeon paths that aren’t run in their entirety or at all. Putting a little incentive at the end pleases the apple and pear lovers.

What GW2 offers that WoW doesn’t… yeah if you wanna craft and that’s it, fine. Where GW2 has an advantage over WoW… You don’t have to make it a gear treadmill. People should be enticed to go do the harder challenges and be rewarded for them. And you know what stops you from getting the “superior gear”? Nothing. Because as long as you have the level and story mode complete, you can go into a dungeon in whatever… the only thing holding you back is the group’s aggregate skill level. That’s right, skill… not gear, not attunements, skill.

And these dungeon crawlers who beat the challenges, sure they’ll have “superior” gear, but only in the sense of it being superior in PvE…. because with all the scaling mechanics in this game, I’d be surprised if Anet wasn’t able to scale uber PvE gear down to exotic-equivalent gear as soon as the player sets foot in WvW; maintaining the equal playing field that is PvP.

So why only be an apple or pear village when you have the infrastructure to have both co-exist?…. Shrugs

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artorous.8573


I dont think they try to compete with WoW
But instead , compete with all the mmo-games out there (not just 1 game)
For example Rift is te best PvE game out there . It provides more content per month , where no1 have ever seen .
Just because it doesnt have 9 million subs(not ppl) , it means it failed , or its the under dog ?

Rift can provide content at a steady pace, because they have a much smaller playerbase… they don’t have to worry about releasing content at a rate that keeps hardcores from getting bored, while overwhelming casuals with too much stuff to ever complete.

Whenever I read a comment like this I have to do a hard facepalm multiple times. Yes, I read the follow up as well. Rift releases content for every demographic. They release new raids for hardcores, festival events for soloers, they release stuff for the pvp croud and pve croud, stuff for max leveled players as well as low level players. Your reason for them releasing content faster then WoW is because they don’t have to worry about balancing? Really? That is just ignorant. WoW gets away with releasing content slower than just about every MMO out because unintelligent people let them get away with it.

Rifts first expansion brings 4 new souls, 2 new contents, both of which are larger than the one it was released with, new raids, and several other things, but they can do that because they have a smaller population to worry about. Now, I don’t play Rift anymore but anyone who uses such a stupid reason as to why a smaller game can release content 10x faster than a tame with more than 20x, probably more than that tbh, the revenue is beyond help.

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Porky.5021


Once upon a time, in the small village of Emoville, the most popular fruit was apples. Nearly everyone loved apples, because they were crunchy and crispy and they were eaten every day. One day, however, a pear seller wandered into the village square. People were intrigued, because the pear seller claimed her pears were totally different from apples and would just melt in your mouth when you bit into them.

Everyone tried the pears. Some of the villagers loved them, finding them succulent and juicy and delicious, and much nicer than apples.

But some people complained that the pears were no good because they weren’t as crispy and shiny as apples.

As a result the village divided into two camps – those who loved apples, and those who loved pears. They spent all day arguing over which was better. Apple lovers claimed pears were an inferior product, whereas pear lovers claimed that apple lovers just didn’t know how to eat pears properly in order to appreciate them.

True story.

And then the Watermelon seller wanders by accidentally and the stuff really hits the fan

And then Porky came by with a big fat steak that revolutionized the way people ate.

You are all welcome because I know aside from a few whacked out vegetarians who claim that eating meat is unnatural, we all truly love meat and I have billions of subscribers a day to prove it.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voqar.2349


I’m an experienced MMORPG player and I’m having fun. To me, if something isn’t fun, I just don’t do it. I don’t feel the need to write a thesis about it.

I do have concerns about longevity because I don’t think the dungeons or what exists of endgame content is all that compelling, and it was WAY too fast and easy to get to 80 and to gear up.

I expected more out of Orr (like I didn’t expect 2/3 of the zones to be for cheesey super fast leveling). I thought the dungeons would be bit more interesting and maybe, just maybe, have some loot in them that isn’t garbage.

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TwistedWarrior.8613


This game is a beautiful piece of ****

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eridani.8317


I guess you don’t know your WoW history then… the Pandaren race was first mentioned as an April Fools joke waaaay back in 2002. It’s been a part of the lore for as long as the game as been around, pretty much.


Yeah exactly, they were mentioned as a joke then again as an easter egg level at the end of WC3

Other than that they have never been mentioned as a serious part of the Warcraft world.

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I guess you don’t know your WoW history then… the Pandaren race was first mentioned as an April Fools joke waaaay back in 2002. It’s been a part of the lore for as long as the game as been around, pretty much.


Yeah exactly, they were mentioned as a joke then again as an easter egg level at the end of WC3

Other than that they have never been mentioned as a serious part of the Warcraft world.

