scared of new updates?
Yes. But better yet, have multiple ways for people to accomplish the same goal via skill.
Jumping puzzle master? You get a ticket.
Farming god" You get a ticket.
PvE Boss Buster? You get a ticket.
Scavenger Hunter Extraordinaire? You get a godkitten ticket.RNG lucky son of a kitten? Well, kitten son, you’ve got everything else in the game, I guess you can have a ticket too. :|
This wouldn’t be too bad and hopefully it looks like they are moving somewhat in that direction.
To get the Shattered wings we need to do (I think 7 or 8?) accomplishments for the Bash. I managed to get mine last night because Motti finally won my third race. All the other stuff I was just doing because I liked it.
Though I will admit the candy cramped up my click finger for a second lol.
As for the other holo wings, yeah that’s still by drops but if they added a way to buy those it would have been nice.
Personally I have this fantasy that PvE, PvP, and WvW will all get one special item for doing stuff with them. Then the other rewards can be obtained by just doing things associated with the event or even buying them outright.
Like to gamble? Sure we’ve got these drop boxes from the kills you made while playing. You still had to do something, but there’s a chance you get the nice item.
Want to still play your other activities and not spend all week/month at the one event spot? We’ve scattered neat little things in PvE and WvW that you can do while playing normally. It will take some time, but you can earn your happy ending.
A PvP fan? Then partake in the latest ButtKickingCon-2013 and earn your golden McGuffin for winning matches or something.
Finally for those that just want the blasted things and don’t have the time for activities shell out the card and pay.
With Dragon Bash we’re slowly getting there. If Dragon Ball accomplishments meant something to the overall ticker I would have been awarded quicker!
i dont think it will be in any chest for the armors personal im thinking they new full armor sets as ive seen there will be an new dungeon perhaps its that dungeons armor we will see afterall
Veteran of Far Shiverpeaks since headstart
Remember the Mad King’s Clock Tower? That’s the way to reward people… Imagine if the chest a the top rewarded one of the dragon weapon skins… I’d be ok if you could only do it once per account. Right now, getting a weapon skin all about luck.
You would get a storm of protest from the 9/10 who couldn’t do it…
A lot of people would quit with GW2 being renamed Jump Wars 2…
This is the unfortunate truth of the situation. Everyone screams and yells that they want things to be “challenging” and they want things to require “skill”, and then when something comes out that is challenging and requires skill they freak the holy crap out and ragequit.
When people say “skill”, they mean better gear than other people resulting in them having higher numbers (bigger heals, bigger dps, etc) than those other players, thus being more “skilled”. When people say “challenge”, they mean long term yet easy grinds in boring dungeons for that gear.
The sad truth of MMOs
Yes. But better yet, have multiple ways for people to accomplish the same goal via skill.
Jumping puzzle master? You get a ticket.
Farming god" You get a ticket.
PvE Boss Buster? You get a ticket.
Scavenger Hunter Extraordinaire? You get a godkitten ticket.RNG lucky son of a kitten? Well, kitten son, you’ve got everything else in the game, I guess you can have a ticket too. :|
Though I will admit the candy cramped up my click finger for a second lol.
Lol, I feel yeah. I believe this was some secret ANET skill based test of dexterity
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…
Yes. But better yet, have multiple ways for people to accomplish the same goal via skill.
Jumping puzzle master? You get a ticket.
Farming god" You get a ticket.
PvE Boss Buster? You get a ticket.
Scavenger Hunter Extraordinaire? You get a godkitten ticket.RNG lucky son of a kitten? Well, kitten son, you’ve got everything else in the game, I guess you can have a ticket too. :|
Though I will admit the candy cramped up my click finger for a second lol.
Lol, I feel yeah. I believe this was some secret ANET skill based test of dexterity
That’s the answer! They are in cahoots with computer mice companies!
I bet deep in Arenanet’s offices there’s a MiB-style guy from Razer handing off a big check to them.
Remember the Mad King’s Clock Tower? That’s the way to reward people… Imagine if the chest a the top rewarded one of the dragon weapon skins… I’d be ok if you could only do it once per account. Right now, getting a weapon skin all about luck.
You would get a storm of protest from the 9/10 who couldn’t do it…
A lot of people would quit with GW2 being renamed Jump Wars 2…
Because the game is already dubbed Daily Wars 2, or Grind Wars 2.
