Agony resistance during betas
As far as I understand it we won’t even have access to Fractals during the BWE, but rather only part of the new map, WvW and sPvP. So that shouldn’t be much of an issue.
IF we can access it, it is also worth pointing out that you technically can do higher level fractals even without AR, it just becomes a bit harder. Not to mention the fact that everyone in the beta would be starting at lvl 1 for Fractals anyway, and thus there probably wouldn’t really be much time to get to high enough level for AR to matter.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
From the blogpost about the beta:
Not only will you be able to take your characters to the jungle, you can take them into the existing game world as well! PvE, PvP, or WvW—feel free to try out the new profession or elite specializations on the live game with all your friends and guildies.
So I guess we can use our new characters in fractals.
Furthermore, you can do fractals without the AR, thats very true. But no boss fractals (Jade Maw applies passive agony), and you have to dodge everything correctly.
Opening fractals is indeed another problem, if your personal reward level is not copied you can open on another char I guess. Point being, I like to use the new specs in somewhat harder PvE content.
well the biggest problem with doing fractals would not be the AR really (you could store some up now in your bank and slot in, if you really wanted) but with revenant not yet having an underwater weapon,you be kittened if you get the underwater fractal…
During the last beta we got gear boxes, and it was awesome. Being able to select your favorite stats was very nice indeed. Sadly one thing was missing, Agony Resist. I for one would be very happy to try the new specs and revenant in Fractals. But because of the lack of AR we cannot reliably go higher then 9..
So, my proposal is: an ascended infused backpiece with selectable stats, and a crazy high agony infusion (+25 or so
). Its not like we can sell it anyway and then we can do fractals up to 29
The beta slot characters take a copy of your real account when you create your first beta character. So what you can do is before you make your beta character, drop some ascended armor weapons rings amulets into the bank. Then on your beta character, go to your bank and pull it out. You still have it in your bank on your real characters. But just to make sure it does not bug or anything, I suggest checking on your real character after doing this, to see if the stuff is still in your bank.