Guild Halls for Free Players?

Guild Halls for Free Players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: anglophoenix.3756


Hmm, I found that too, but if that’s the entrance then fighting the mordrem to get inside isn’t going to offer a ton of maneuvering room

I think the entrance may not even be in Verdant Brink, let alone the parts we beta’d in.

Clarification: I meant that we think it’s the entrance to the area that forms the start of the expedition to get to the guild hall. I’m pretty sure the expedition will be instnaced anyway.

Also, if you look at this map by that_shaman on reddit, Lost Precipice is directly above the western part of Verdant Brink.

Guild Halls for Free Players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: kamedin.4698


So I take it that the Guild Portal is going to be restricted to only HoT owners so that we have to tell non HoT owners in our guild “Sorry but since you don’t have HoT you can’t do Guild Missions with us”

Lyscir – Main Engi
[????] – HoD

Guild Halls for Free Players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: sparc.3649


You can get into the Guild Hall map if you do not have Heart of Thorns and hang out with people, but most of the HoT guild features in there will be disabled for you. For example you will not be able to enter the Arena. I’m not going to go into detail on which specific things will be accessible and which are not because I’ll probably get it wrong

So we’re back to saying that if players want to GvG in arenas, they must own HoT? I’m very cool with that. I honestly thought that the whole Guild Hall would be locked off from non-HoT owners and that they’d have to use the Guild HQ in LA to access guild features. It’s nice to know that they can at least enter it, I guess. I wouldn’t have minded it being locked off, considering that it IS a feature of a paid expansion which is more or less subsidized by the players that purchase said expansion. To have non-purchasers access it kind of makes them…sort of semi-freeloaders.

While at least some of what you said may be true, and I may agree with a decent portion of it, I do disagree with “locking out” people from guild halls who haven’t purchased HoT. That would plain and simply be NOT fair to all players because then they wouldn’t be “guild halls” they’d be “guild VIP lounges”! It would probably also cause guild “drama” for many guilds, if not alienate F2P players completely. The whole idea behind making the “base game” F2P is to (ofc) entice them to buy (HoT). I look at it this way, they may be F2P but if you give them little things, like F2P “base game” and access to guild halls, they may decide to buy. After all, they don’t have to buy the game AND the expansion, they just buy the expansion! The more “little things” they (anet) can “show” (allow access to) these F2P players, the more odds they’ll drop the $50 to BUY it.

That’s the way I look at it! Think of this as a little more incentive to get people to buy HoT! Plus, as I already stated, it’s necessary because they’re called “guild halls”, not “guild VIP lounges”!

My goal, even as just a player, would be to “convert” F2P people into “purchasers”. I’ve invited friends to “just check it out” (F2P), but ofc my goal is to eventually get them to buy the game! Last thing I would want would be to say how “we have this AWESOME guild hall”, “but oh yea, you can’t even check it out because you’re F2P”. There’s PLENTY of other content to use to attempt to “entice” them to BUY the game (that they don’t / wont have access to) Not making the guild halls accessible by only those who actually “bought” HoT was a GOOD, no GREAT, call on ANET’s part! As this actually WAS something that was a concern of mine, since I plan to use the guild hall as an enticement to get my F2P friends to “buy”!

© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock