Guild Favor

Guild Favor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Godmodder.9571



After experiencing some issues and sending in a support ticket, it was suggested I create a thread discussing my problems here on the forums. So here I am!

Essentially I have a huge problem with when the weekly favor cap is reset, as this has pushed back our guild hall upgrades by around two to three days.

Last night a few of my guild’s officers discussed upgrades, and how we would soon hit a cap on favor. To that end I decided to spend a few hours drafting up a spreadsheet with all of our queue order, when they would complete, and how much favor we would need and when. As things stood we stood to run out of favor by next saturday.

This wasn’t an issue as we had 1500 favor left to gain via influence, due to the previous reset happening at an odd time. (It reset sometime during the week, I’m not sure.) However, our guild leaders weren’t around and I didn’t want to blow all the influence without their permission. That’s fine though, because the timer above the Weekly Favor Cap bar is telling me the reset isn’t until Monday! All the time in the world!

Except that’s not the case. I log in this morning to find that the favor cap is in fact on a Sunday morning reset. Now we won’t have enough influence to complete our upgrades, and we’re falling behind by two days. This is hardly the end of the world, but it’s incredibly frustrating after having spent so much time working out an optimal queue.

Furthermore, this reset is completely unintuitive. Nothing else, to my knowledge, resets at this time on a Sunday, I would have literally no reason to suspect that Weekly Favor Cap resets at this time. On top of this, the Guild Mission reset timer is directly above it, which heavily implies they are on the same reset timer. The only way I could have found out is by catching a forum post, which is an incredibly poor way of communicating something as important to guild halls as this.

I am essentially requesting that the reset be moved to a more sensible reset at the same time as Missions, or if that is for some reason impossible, having a timer added to the bar, or having the bar moved elsewhere away from the timer which suggests a Tuesday reset.

I understand we can’t get the lost favor back, and now it’s redundant since we’ll be capping from missions, but I’m loathed to not raise the point as we’ve essentially had content time gated by misinformation.

Hurray for whining.

tl;dr: Weekly favor cap resetting on a Sunday is really silly and has cost my guild 2-3 days of upgrade time, and I’m really really salty.

Oh and apologies if this is totally the wrong place, I don’t tend to use these forums. ^^;

(edited by Godmodder.9571)