Clock Tower - Null the trolling

Clock Tower - Null the trolling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: SmarterThanYogi.7268


Not gonna lie, I spent 7 hours attempting this puzzle, 5 hours of which were before I got to the top. Amazingly social, especially if you swap servers again every now and then. Sure it gets tricky trying to see an Asura on a platform with 5 Norns + Charrs, + Humans + Sylvari, but that’s part of the challenge. Besides, once you jump about 4 blocks from explosion you’re pretty much by yourself, so that’s not an issue.

I’ve found the content addictive, amusing, interesting, challenging and whole heartedly enjoyable. So much so that when I reached the top and got the achievement I was over the moon, DESPITE the fact that it GLITCHED a split second later and placed me on the roof of the starting area before I had chance to open the chest. Great puzzle, I’m glad they put 1 thing into the holiday event that wasn’t straight forward and easy. Having something that required multiple attempts, trickery and many a fail was a huge plus!! ++++

For those struggling, switch your video settings to ‘best performance’ use the mouse to control the camera, ‘right click’ this will let you strafe jump, and keep the camera from glitching. (tried this method with each race, no problems). Also untick ‘double tap evade’ and set interface to small. All of this will increase your FPS and give you a smoother jumping experience. Good luck to those who are willing to try

GOOD JOB ANet! Keep up the good work!

Clock Tower - Null the trolling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ickorus.4518


Wait, people don’t use the mouse to control the camera?

I must be wierd, I can’t do it any other way.

Guild: Afterlife [AFTL] (Piken Square)

Clock Tower - Null the trolling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: daicon.2476


I liked it, but I wish the time limit was about 1 second more forgiving.

Clock Tower - Null the trolling

in Halloween Event

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


Wait, people don’t use the mouse to control the camera?

I must be wierd, I can’t do it any other way.

I must be weird too, I can’t control the camera with the keyboard it just isn’t fluid enough. saying that there probably are people that do, and there probably are people who don’t use the keyboard for control, which I find strange, but each to their own

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |