WoW's failure is GW2 gain
At the end of the day, for a game as mature as WoW now is, the only community that matters is the one that plays it. From the elements of that game’s community I’m a part of, the garrison feature has been quite well received. To say there is nothing but outrage is blatantly false. Please try to separate your (valuable) opinion away from fact. Many agree with you, just as many disagree.
As with any feature added, some will like it, some will hate it, both sides will have valid points supporting it. Can be any feature. Look at every feature added to GW2 in the last year, even since launch, and you’ll see the same thing. This game can learn from its competitors successes and failures, and do that in a way that is unique to this game. It does that already, and, for me, mostly successfully. It doesn’t need to bash its competitors, nor does it need people to do it for them. We’re already here, regardless of whether or not we play any other MMOs.
As for raiding and guild halls, if I remember right Anet were or are on the lookout for someone or people to explore raiding, and perhaps we’ll see some results of that trickle though, or otherwise announced. As for Guild Halls, they haven’t been actively looking into that for some time (or at least haven’t acknowledged they are again looking at it). It is a highly demanded feature by some, so may yet see the light of day.
As a final note, focusing on another game for a discussion is pretty off-topic and frowned upon, and I’d expect this thread to be locked or deleted before much longer. if you want to keep it, I’d suggest expanding on the GW2-centred points and if you can (not sure if possible) change the thread title.
The kind of people who will set an orphanage on fire after locking themselves inside it.
As a final note, focusing on another game for a discussion is pretty off-topic and frowned upon, and I’d expect this thread to be locked or deleted before much longer.
Is dull and supercilious frowned upon?
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea. Nothing but outrage in most mmo communities regarding the decision and content direction wow made. I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
I sincerely hope we never get Wow-style raiding or any more of the elitist jerk personalities that permeate it.
Everyone has their stories about the glowing, halcyon days when everything was perfect and raiding was magical and ermagerd. Sad fact is, we can see very well what sorts of communities thrive in raid-heavy games.
The Hatfields and McCoys are godlike savants of reason and maturity by common contrast.
Vote no to raiding in GW2, because we’re already chock full of stupid as it is and really don’t need an order of magnitude more.
There’s outrage about the garrisons? My wife loves her garrison. But I don’t wander the World of Warcraft forums. They give me a rash.
As a final note, focusing on another game for a discussion is pretty off-topic and frowned upon, and I’d expect this thread to be locked or deleted before much longer.
Is dull and supercilious frowned upon?
I may be dull, but in terms of supercilious? I’m only going by the vast amount of other topics centring on the great struggle between GW2 and The MMO That Must Not Be Named.
As for any other issue with it, I was just saying that my own experiences, of playing said content and reading feedback around it, doesn’t tally with what was stated. It may be dull and supercilious to some, but that is not my intention. The intention was to take a more rounded view of the issues raised.
The kind of people who will set an orphanage on fire after locking themselves inside it.
When did this become a WoW forum? Please keep the petty WoW fights where they belong, not here.
From what I’ve read in that forum, the complaints are not so much the garrisons as the current lack of new things to do outside the garrison once you hit level 100. Which is a different problem. And while I’ve read complaints about them I’ve also read people saying they are happy with them.
If Guild Wars 2 looks over those complaints and avoids the problems as well as looking into successful player housing then there is no reason to believe that it would be a failure here.
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea. Nothing but outrage in most mmo communities regarding the decision and content direction wow made. I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
I sincerely hope we never get Wow-style raiding or any more of the elitist jerk personalities that permeate it.
Everyone has their stories about the glowing, halcyon days when everything was perfect and raiding was magical and ermagerd. Sad fact is, we can see very well what sorts of communities thrive in raid-heavy games.
The Hatfields and McCoys are godlike savants of reason and maturity by common contrast.
Vote no to raiding in GW2, because we’re already chock full of stupid as it is and really don’t need an order of magnitude more.
I vote with no whenever i can. One of the elitist players here is already stalking me for that ^^
For the WoW expansion .. yesterday i heared from 2 new players in our guild that they
left it in disgust because Blizzard couldn’t fix there servers after weeks and many
players simply are not even able to enter the new zones at all.