I am having a hard time understanding the logic behind rng boxes. Do the devs sit around a conference room and say “Hmm, this is such a success. they love RNG boxes”.
By a small minority of disenchanted people, not by any majority. Sure on the forums like a half a dozen guys have dubbed it that. But it’s no where near the grind of most MMOs and the dailies aren’t as bad as most MMOs, so it’s not a big deal.
It would be if it were true, I suppose. Glad it isn’t.
In game map chat says otherwise. Not all people who complain about the game come to the forums some complain in public chat rooms and on other websites. Calling it a minority just because of the few that come here doesn’t discredit that they’re right anymore then not being a game designer means you can’t possibly understand what’s going on in that same process or realize just what’s possibly happening behind the scenes. The prerequisite for arguments requiring the majority or requiring expertise is a strawman designed to take away from the truth of the matters at hand in everything.
I call it a minority because people complain more than they compliment. A perfect example is the forums I used to moderate.
There were half a dozen REALLY negative people there (this was before November) and they drove all the people that liked the game out. Many of those people ended up in my guild and most of them still play.
The point is, 6 idiots drove out 50-60 people who liked the game.
People who are enjoying themselves aren’t mostly like me. This sort of stuff annoys them and they avoid it. But since only a handful of people can prevent a lot of people form talking (as I’ve seen first head) talking in game is as meaningless as talking here.
I know a whole lot of people who leave map chat off because there are too many people in map chat they’d rather not listen to.
I also find it amazing that just because people sound negative alot about something that somehow makes them wrong. It’s not wrong to expect what you paid for in any sense of the word. Those people who complained could have just been repeating the things they noticed that someone else mentioned first. It happens all the time.
Someone mentions the gas prices and others chime in. People who stop using gasoline aren’t necessarily worse off in their daily lives or find alternatives that do make them happier.
There’s going to be loss in this field especially when there were prelaunch promises that were put on indefinitely hold, that’s no secret and it’s not going away until something’s done. People don’t like being told 1 thing and then discovering that what they paid for was something entirely different. That’s just the way of consumerism.
There are also people who jump on the bandwagon without even understanding the conversation. This happens all the time. Like the number of climate change skeptics out there who don’t have a clue about the science.
Agreeing with something doesn’t make it right, even if a whole bunch of people agree. Most people are sheep. They hear people saying stuff and they want to fit in. This isn’t some obscure concept, but a very normal psychological one. It’s how peer pressure works.
You can tell a joke that has no meaning at all, have a few people laugh at it and a room full of people will also laugh, even if there’s no joke.
True, but this is a two way street…
Remember the Mad King’s Clock Tower? That’s the way to reward people… Imagine if the chest a the top rewarded one of the dragon weapon skins… I’d be ok if you could only do it once per account. Right now, getting a weapon skin all about luck.
You would get a storm of protest from the 9/10 who couldn’t do it…
A lot of people would quit with GW2 being renamed Jump Wars 2…
Because the game is already dubbed Daily Wars 2, or Grind Wars 2.
I am having a hard time understanding the logic behind rng boxes. Do the devs sit around a conference room and say “Hmm, this is such a success. they love RNG boxes”.
By a small minority of disenchanted people, not by any majority. Sure on the forums like a half a dozen guys have dubbed it that. But it’s no where near the grind of most MMOs and the dailies aren’t as bad as most MMOs, so it’s not a big deal.
It would be if it were true, I suppose. Glad it isn’t.
In game map chat says otherwise. Not all people who complain about the game come to the forums some complain in public chat rooms and on other websites. Calling it a minority just because of the few that come here doesn’t discredit that they’re right anymore then not being a game designer means you can’t possibly understand what’s going on in that same process or realize just what’s possibly happening behind the scenes. The prerequisite for arguments requiring the majority or requiring expertise is a strawman designed to take away from the truth of the matters at hand in everything.
I call it a minority because people complain more than they compliment. A perfect example is the forums I used to moderate.
There were half a dozen REALLY negative people there (this was before November) and they drove all the people that liked the game out. Many of those people ended up in my guild and most of them still play.
The point is, 6 idiots drove out 50-60 people who liked the game.
People who are enjoying themselves aren’t mostly like me. This sort of stuff annoys them and they avoid it. But since only a handful of people can prevent a lot of people form talking (as I’ve seen first head) talking in game is as meaningless as talking here.
I know a whole lot of people who leave map chat off because there are too many people in map chat they’d rather not listen to.
