Anyone Else Worried....

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I’ve been worried for 3 years now. They still refuse to talk about the future of WvW whilst they can see players leaving everyday.

But they have announced changes for HoT though.

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


If we don’t get at least the entire Maguuma jungle released in this expansion, I will be angry. Cause after we kill Mordy, what reason will we have to revisit the jungle? And more than anything, I would like to see Tyria be fully explorable in time, unlike GW1 (meaning the entire map of Tyria is someday uncovered, and no blurry areas that we can’t explore)

What reason do we have to revisit Orr after we killed Zhaitan?
What reason do we have to revisit [insert any zone here] after we [insert thing done here]?

It is quite possible that the Jungle might lead toward a possible location for Primordus.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Yup that made me wary a bit also when i saw Joe’s interview. It practically give me the impression they worked 2 years (like they stated) on a major feature pack and not an expansion. Challenging traditional expansions (things ppl are used too and EXPECT) may have a either a very positive reaction but also a very negative reaction if they don’t deliver most of what ppl want..and ppl wanted CONTENT over features not FEATURES over content.

The amount of maps/stuff to do they will provide in this expansion will prove if they actually listen or not to this community..because content has been the most vocalized word on these forums for years now. Ignoring that just to prove a point that u can do stuff “different” might have a very bad result.

Most likely they will also adopt the Living Story way of delivering content..but that shouldn’t effect the bigger volume of stuff we all expect from an EXPANSION… “features” are just a part of an expansion..they should not be the focus.

This being said yes i am scared and a bit pessimistic about what’s to come. This interview made me decide NOT to upgrade to heart of thorns when it comes out till i see ppl try it out and say how much it offers. Not gonna throw money on features that should come mandatory with the game (patches etc). I am going to throw money on CONSISTENT content that has been ask for years now…that means more then “3 maps” if we even get that many.

If not, i will just stop playing and get the expo in christmas when it’s like 5-10$ and more content has been released by then. No use wasting time with features.

(edited by Rebound.3409)

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


After this release, Anet will look statistics and see what was most profitable way to make living story and continue to do that way all next living story episodes. (Yes a lot of expansios will come in future )

Seeing as how they are a business and not a charity it’s not out-of-the-realm-of-reason they would do as you say.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rebound.3409


A business that wants to grow usually offers what their clients want…not what YOU (the business) think they want like they are a bunch of muppets.

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


You might think that, but there are businesses that offer what they THINK their clients want/need and not what a minority or majority of their clients are clamoring for… Nikon, the camera maker, is one such example. I’m into photography and I was reading a recent interview of one of their execs and that’s exactly what he said. They release products that they think the consumer wants/needs because the consumer (as a whole) doesn’t actually know what they want/need. I’d link you to the interview but I don’t care that much. You can find it with Google if you want or go find the link on

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rebound.3409


Oh yea i am not denying that.

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


I actually think Anet is on both sides. I think they give things to the community that they howl for very loudly (be it nerfs to other classes or content) and I think they put a lot of things they think people want/need (like that stupid commander tag OVER MY OWN CHARACTER when I have my tag on —- WHY DO I NEED THIS!? I KNOW I HAVE MY TAG ON).

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Anyone Else Worried....

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: KorbanDallas.7389


Now I’m not saying I don’t love absolutely everything I’ve seen with this expansion, but I love Tyria, as I think all of you do, and it’s not that I want a TON of new zones, but I want to explore as much as I possibly can of this beautiful world, and if we’re only gonna get 3 maybe 4 new zones with this expansion, well, I think it’s a bit of a travesty.

So am I the only one worried about this? Or is this completely unfounded?

I’m worried less about the short-term effect, and more of the long haul. Of course, first and foremost thing on my worry list is the price – something that will make or break me getting the expansion.
That out of the way, I don’t need 12 new areas or anything, as long as the areas they add are fun. What worries me here though, is every interview makes it sound like the entire forest is going to be a large-scale Silverwastes, meaning constant back and forth events that later on – when everybody has lost the frothing flavor of “its new!” and moved on to newer maps-it’s going to be another dead zone that a small number of players aren’t going to be able to experience to it’s fullest. Granted, this is something that happens in every game, so it’s not like I’m holding it against ANet or anything since that would be like me hating everyone for eating at McDonalds when it’s on their way.
The new class is certainly the highlight of anything they have/can talk about so far, although TBH I really am not looking forward to leveling another character through the NPE at all.
So really, when it comes to worry, I’m only worried that they overprice this thing when it releases and it drives off a good deal of the community (including myself). The fact that if I don’t get it means I won’t be getting any new content as far as story from here out is understandable – although that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it – but I’m not about to waste my worries on that. I’ll save most my worry till they finally talk about everything instead of leaving the trail of breadcrumbs we hope leads back home.
