closing others parties

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


Hello. I’m here to ask if is it possible to lock the edit or at least the remove party option from lfg, making these options usable only by who opened the party. Writing this lines i see this can’t be done…. sure you can unlock those options once the creator of the party is gone but now that i read what i wrote….. anyway it would really help because some people in lfg join a party and delete it from lfg without reason. in my case i was soloing lv 50 frac nightmare. after killing the unclean one i used lfg to find more people to fight the last boss (just annoying to kill for how much health he has). i used the 26-50 fractal of the mists writing: nightmare last boss. after some time i was allready into the fight a guy joined telling me i was in the wrong lfg. i had a short talk with him (i was fighting) and i returned to the fight waiting somebody to help me. i kill the boss… i then open lfg to see what’s wrong and found out my party was closed…. ok maybe he was sure i was soloing 25 my bad for not using the numbers but still why someone that just join my party can close it on lfg without telling me the creator that he was doing it? can we have an option like the one we have when we kick other players (so it has a better purpose) for closing the lfg?
Edit: actually it could work like the squads do. Can parties be like squads?


(edited by Acnologia.6934)

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Don’t LFG listings expire after a certain period of time? It seems more likely that your listing just expired, rather than was closed by someone else. One person joining a party with just one person won’t remove it from the LFG list (unless there’s a bug); the group would have to fill up or disband for that to happen, I think.

(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


nono he said he closed it. look the pictures there is the dialogue

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


nono he said he closed it. look the pictures there is the dialogue

He said “sorry for closing it”. That sounds more like a “I didn’t mean to do that/didn’t know that happened”, not a “I closed it, sorry”. Other people can’t close your party like that.

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


yes they can. you can join a party and remove it from lfg whenever you want. he joined saying “You are in the wrong tab. this is the 20-50 one” and then left. i replied nope you can see how he answered then in the first picture. but that’s not a problem i can do that lol the problem is other peple can cancel my party from lfg whenever they want. that’s…. strange :/

ah and he was a mastery 186… i think he know how lfg works :P

(edited by Acnologia.6934)

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skittish.4539


When a group of 2 is reduced to a group of 1 (one of the two leaves), that group is automatically removed from LFG. Same as when the group fills up. No one has to remove it from LFG manually.

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


When a group of 2 is reduced to a group of 1 (one of the two leaves), that group is automatically removed from LFG. Same as when the group fills up. No one has to remove it from LFG manually.

Ahhh, there we go. I didn’t realize that one person leaving a two person party unlists it. But yeah, the guy probably didn’t do that on purpose; probably joined and then left, not thinking that it’d unlist OP’s group.

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


ohhh right….. but still my case cast aside you can still delete from lfg others party.

still i think he knew what he was doing… his answers were sarcastic anyway… probably he didn’t believed me…….. well my case is closed BUT the party problem remain ;D

(edited by Acnologia.6934)

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Part of that is because there’s no party leader system now. You might have created the LFG, but you don’t have any sort of control over who comes and goes or if the LFG listing can be removed.

closing others parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


yeah… that’s sad. i don’t say be like squads where the comm decide who kick out the vote for the kick remain.. i just want a vote for deleting from lfg the party too…. don’t know if this is possible but it could help..