Yeah Blizzard is soo perfect ^^
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
(edited by Beldin.5498)
I’ve heard nothing but great things about WoW’s garrison from friends. To each his own.
From what I’ve read in that forum, the complaints are not so much the garrisons as the current lack of new things to do outside the garrison once you hit level 100. Which is a different problem. And while I’ve read complaints about them I’ve also read people saying they are happy with them.
If Guild Wars 2 looks over those complaints and avoids the problems as well as looking into successful player housing then there is no reason to believe that it would be a failure here.
^ This.
The majority of WoW’s community aren’t complaining about the garrison itself but rather that there is nothing else to do.
From what I’ve read in that forum, the complaints are not so much the garrisons as the current lack of new things to do outside the garrison once you hit level 100. Which is a different problem. And while I’ve read complaints about them I’ve also read people saying they are happy with them.
If Guild Wars 2 looks over those complaints and avoids the problems as well as looking into successful player housing then there is no reason to believe that it would be a failure here.
^ This.
The majority of WoW’s community aren’t complaining about the garrison itself but rather that there is nothing else to do.
But .. but .. there is all this endgame that we don’t have .. you know you can raid, and
then you can raid even more .. and after that .. what a about some raiding ?
Oh .. and don’t forget .. there is raiding !!
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Some people really want player housing, y’know. I’m one of them! As I made clear in the Guild Hall CDI.
I missed my old WoW friends enough to rejoin them for the current WoW expansion, though I’m not heavily invested in it. I do try to hit my two garrisons once a day to manage the missions and pick up the free mats. What I’d hope ANet could learn from the WoW garrisons is not “don’t do it,” but “don’t enforce a cookie cutter architecture and theme, one size fits all.” My blood elf wants Silvermoon architecture, not crude wood and tusk construction, and would have an estate, not an armed fortress (then again, even the nicest WoW aesthetic pales in comparison to the most basic GW2 has to offer). Garrisons aren’t really housing as such, they’re more like the DR home instance beefed up with a bit more customization but not nearly enough to really satisfy.
I’m sure once ANet introduces guild/player housing, it will be much more laudable. As one friend of mine put it, they’re trying to give us a multi course meal, not a cheeseburger.
If Guild Wars 2 gets raiding, it should be Guild Wars 2 style of raiding, as in something different compared to raiding in World of Warcraft.
I think guild puzzles were a great start. Now they just need to make it even bigger and longer to complete, with unique rewards, and perhaps some boss fights to some degree and whatnot.
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea. Nothing but outrage in most mmo communities regarding the decision and content direction wow made. I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
Rift added Player Housing, and its been nothing but praise. So please stop using your hatred of WoW to justify leaving certain features…
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea.
Let’s be honest, here. When players feel forced into ANYTHING it turns ugly, even if some of them would love the change if it was optional.
Even the NPE and trait system revamp (disturbingly enough) have people that enjoy them over the old versions. The backlash comes from there being no real choice, it’s the new stuff or nothing.
In the CDIs, I tried to make it clear that I feel that Guild Halls (and personal housing) should never feel or be required, even if your guild wants to do GvG. And, by exchange, GvG should never be required for anything like Guild Halls. Everything should be optional and stand on its own.
I don’t play WoW and I don’t know what they’ve done that has you so upset, but it sounds like you feel you can’t ignore it. THAT is the mistake, I’d think. That you feel they forced onto you something that you didn’t want.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea. Nothing but outrage in most mmo communities regarding the decision and content direction wow made. I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
Rift added Player Housing, and its been nothing but praise. So please stop using your hatred of WoW to justify leaving certain features…
Rift’s player housing is dang impressive in many ways, too. Very customizable. I’ve spent way more money on Rift than I ever will here just on dimension stuff, and the allure of dimension items keeps me causally raiding and doing lots of dungeons on there when I’m in the mood for that kind of thing.
If Anet wanted to win everything, they’d come up with appearance customization like city of heroes or champions espouses, housing like what Rift has and things like what someone above suggested to do with expanding on guild puzzles and cooperative challenges rather than ever even look at classic raiding.
But .. but .. there is all this endgame that we don’t have .. you know you can raid, and
then you can raid even more .. and after that .. what a about some raiding ?