I also find it amazing that just because people sound negative alot about something that somehow makes them wrong. It’s not wrong to expect what you paid for in any sense of the word. Those people who complained could have just been repeating the things they noticed that someone else mentioned first. It happens all the time.
Someone mentions the gas prices and others chime in. People who stop using gasoline aren’t necessarily worse off in their daily lives or find alternatives that do make them happier.
There’s going to be loss in this field especially when there were prelaunch promises that were put on indefinitely hold, that’s no secret and it’s not going away until something’s done. People don’t like being told 1 thing and then discovering that what they paid for was something entirely different. That’s just the way of consumerism.
There are also people who jump on the bandwagon without even understanding the conversation. This happens all the time. Like the number of climate change skeptics out there who don’t have a clue about the science.
Agreeing with something doesn’t make it right, even if a whole bunch of people agree. Most people are sheep. They hear people saying stuff and they want to fit in. This isn’t some obscure concept, but a very normal psychological one. It’s how peer pressure works.
You can tell a joke that has no meaning at all, have a few people laugh at it and a room full of people will also laugh, even if there’s no joke.
True, but this is a two way street…
100% true. It is a two way street.
But since these forums tend to be overwhelmingly negative…if there is a bandwagon to jump on it’s the dark side.
Remember the Mad King’s Clock Tower? That’s the way to reward people… Imagine if the chest a the top rewarded one of the dragon weapon skins… I’d be ok if you could only do it once per account. Right now, getting a weapon skin all about luck.
You would get a storm of protest from the 9/10 who couldn’t do it…
A lot of people would quit with GW2 being renamed Jump Wars 2…
Because the game is already dubbed Daily Wars 2, or Grind Wars 2.
I am having a hard time understanding the logic behind rng boxes. Do the devs sit around a conference room and say “Hmm, this is such a success. they love RNG boxes”.
By a small minority of disenchanted people, not by any majority. Sure on the forums like a half a dozen guys have dubbed it that. But it’s no where near the grind of most MMOs and the dailies aren’t as bad as most MMOs, so it’s not a big deal.
It would be if it were true, I suppose. Glad it isn’t.
In game map chat says otherwise. Not all people who complain about the game come to the forums some complain in public chat rooms and on other websites. Calling it a minority just because of the few that come here doesn’t discredit that they’re right anymore then not being a game designer means you can’t possibly understand what’s going on in that same process or realize just what’s possibly happening behind the scenes. The prerequisite for arguments requiring the majority or requiring expertise is a strawman designed to take away from the truth of the matters at hand in everything.
I call it a minority because people complain more than they compliment. A perfect example is the forums I used to moderate.
There were half a dozen REALLY negative people there (this was before November) and they drove all the people that liked the game out. Many of those people ended up in my guild and most of them still play.
The point is, 6 idiots drove out 50-60 people who liked the game.
People who are enjoying themselves aren’t mostly like me. This sort of stuff annoys them and they avoid it. But since only a handful of people can prevent a lot of people form talking (as I’ve seen first head) talking in game is as meaningless as talking here.
I know a whole lot of people who leave map chat off because there are too many people in map chat they’d rather not listen to.
I also find it amazing that just because people sound negative alot about something that somehow makes them wrong. It’s not wrong to expect what you paid for in any sense of the word. Those people who complained could have just been repeating the things they noticed that someone else mentioned first. It happens all the time.
Someone mentions the gas prices and others chime in. People who stop using gasoline aren’t necessarily worse off in their daily lives or find alternatives that do make them happier.
There’s going to be loss in this field especially when there were prelaunch promises that were put on indefinitely hold, that’s no secret and it’s not going away until something’s done. People don’t like being told 1 thing and then discovering that what they paid for was something entirely different. That’s just the way of consumerism.
There are also people who jump on the bandwagon without even understanding the conversation. This happens all the time. Like the number of climate change skeptics out there who don’t have a clue about the science.
Agreeing with something doesn’t make it right, even if a whole bunch of people agree. Most people are sheep. They hear people saying stuff and they want to fit in. This isn’t some obscure concept, but a very normal psychological one. It’s how peer pressure works.
You can tell a joke that has no meaning at all, have a few people laugh at it and a room full of people will also laugh, even if there’s no joke.
True, but this is a two way street…
100% true. It is a two way street.
But since these forums tend to be overwhelmingly negative…if there is a bandwagon to jump on it’s the dark side.
