Can we have the Season 2 for free now?
So, now, you are telling me that Living Story is not core game? That living story is something extra that they generously give to us after we bought the game? Are you really reading your post before send it here? ? You are telling me that every patch, every update is a favor to us, that I paid a game that have ONE PAYMENT ONLY SYSTEM for just a PART OF THAT GAME?
YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!! This is not how Arenanet merchandise this game, and this is why living story is not at EXTRA ITEM that I have to pay for play. The game and every little update that they made to the game is already in the cost of the game, EVERYTHING, even more if we’re talking about an update that have a big and important part of the story that I’ve paid for, I didn’t pay for a little chapter, I bought the whole game, story included. Then, they can add all the cosmetic stuff to the gemstore, the way it should be.
Now, you’re right in ONE thing, is their game, they can choose what to do, to establish what is and what is not a gemstore item, but please, don’t be so naive. The story is PART OF THE GAME, even if it is an update going live later on the release.Is infinitely ridiculous just to think that and even come here and put that answer.
Yeah, is cheap, I can make 10000 times that money in a month. My point here is that the Story shouldn’t be a item for gemstore and the price of the game (bought 2 times in my case) has covered all updates about the story and every update that is not an expansion. Is my opinion, based in the politics of arenanet and the merchandise that they did with this game, not based in facts like the price or anything.
Without constant updates like those, the game will die, is a way to maintain the game alive, is for their own sake and of course, we enjoy that and stay longer. Is a two way beneficial strategy. Is not just a FAVOR to us, lol!.
(edited by MeNDoX.8031)
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