Oh .. and don’t forget .. there is raiding !!
Yeah, like raiding is all the endgame in wow.
I find it pathetic when people try to ‘sell’ a game based on the content it doesnt offer.
GW2 dont need some pathetic housing with stinky furniture. Hall of Monuments is the way.
Tekkit’s Workshop
Palador, it is a bit forced. At least, the zone quest lines go to creating and upgrading the garrison; it’s an integral part of progressing through the story and leveling to 100. And the benefits are too great to ignore if you are at all competitive since the garrisons act as a mats and gold faucet, along with bonuses to combat effectiveness, mobility, and the like whilst PvEing.
Your comments on keeping things modular are right in line with my opinions. It’s nice to have synergy between all aspects of the game, but terrible to make an entire game mode required even for those who’d rather give that part a miss. (Now, I don’t mind the garrison, it gives me a clear thing to do for a few minutes each day in the game, with any longer-term actions up to me. I like the missions and the feeling of opening presents when each one completes. But someone who loves PvP would feel stifled in one).
Season 1 world events scaled down to about 20 people in raid content… The DREAM!
And I am pretty sure that the Fractals could thematically and technically allow it…
Private retriever of runaway NPCs
Mistband[MIST] – PVP Training guild EU
You’re confusing WoW’s garrisons with housing, which isn’t even comparable at all.
Housing in other MMO’s, such as Rift, Wildstar, Swtor, and Lotro, is vastly different than WoW’s garrisons.
Garrisons are extremely limited in what you can do with them, with regards to customization. Granted, all these MMO’s are a lot better than what GW2 offers for it’s “housing”.
(edited by nexxe.7081)
In the case of Housing , WoW didnt do anything wrong .
Either WoW of GW2 would feel the same backfire from implanting them .
Final Fantasy with the Housing District did a nice job , or (if you can stand the ungliness of huge amout of building near yours) Archaege did it too .
Now if you can decorate your personal house with objects
+ have an extra istances that that acts as a lobby-security garden , before any1 can reach your personal house
+ waste huge amount of gold to implant traps in it (like Wildstar)
+ you can que up your house in the LFG , in order some ’’burglers’’ to steal some items or if you succed to get accendant mats .
+ controll manually the traps , as a ghost-unkillable form with 300% movement speed nearby your enemies
+at the boss fights , you control the aoe (falling stones-or control 1 of the other 5 npcs when they show up to help the boss> or you can que up with friends and they controll 1 of the npcs too)
That would be fun :P
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
The problem with housing is it should be made instanced in order to give everybody a shot at it. Instanced content gets people out of e world, and anet wants people roaming the maps (as i do, too), oterwise the game would feel deserted.
The problem with housing is it should be made instanced in order to give everybody a shot at it. Instanced content gets people out of e world, and anet wants people roaming the maps (as i do, too), oterwise the game would feel deserted.
He game world is already Instanced. So I don’t see that as a problem. There is a mega server for a reason.
Well at least WoW releases tons and tons of content. They churn out entire continents like it’s going out of style. So yeah, getting housing might be better than getting nothing at all.
I personally don’t see much wrong with Housing tbh, the only mistake they made was making it character bound and not account bound.
~Sincerely, Scissors
So your argument is that WoW released…
player housing
new raids
20 new dungeons
an entire CONTINENT of content
new abilities
new gear
new mechanics
new PvP stuff
and wow players are complaining that this isn’t enough content so they will come to GW2 instead… is this really your argument???
People have been predicting “the death of WoW” since… Since it was launched.
It has no affect on GW2, the games cater to different people.
Anyway, if it hadn’t died after a cash-shop was introduced to subscription based game, nothing would kill it.
Edit: I think the “Garrison” thing is awesome and would work well in GW2, as your character is , after all, a commander of the pact and supposed to have several thousands (?) of soldiers under their command. But I doubt this is “the point of no return”.
(edited by Eric.6109)
So your argument is that WoW released…
player housing
new raids
20 new dungeons
an entire CONTINENT of content
new abilities
new gear
new mechanics
new PvP stuffand wow players are complaining that this isn’t enough content so they will come to GW2 instead… is this really your argument???
