Early request for the legendary armor

Early request for the legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: HypnoticEyes.2683



For a theorycrafter like myself it’s great that legendary armor is finally going live, however I’m hoping you guys considered the following:

Where close to all weapon sigils function no matter which stats/build you pick at any given time, runes got a much bigger impact on builds/playstyle.

A small example: If I chose to go full assassin I can use the fire sigil, sigil of air, just the same as I could when I go sinister. However given the same on armor I lose a lot when I use scholar on the assassin build, compared to scavenger on the sinister one.

Therefore I’m hoping you guys can introduce an option for double runes on legendary armor, with the option to select which rune to use out of combat (so select stats and active rune, instead of just stats). That way we can use the stat selection to its full potential.