“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
The biggest problem, OP, is that changing either the time gate or the tradeability has economic implications. Re-balancing the sources and sinks and updating the item flags takes attention from other aspects of the game.
I’m against gating in principle — I don’t like the devs making decisions for me about where to go or what to craft. However, once those gates are in place, it’s not ‘cheap’ to remove them.
The question isn’t: is it bad that celestial stats are affected by both gating and binding? (Yes, of course it’s frustrating.) The question is: how important is it to change? How often does anyone craft it? How many people use it? How much better will their experience be if ANet changes things? And then compare that to how much effort it takes to do it well.
tl;dr I’d love it if ANet had never gated or bound the mats involved; I’d welcome the change if they made it. I just don’t think it’s worth it to us for ANet to worry about it.
All very good considerations. I can easily say that I don’t make Celestial gear every day. Or even every month. The node in my home instance will randomly spit a charged quartz at me, so I usually just save those for when I finally need them. Mostly, I’m just selling quartz on a bull market and getting a good chunk of change for it. And a 500 stack in reserve means I’m not hurting for it.
I’m tentative about saying charged quartz should be tradeable, but I support the notion. Part of the economic value in time-gating is providing value in scarcity and convenience. It’s the same with the refined Ascended materials, so I think it might be equally safe to do with quartz.
Get rid of it, too much Timegated bullcrap in this game already.
I’m thinking the time gate should accumulate. Like if you didn’t make ascended mats for 30 days you would have 30 of each that you could make. Same with the quartz.
Someone give this person an anet branded clipboard!
For anyone who doesn’t understand(cough mods cough), that’s essentially a +1.
You might not realize it, but it’s possible that timegating these mats makes the items derived from them more affordable on the TP.
Only Ley-Line Infused Tools, Grow Lamps and Sheets of Charged Ambrite are available on the TP, the rest are account bound. How is restricting the tools and charged ambrite to 1 per day per account and Grow Lamps to one per 10 days per account going to reduce their cost on the TP? Can you explain that please? I cannot see how reducing the supply could bring prices down.
If the gating is dropped and no extra quartz source put in, the trading post will probably run dry or atleast to the point that quartz is the price of ecto or worse.
Yes, thank you. That’s what I was thinking as well. Gating evens out the supply … potentially anyways (I have no proof of that)
Time gated but tradeable.
Time gating actually protects players from impatience by psychologically breaking out difficult tasks into micro units.
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