WoW players are also annoyed of new content that is not playable for weeks and
come to GW2 for that reason. Just heared that this weekend from a ne player couple.
Seems to be thing like that i guess:
oh .. and where have i already read that title ?
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
So your argument is that WoW released…
player housing
new raids
20 new dungeons
an entire CONTINENT of content
new abilities
new gear
new mechanics
new PvP stuffand wow players are complaining that this isn’t enough content so they will come to GW2 instead… is this really your argument???
WoW players are also annoyed of new content that is not playable for weeks and
come to GW2 for that reason. Just heared that this weekend from a ne player couple.Seems to be thing like that i guess: .. and where have i already read that title ?
So a month ago wow had launch problems… which it does every expac. If I remember correctly this game had launch issues with their servers as well.
It’s a great game. Just because the vocal minority screams hate about it doesn’t make its 10 mil subs any less impressive and before you say anything about the subs. They are per active sub not trials and yes multiple accounts per person assuming they’re paying for multiple accounts which I know a few who do
Now does that mean this game sucks? No it doesn’t the vocal minority complain just as much about this game
But I digress if you’re going to complain about something try using up to date info. And if you’re gonna compare make sure it’s apples to apples. Gw2 is an orange not an apple. You wanna compare wow to something. Do it to another sub based game please
Its only to show that the grass is not always greener elswhere and that Blizzard has
the same problems than ANet and mostly every other MMO.
Only that people always post in actual game forums, that THIS game is soooo bad
while the OTHER GAME is totally perfect.
And that is simply just not true.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I really don’t like threads like this. I find them unnecessarily judgmental. They end up being rallying points for people who like the game under fire and frankly, I don’t think that any good can come of it. It’s not constructive.
Every game has issues…Guild Wars 2 included.
But I can’t see anything positive coming from this thread.
I think there is a fundamental difference between a game like GW2 and a game like WoW that illustrates why housing would work better in this game than it would there.
First – Im not saying either of these models is bad – just different. They appeal to different kinds of players (and, obviously, I prefer GW2’s model ).
With scaling and no gear treadmill, GW2 strives to keep every piece of content in the game relevant to players indefinitely. For example, a lvl 65 boss (Tequatl) is intended to be relevant content permanently – for the life of the game.
In WoW, the model is centered around what is new – content becomes obsolete (even max level content) really quickly. The devs have to work hard to stay ahead of that curve.
So how does this apply to housing? Housing in a game is, by definition, a stationary element. It isn’t something you experience once (or just a few times) and move on. At its most basic level, this is more in line with the GW2 philosophy than the WoW model.
The real reason though is how it contrasts with the rest of the game. As others have said, Garrisons arent the problem people are having in WoW. They problem they are having is that they are grinding through the rest of the game too fast and, when they look at WoD, it seems focused on Garrisons more than pushing out new content (which, again, is crucial to WoW’s delivery model).
In GW2, even if they introduced a concept similar to garrisons and then didnt touch that content for 24 months, players would still have plenty to do in the game (important note – not saying people wouldnt complain on the forums – that is just a force of nature).
The world remains alive through scaling and the lack of the treadmills, making content like housing (or guild halls) more viable.
I am wow player also. Wow forum do not talk bad for guild wars 2; every game have good and bad. Wow have some thing guild wars 2 do not have and guild wars 2 have some thing wow do not have. Would be happy if wow player talk bad for guild wars 2? Blizzard and Arena net is different company; you have personal choice to pick which you like.
Not saying i do not want housing, mount, more skill and more end game expansion for guild wars 2 but it is different game; Arena net can make guild wars 2 have same if want.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
I think there is a fundamental difference between a game like GW2 and a game like WoW that illustrates why housing would work better in this game than it would there.
First – Im not saying either of these models is bad – just different. They appeal to different kinds of players (and, obviously, I prefer GW2’s model
With scaling and no gear treadmill, GW2 strives to keep every piece of content in the game relevant to players indefinitely. For example, a lvl 65 boss (Tequatl) is intended to be relevant content permanently – for the life of the game.
In WoW, the model is centered around what is new – content becomes obsolete (even max level content) really quickly. The devs have to work hard to stay ahead of that curve.