While I agree that every MMO has its fair share of naysayers, this game also has its fair share of overly optimistic people who are happy at every change ever, regardless of what it is or what it does. Arenanet could shut this game down tomorrow and they would STILL be sitting here on forums defending that it was a good idea and needed to be done, and everyone who says otherwise is just a malcontent.
ANYTHING can be taken to excess, and excessive optimism is just as annoying as excessive pessimism.
Yes, I’m afraid of new updates, but for entirely different reasons to you.
I don’t like the rng boxes, but I’m not going to let their existence ruin my ability to enjoy this game. The reason I approach each update with trepidation is because of the **** storm of irrationality that hits these forums every time something is tweaked. The slightest re-balancing always garners cries of “you broke my class” or “it’s like you don’t even want us to play this game”. That kind of overreacting hysteria always – ALWAYS – hits after balance patches, and for five or so days it makes the forums an insufferable place.
Remember the Mad King’s Clock Tower? That’s the way to reward people… Imagine if the chest a the top rewarded one of the dragon weapon skins… I’d be ok if you could only do it once per account. Right now, getting a weapon skin all about luck.
You would get a storm of protest from the 9/10 who couldn’t do it…
A lot of people would quit with GW2 being renamed Jump Wars 2…
Because the game is already dubbed Daily Wars 2, or Grind Wars 2.
I am having a hard time understanding the logic behind rng boxes. Do the devs sit around a conference room and say “Hmm, this is such a success. they love RNG boxes”.
By a small minority of disenchanted people, not by any majority. Sure on the forums like a half a dozen guys have dubbed it that. But it’s no where near the grind of most MMOs and the dailies aren’t as bad as most MMOs, so it’s not a big deal.
It would be if it were true, I suppose. Glad it isn’t.
In game map chat says otherwise. Not all people who complain about the game come to the forums some complain in public chat rooms and on other websites. Calling it a minority just because of the few that come here doesn’t discredit that they’re right anymore then not being a game designer means you can’t possibly understand what’s going on in that same process or realize just what’s possibly happening behind the scenes. The prerequisite for arguments requiring the majority or requiring expertise is a strawman designed to take away from the truth of the matters at hand in everything.
I call it a minority because people complain more than they compliment. A perfect example is the forums I used to moderate.
There were half a dozen REALLY negative people there (this was before November) and they drove all the people that liked the game out. Many of those people ended up in my guild and most of them still play.
The point is, 6 idiots drove out 50-60 people who liked the game.
People who are enjoying themselves aren’t mostly like me. This sort of stuff annoys them and they avoid it. But since only a handful of people can prevent a lot of people form talking (as I’ve seen first head) talking in game is as meaningless as talking here.
I know a whole lot of people who leave map chat off because there are too many people in map chat they’d rather not listen to.
I also find it amazing that just because people sound negative alot about something that somehow makes them wrong. It’s not wrong to expect what you paid for in any sense of the word. Those people who complained could have just been repeating the things they noticed that someone else mentioned first. It happens all the time.
Someone mentions the gas prices and others chime in. People who stop using gasoline aren’t necessarily worse off in their daily lives or find alternatives that do make them happier.
There’s going to be loss in this field especially when there were prelaunch promises that were put on indefinitely hold, that’s no secret and it’s not going away until something’s done. People don’t like being told 1 thing and then discovering that what they paid for was something entirely different. That’s just the way of consumerism.
There are also people who jump on the bandwagon without even understanding the conversation. This happens all the time. Like the number of climate change skeptics out there who don’t have a clue about the science.
Agreeing with something doesn’t make it right, even if a whole bunch of people agree. Most people are sheep. They hear people saying stuff and they want to fit in. This isn’t some obscure concept, but a very normal psychological one. It’s how peer pressure works.
You can tell a joke that has no meaning at all, have a few people laugh at it and a room full of people will also laugh, even if there’s no joke.
True, but this is a two way street…
100% true. It is a two way street.
But since these forums tend to be overwhelmingly negative…if there is a bandwagon to jump on it’s the dark side.
While I agree that every MMO has its fair share of naysayers, this game also has its fair share of overly optimistic people who are happy at every change ever, regardless of what it is or what it does. Arenanet could shut this game down tomorrow and they would STILL be sitting here on forums defending that it was a good idea and needed to be done, and everyone who says otherwise is just a malcontent.
ANYTHING can be taken to excess, and excessive optimism is just as annoying as excessive pessimism.
Very well said Tolmos.