Gliding in Tyria

Gliding in Tyria

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TERraTRIIx.3194


Basically what I think one of the best parts of this expansion is gliding, i have always wanted a way to fly in Gw2 and here it is! There is one small I am worried about is that flying is not going to be available in the old maps. I understand that this is unlikely for Anet to introduce, but hear me out.
Adding flying to the other maps if could just be a nice way to jump off vistas or high cliffs and NOT fall to your death. Make it almost just a way to break the fall, I don’t want all of my work in the new HoT maps to be irrelavent elsewhere in Tyria.
If implemented properly I see no possible reason for this not to be added!
If there are any completely unavoidable problems for doing this please tell me (:!

Sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes, too lazy to spell check right now..

Gliding in Tyria

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Randulf.7614


This has been discussed a lot in this subforum. The official answer, is no they aren’t planning to add gliding to the core map. Since they aren’t designed with gliding in mind, the devs believe it wouldn’t fit, but also that it would encourage ppl to try and glide outside of map boundaries and trivialise content such as jumping puzzles