Not a Level but a character, a Panda hero in warcraft but yeah it was about as seruse to the lore at the time as the Cow level in D2

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheen.8196


I can’t say I expected any less, so many people have come into this thread with a combative mentality and have completely missed the point.

I never said I wanted the game to be more like WoW, I don’t play WoW, if I wanted a WoW, I would play WoW…

What I did want the game to be, was innovative, and fun. The game is not content-rich, and no, I am sorry, just because you run out of things to do in gw2 in 3 days, does not mean every mmo is like that. Most of the mmos I used to play had at least 3 months of hardcore content at launch.

You can argue that those were because of long level grinds and raids and all that jazz, but if GW2 is going to do away with those grinds, they should add new and more creative content then.

The last thing I wanted gw2 to be was another WoW, what we got was an MMO-lite that tried to polish some of the rough edges WoW still has, yet delivered very shallow content, and said “don’t worry shallow content is fun, you just gotta play it in a very casual and fluffy way”.

People who are enjoying the game, let me ask you this:

Does the personal story really give you that great rpg feel, like FF7 or other good rpgs? Did they put the rpg back in mmorpg? Do you feel a stronger connection to your character, and more immersed, than other mmorpgs? I personally do not, because my characters take very little effort so they aren’t very special to me.

Do you find the world to be a robust and flourishing environment with a great social aspect, putting the MMO back in mmorpgs? Does the persistent world feel ever-changing and full of wonder? The world looks pretty, but I don’t see any magical reason not to just go from objective to objective for exploration…

Do the dynamic events change the landscape of the world? Do you feel like it is important for you to contribute to them, or is it just another shallow faceroll experience? To me, rift at launch, had a very simplistic approach to their dynamic rifts… but even so, the rifts could actually be a huge pain in the butt and need addressing, in GW2 they are very repetitive and don’t seem to have a very long impact on the world.

Is the combat so innovative and fresh or is it repetitive and even more simplistic than other mmorpgs? I thought in the manifesto I wasn’t going to feel like “hey i swung a sword, i swung it again, oh look i swung it again.”

GW2 already started losing a ton of players… telling yourself it is awesome and trying to insult people who see things differently isn’t going to help the game at all… especially when one day you are going to login and start feeling the way many people already did after 3 days.

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


It’s funny.

With any other game, if you didn’t like what the game had to offer, you just wouldn’t play it.


You paid 60 bucks for the game and let’s say you got your three days at 8 hours a day. That’s not all that hardcore but people’s definitions vary. So you got 24 hours of enjoyment out of the game before you decided you saw all there was to see.

How is that different from any other game you’d buy? That’s better than the campaign lengths in any number of shooters lately. That’s probably more than the big action-adventure games like Uncharted, Assassin’s Creed, or God of War. Probably more than the open-ended games like the GTAs and the Saints Rows, and probably somewhere around par for RPG offerings as well.

If at this point you feel you’ve seen all there was to see, stop playing and get a new game! I don’t get it. People post here like there’s something FORCING them to play. There isn’t! There’s no subscription! Once you’ve got your gear set, you don’t have to worry about falling behind in PvP! You paid 60 bucks and got 20+ hours of enjoyment out of it like any other game. Come back in six months and see if it’s worth exploring a second time. I really don’t get it.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Why do GW2 players have to be told what is supposed to be fun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalocin.5982


I think the large issue isn’t that the game isn’t crazy different but rather the game completely shows all the flaws of the mmo"RPG" genre and what needs to change.

The main issue: Nothing you do is permanent. Why can’t it change? Well people want to experience all the content and of course you’d eventually run out of things to do.
Second-to-main: The gameplay sucks. Consider this: You’re basically spamming 1-5 for hours on end. You might argue that all games are repetitive, but what makes them fun?
RTS/Strategy: Things are never the same, there can always be a different way of playing
FPS: There isn’t auto-aim, the fact that you have to manually direct the gun makes the game fun.
Action RPG/Button masher: Generally there’s something that carries the game forward but it usually revolves around permanence, such as the story ending or getting better skills/combos etc. Likewise, these games allow you to become overpowered which would be unfair in an MMO.

MMO: The gameplay is brought down to make up for the fact you have a ton of players and you have to keep the game balanced for all players. Technical restrictions are also in place, usually it’s difficult to have a hundred players at once playing like an action rpg. Combat usually is cooldown dependent or stats. Even in GW2 with dodging, stats and cooldowns remain a large disability for the gameplay.

In the end, we need to move from pen and paper rpgs to board games. It’s not crazy different but it’s enough to move the genre forward. What could work like that? Probably something similar to Skyrim mixed with Guild Wars 2 DEs.

P.S. Tired = Disorganized post, enjoy my mess.