Halloween Exotics: "Over 140g to craft...lets give them to everyone!"

Halloween Exotics: "Over 140g to craft...lets give them to everyone!"

in Halloween Event

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


you can buy the recipe for less than the wine…

Yes, right now. But even the recipe price is too high for me. So, I want to make sure I do have the ingredients for the recipe so that when I do have the money to buy the wine, I can check the the prices on the TP. If they are still lower than the wine, I’ll buy a recipe from the TP, if they are higher, I do have the mats to make my own.

Halloween Exotics: "Over 140g to craft...lets give them to everyone!"

in Halloween Event

Posted by: kiranslee.4829


101 run, 2 exo drops none good. On other side, friend who just started GW2, got 2 of the unique drops in 7 runs.
Not just that i dont agree with RNG i also fully agree with ppl who wasted tons of money to craft one just so that its now given to everyone randomly, completely ignoring effort spent.

Halloween Exotics: "Over 140g to craft...lets give them to everyone!"

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Renegadeslx.4703


You want to know who else had a lot of RNG in the beginning? Swtor…

Halloween Exotics: "Over 140g to craft...lets give them to everyone!"

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Eternis.1746


I don’t play very much, but I made it a point to play a lot (stupid assumptions on my part, being a casual gamer, ahead) during this event.

I figured that if I spent 17-20 hours grinding this dungeon that I would be able to get ONE of the three Arach/Moon/Crossing, and trade one for another. I was horribly mistaken. Maybe it’s because everybody was trolling me saying they got it on their 2nd-20th time through. But I did over 100 runs and the exotics I received (saved for the 1 1-gold I salvaged for the sigil), were all roughly 40s in price.

I don’t farm gold, or collect it. I was sitting on 2ish or so. I farmed my way over 12 gold from the handful of exotics and primarily the greens in the chest.

I’m really surprised that the RNG isn’t tuned in a way so that someone during a 2-day-long event can get a (most likely?) 1-time-only weapon skin. I figured that it won’t be put back into being obtained publically because they gave it such a high price recipe so people who didn’t own the game/play the game during this weekend had a means, however extraneous, way to get the item, while “rewarding” the players that could grind a bit over a 2-day period, or people who simply were playing the game this early, could, in relative ease, get at least one of these three items.

I don’t seem to be the only one who grinded their living daylights off with very, very little to show. In fact, I tried to walk away happy I made 8-12 gold over killing the MK, but people just squashed that by saying I was stupid and should have spent the entire time “Farming AC”—Something that, again, as a more casual player, I had no flipping clue about.

So all in all, I loved the event, but I hated the numbers game. I think that it’s more reasonable to reward and make it easier (even marginally?) for those who are currently playing the game. I Mean, the BLC skins were outrageous. I won’t even go into the trainwreck I felt that is here, but spending 20+ hours over a less than 2-day period is a lot of time (proportionally); someone who is willing to grind one instance like that deserves a bit more of a break, and I’m talking about the people who almost did it non-stop for two days and still didn’t get anything.

So, that’s it. I loved it, the content was amazing, but I think you need to dangle the carrot just a little bit lower so that those who choose to grind during the limited availability have a better chance of obtaining these limited-time items. no, it shouldn’t be 100% get arach/moon/crossing if you spend x hours, but I think it would have been reasonable to spend half the amount of time I did and for-sure walked away with one of the three to trade with others. Because soon, the only ones no longer soulbound will be the ones made with the crafting recipes anyways. A lot less stressful on everybody, if you ask me.