Will the gods ever return to Tyria?
I would like them to renovate Orr.
Can’t speak for Dwayna, Balthazar, Melandru, Lyssa or Grenth, but I don’t recall Kormir ever doing her own work…
that said, I’d like to see both the return of the gods and the renovation of Orr, separately or together.
I think anet tries to distance themselves from the gods because they are human gods.
They could return as raid bosses for all-Charr raids .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I actually really like that the gods have abandoned man.
It was really cool how the favor system worked in GW1, and it was also pretty cool how as the game started dying off favor of the gods became more and more sporadic.
Its almost like the gods abandoned tyria because fewer and fewer people earned their favor.
…and (just like in real life), science and technology has replaced worship in many different areas.
…and that’s where we are in gw2.
they wont, the lore isnt that good in gw2 =X
Henge of Denravi Server
they wont, the lore isnt that good in gw2 =X
Harsh, my friend. Very harsh.
I think the lore is excellent, all things, all years, both games and novels included.
For a MMO, I think the story is pretty kitten stable and deserve respect for being as well-rounded as they could get it.
Considering MMOs of the past, was FFXI’s story so awesome it overrides this one?
Was Everquest’s story so solid that no other work of fiction could live up to it?
The idea of a story being well written or not written well, is all left up to the speculation of the audience it connects with. One man’s sucky story could be another man’s “Book of Shadows”, if you will..
This topic should be in the lore forum. And it’s already been asked many times. Unfortunately the forum has never had a working search function so it will just keep being asked.
And while I would love to see Orr and the gods return, ANET has been reluctant to add a divide in the playerbase between those who have completed the story and those who still haven’t. Although, with LA being rebuild and the old LA still being present in the Personal Story now, it might happen one day.
Considering MMOs of the past, was FFXI’s story so awesome it overrides this one?
Yes. FFXI’s story is leaps and bounds above GW2’s quality of writing. Especially the Zilart and Chains of Promathia arcs which exemplify some of the best storylines in the FF series to date. They easily prove that actual thought and care went into the design of the world. They are interconnected with the core game by referencing and explaining some of the greatest mysteries of Vana’diel (such as the cermet crags, leading back to the creation of the world).
In comparison, my opinion as a 10 year player of the GW franchise is, that GW2’s disjointed lore that only started referencing GW1 properly in season 2 (thanks to people complaining), and the cliche cast of characters, that forcefully call you “boss”, are nowhere near my quality standards of a good story. But hey, this is an MMO. In most MMOs, including FFXI, people don’t care about the story.
At the end of Nightfall they say “This is your world now k bye also here you go Kormir”
That was literally the last time anyone ever heard from them. Excluding that time you summon the avatar of Grenth in Orr to do things with the things.
The Secksy Monk [Guild Wars 1]
Stormbluff Isle – Storm Slayer Dragons [SDS]
They could return as raid bosses for all-Charr raids
I like the way you think
At the end of Nightfall they say “This is your world now k bye also here you go Kormir”
That was literally the last time anyone ever heard from them. Excluding that time you summon the avatar of Grenth in Orr to do things with the things.
Kormir is a glory hog…… just like Trahearne
…I don’t recall Kormir ever doing her own work…
Didn’t she handle the arrangements to build her own statue?
(Warning: NSFW, due to language.)
…I don’t recall Kormir ever doing her own work…
Didn’t she handle the arrangements to build her own statue?
(Warning: NSFW, due to language.)
I love that video so much.
They’ll return… as antagonists.
They’ll return… as antagonists.
I’m okay with this. They just need to stop being absent. Whether they come back as allies or enemies is irrelevant. Their current state feels like it’s a contributing factor to humans’ decline.
Whether they come back as benefactors and justify the faith placed in them over their absence, or as enemies and help them move on, it’s better than the current situation.
Considering how Living World Season 2 referenced gods and their followers rather heavily during the Durmand Priory chapters, including the Apostate’s statements about the connection between the balance of the world and the Elder Dragons, it wouldn’t surprise me if at some point, perhaps towards the finale of GW2’s overarching story, we might hear from the gods again. Was the destruction of their and humanity’s homeworld related to a similar catastrophe that might befall Tyria if the Elder Dragons were slain without hasty replacements?
The forum has seen many discussions about a potential connection between the Gods and the Elder Dragons: whether the Six Human Gods might have acted in a similar role of balancers in their homeworld as the Six Elder Dragons presently do in Tyria. Although there’s no conclusive proof to truly support this theory (yet), enough hints have been seeded in the lore books in S2 that show that something must be going on behind the scenes. Whatever the truth ends up being, it’s going to be interesting to find out more about the gods should the writers choose to include references to them (or even have them briefly appear) sometime far in the future.
zombie jesus does not count
If you look at the Biblical text, Jesus actually fits the historical/mythological concept of a revenant more than a zombie. He even left to the “Mists” after saying last goodbyes to his followers on the earth like the Six Gods did. He shares traits with Grenth (a being born of a union of a mortal and a divine parent although depending on which of the Christian faiths you look at, Jesus’s role in the Trinity is subject to some seriously intense scholarly interpretation/debate from the Council of Nicea onwards).
What I find interesting about Grenth is why he, despite being a demigod, wasn’t able to absorb all of Dhuum’s divinity after overthrowing him with help from his Reapers to become the new God of Death. What did he lack that Kormir and Abaddon (who was said to have a predecessor whom he must’ve usurped at some point) didn’t lack as far as transferring all divine power into himself goes? It also makes one wonder if Abaddon started out as a demigod, was the child of two gods, or began life as a mortal who ascended to his divine position. So many mysteries still linger, and lots of interesting stories can still be told about the gods…
Kormir is a glory hog…… just like Trahearne
Except there are multiple threads in this forum alone where it’s been proven with in-game sources that Trahearne is anything but a glory hog. In fact, through the story he acknowledges the Commander’s help time and time again, as do several other NPCs. Perhaps you need to play through the story again and look more carefully next time?
ANet probably took them out of the picture so that humans would actually be able to, you know, have actual threats against them now. Things get a lot harder for you when you don’t have a god to bail you out every time.
We don’t need no gods, we’re the firing squad.
My gues for that:
A nice and calm evening in Divinity’s Reach has just vanished. A flash, a tremor, far distance screaming, explosions and detroyed buildings. Fire in the “Ossan Quarter”, the
smoke rising would easily be visible from Beeltetun. What happened, all were peaceful and quiet a moment ago..
Then he saw them, a mere priest nearby gifting speed bonuses to travelers saw them, Plants, big plants. Mutated with an evil twist, and forms, human forms that reminded of
those naive Sylvari adventures; only now you could feel their presense differently, they weren’t thirst for knowledge, they were thirst for Blood.
Fast the Seraph made their appearance, tried to reorganize and help the helpless. But their captain was gone with Pact Fleet to fight the jungle dragon, and those in the city
haven’t been tested with real combat. Many from families with strong influence that could station their children as proud patrol guards in the streets. Decoratives. A few
guards from the Shining Blade were trying to assist also. A fearless Norn with a huge smile on his face was easily spotted among the brave volunteers, his huge hammer and
tatoos… this could be his best hunt.
Fighting, fear, citizens crying, buildings burning and death, death everywhere. No one knew from where they came, some reported from underground, an opening from a crack in
the great collapse.. But one thing was certain, that flying beast, an unchallenged Champion, flying in the skies with a bowel loosening roar.We were doomed, we would all die.
The Priest Gathered his strength, he took an oath to server his god, the God of War. War was his shrine and combat his true ritual. He knew how to fight, but he couldn’t act.
Then in his uncompetitiveness he heard a cry, a sound to awaken him, in Balthazar’s Low Road, outside of Ossan Quarter a child trapped in the debris of a destroyed building.
He rushed to his aid. He tried to remove some of the debris and to comfort the terrorized child. “All is good, you will be alright, you will be alright” – he kept repeating.
It wasn’t clear if he was talking to the kid or himself, he wondered where his parents could be, but that would be futile. Footsteps were heard, the priest raised his head
and saw four minions, sylvari – like, but taller, meaner.
The minions charged furiously, anger and hate painted all over their faces. The priest quickly empowered himself and used his staff to repel the enemies with a blue magic
line. He held strong and managed to win against three of them, but he was wounded, tired and vulnerable. The last enemy was in a better condition than him, and slowly started
walking towards the trapped child. “Look at me” he yelled at the child as he was crawling towards him. The kid looked at the priest, would his red-painted armor cover any
blood? Any open wound? Would his black hair cover the ash in his face, would he be able to save the child, offer it at least some serenity before the fatal strike ?
The dragon champion landed close by, stared at them for a distance and roared. It was the end.
The eyes of the priest became watery, he screamed in the air; dispair,loneliness and dread surrounded him. What has he spent his whole life for, how could the gods be so
cruel, how could He be ignorant. He cursed His God. All in an instant, and he felt void, purified only a pure sensation remained, same as when he was a child. Wanted to
challenge the world, advance bold and strong in his life, was that that led him to Balthazar? He grapped his staff and raised, he smirked. With all his strength inside him he
yelled : “For Balthazar!!” and charged to his end…
.. and the earth was shaken once more, and a light fell from the skies. Fire, a holy fire, the minion of the dragon was screaming, he was burning on the ground, teared apart
by a hellish hound. And more of them appeared but something in the skies.. he, HE was there. He descent in this world, the God of War, Fire and Challenge. With his fiery
armor and weapons single striking and cutting in half the Dragon’s Champion. Declaring war to Dragon. The minions went frail, the Dragon’s influence was obstracted by this
divine being.
No human could look at the sky, except for him, the priest; he stared at Him and He nodded. The light in the priest’s eyes was fading, but now he was chosen, the mists had
taken root inside of him and he knew he was different know. His mission clear.
And the way all began, all ended. The dragon’s army dead, the God’s army gone.
The child had survived,the blind priest took the child in his arms and started walking towards the hospital. He couldn’t see but that wasn’t a problem anymore. “Sir” the kid
said, “that Knight on the sky was so beautiful”.
P.S english not first language mistakes are there.
Eternal Illumination[EB] Guild Leader.