Heart of Thorns player character voice acting

Heart of Thorns player character voice acting

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LoCo.8012



I can’t have been the only one to have noticed this, right?

Following open beta events, and having a go at the new elite class professions, I’ve noticed among both female charr and the female asura that the delivery of new abilities’ lines, as well as the open world and Personal Story spoken lines seem markedly different. I’m talking an octave or so lower, or in the charr lady’s case, a noted difference in the vocal modulation.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I noticed the voice actor didn’t change at all!

The voice acting may sound a bit more grizzled that way to some. But the line delivery is quite jarring next to existing spoken lines (notedly for buffs/debuffs).

I’d imagine revising the voice files to be a pipe dream with more pressing matters like content balancing, new content being added and developed, crash occurences needing investigations and whatever else is done by the various live teams. Still, what gives?

(edited by LoCo.8012)