So how does this apply to housing? Housing in a game is, by definition, a stationary element. It isn’t something you experience once (or just a few times) and move on. At its most basic level, this is more in line with the GW2 philosophy than the WoW model.
The real reason though is how it contrasts with the rest of the game. As others have said, Garrisons arent the problem people are having in WoW. They problem they are having is that they are grinding through the rest of the game too fast and, when they look at WoD, it seems focused on Garrisons more than pushing out new content (which, again, is crucial to WoW’s delivery model).
In GW2, even if they introduced a concept similar to garrisons and then didnt touch that content for 24 months, players would still have plenty to do in the game (important note – not saying people wouldnt complain on the forums – that is just a force of nature).
The world remains alive through scaling and the lack of the treadmills, making content like housing (or guild halls) more viable.
Exactly. I just finished reading a post in the WoW forum pointing out how as the players progress through the new expansion, how buildings in the current version of the garrison will become useless. The Devs will need to be continuously upgrading what it offers to players or garrisons will become irrelevant. Even if they are upgraded, they still could be abandoned when a new expansion comes.
With a game like Guild Wars 2 a similar type concept would be primarily social and/or cosmetic. Meaning that it could be relevant throughout the time that someone plays a game.
It’s the difference between a vertical progression type game like WoW and a horizontal progression type game such as Guild Wars 2.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
In WoW, the model is centered around what is new – content becomes obsolete (even max level content) really quickly. The devs have to work hard to stay ahead of that curve.
That’s sort-of true but not entirely. With recent changes (since Cata and later) Blizzard is trying hard to make older content relevant again, either by updating said content or by adding new game modes.
For example I really like what Blizzard with with Onyxia’s Lair, a raid dungeon from vanilla WoW that became super relevant again with the 5th birthday patch of WoW.
I heard Blizzard did something similar with Molten Core with the coming of WoD but I wouldn’t know since I haven’t played WoW for a while now.
But .. but .. there is all this endgame that we don’t have .. you know you can raid, and
then you can raid even more .. and after that .. what a about some raiding ?
Oh .. and don’t forget .. there is raiding !!
Well, but at least there is something to do after you hit level cap :-)
There is new challenging bosses every now and then. Look at GW2: we are killing the same couple of bosses in 5man instances since 2.5 years. It’s embarassing…
‘would of been’ —> wrong
But .. but .. there is all this endgame that we don’t have .. you know you can raid, and
then you can raid even more .. and after that .. what a about some raiding ?
Oh .. and don’t forget .. there is raiding !!Well, but at least there is something to do after you hit level cap :-)
There is new challenging bosses every now and then. Look at GW2: we are killing the same couple of bosses in 5man instances since 2.5 years. It’s embarassing…
Same world-bosses too, with the only new additions being a revamped Tequatl and Triple Trouble.
If you think about it, Anet really released a pathetic amount of new content over the span of 2,5 years. Any other MMO would have had its first expansion-like update by now. I could understand the lack of new content if GW2 was doing poorly, but afaik it’s not. So why is Anet not pushing out more new content? At this rate a lot of players will lose interest and stop playing GW2 (for good), myself included. Doing the same stuff over and over again for 2,5 years is starting to get stale and boring…
One point that needs to be considered, is that the WoW players frequently complain that garrisons are isolating. People complain that they sit alone in the garrison waiting for their version of LFG to queue. Part of the problem here seems to be lack of a major city to congregate in. However the garrisons are needed for the crafting professions and the lack of new “outside the garrison content” works together to keep people sitting in a building rather than out there doing stuff. This means that the land is empty of all these people.
If Guild Wars 2 ever puts in player housing, it needs to be set up so that people don’t spend large amounts of time alone in a building. Even if people are enjoying being in there, it would be isolating and that would be bad for the game. Some way would need to be found to make them a social experience.
EQ2 had a nice feature with their housing, that sadly wouldn’t work with GW2 since here the seller pays the TP fees.
However the thing was that you could put sales crates into your house, that were also
accessable from the TP UI, and if you put stuff in there people could visit your house
and buy them from the crate, and then they didn’t had to buy the transaction fee.
Was a great idea to bring you to visit other houses to see what other players did there
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea. Nothing but outrage in most mmo communities regarding the decision and content direction wow made. I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
I think a good way to “capitalize” on it would be to introduce high quality player housing not avoid it b/c they did it wrong.
I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
I came from Everquest 2 to GW2 and I can definitely say that there are HUGE downsides to player housing and guild halls.
Guild Halls narrow the time you spend out in the open world meeting and playing with new players and most of the time there are players who just want to sit inside of them and complain about the game all day.
Housing even narrows down the amount of players in the open world by basically becoming a personal guild hall shielding you from the entire community and isolating players on an individual level.
A lot of players play MMO’s because they have a Specific Social Phobia and the ability to end any social interaction is just one click away. That being the case by nature allowing isolationism to a Massively Multiplayer game contradicts the game structure itself and will eventually degrade the experience for all players.
~Dr. Seuss
Just want to throw this out here:
Guild halls are as temporary as your guild.
Player housing is as temporary as your account.
I still would love to have both though.
I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
I came from Everquest 2 to GW2 and I can definitely say that there are HUGE downsides to player housing and guild halls.
Guild Halls narrow the time you spend out in the open world meeting and playing with new players and most of the time there are players who just want to sit inside of them and complain about the game all day.
Housing even narrows down the amount of players in the open world by basically becoming a personal guild hall shielding you from the entire community and isolating players on an individual level.
A lot of players play MMO’s because they have a Specific Social Phobia and the ability to end any social interaction is just one click away. That being the case by nature allowing isolationism to a Massively Multiplayer game contradicts the game structure itself and will eventually degrade the experience for all players.
That must be why I never see anybody running around in the world or in the cities, because they’re all sitting in their home instances which already exist, hiding from others.
Oh, wait.
But .. but .. there is all this endgame that we don’t have .. you know you can raid, and
then you can raid even more .. and after that .. what a about some raiding ?
Oh .. and don’t forget .. there is raiding !!Yeah, like raiding is all the endgame in wow.
I find it pathetic when people try to ‘sell’ a game based on the content it doesnt offer.
I don’t know how things stand in WoW now, but when I quit it for good last year, that was what the end-game had become: SOO Looking For Raid, SOO Flex Raiding, SOO Normal Raiding, and SOO Heroic Raiding. No new heroic dungeons for the entirety of the expansion. If things continue as there were, don’t expect anything but raids for the next two years. The fact that there is no raiding period in the Guild Wars franchise was a huge motivator for coming back to the Guild Wars fold.
Edit: Actually, I think I do know how things stand with WoW now: 91 pages of players complaining that:
Other than the raids I do 3 times per week, 3 hours each, there is nothing for me to do that would keep me occupied for more than 1 hour.
(edited by Bernie.8674)
I think this game can learn that force feeding player housing is a bad idea. Nothing but outrage in most mmo communities regarding the decision and content direction wow made. I think the time for GW2 to capitalize on this is now. When will we get raiding content and possible guild halls (not player housing).
Huh? Every WoW player I’ve listened to on numerous podcasts loves the new WoW content. In fact many of these podcasters have said that WoW’s latest expansion is the best expansion in WoW’s history. I would have gotten it myself if there wasn’t a 15$ sub fee.
Your little brother’s opinion is not the entire planets….just so you know.
Personally the home instance that is already in the game would work fine. I don’t need to play home maker in GW2 but what would be nice would be if they added a few more things there, such as:
- personal banker
- crafting stations
- merchant
- BLTC agent
There are times I just get tired of seeing scores of people jumping around in their underwear spamming local chat and as many visual effects they can in the common areas. It’s like having to do business in a bar full of drunks. Humorous at times but for the most part just annoying.
With the continued adding of special nodes in the home instance, I just don’t see why they haven’t added the above additional resources.
I am hoping that personal housing gets into GuildWars, I don’t think it should be something that is mandatory to play the game but optional I also would like it to be some type of sandbox style where you use the existing game mats to refine and build with threw new crafting disciplines.
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens
Well at least wow adds real content(continent dungeons new pvp mode etc) not some 3 h 0 replayability content :P