HoT maps getting empty ?
I keep a pretty close eye on the LFG tool and I can tell you that the postings very greatly between time periods.
The new maps are designed more along the lines of a boss fight with a set time schedule. Being on at the exact right time means the difference between playing or not playing the content you want and thus gives the disconnect of many players feeling the maps are empty all the time.And that is the issue I am facing. So, what should I do? Change my sleep pattern? Quit my job?
Yeah, this is going to be even more horrible when fewer and fewer players access the HoT maps, regardless of time period.
Couple these issues with the absolute destruction of WvW, then I really so no reason to continue playing. I regret purchasing HoT. I really do.
Since it’s too late to vote with your wallet, vote with your absence from the offending areas. That’s what I’m doing. If we let them bleed out faster, the problems will become more apparent and more urgent.
I remember playing Burning Crusade in WoW – there was a similar ‘split’ in player attention to HoT where you need masteries on the old world as well as the new maps and the new Draeni race in BC that many people decided to level in the old world first – I stepped into the new max level maps 2 weeks after launch – BEFORE the introduction of mega servers.
And yet those maps were full, even if they hadn’t been the content was manageable everywhere other than dungeons as a solo player. In HoT 2 weeks after launch when I stared playing the new maps – ive yet to see a completed Auric Basin – 9/10 VB maps ive been on have failed ( even the ones where we had tier 4 day) Ive popped into Tangled Depths and the Meta wasn’t even started while I was there after swapping maps a couple of times.
The raids in BC created a scenario where access to gear to be able to raid was pretty easy – even if you didn’t have it redundancies in the skill level meant EVERY raid could afford to bring in 1 or 2 Alts, Guild scrubs, or complete randoms who hadn’t been there before. – in Hot? less than 48 hours after Raid launch group search is insisting on experience – a very specific armor stat that is new in HoT and ascended armor ( the recipes for which have just had their mats increased)
Its BEYOND ridiculous. So not only are you out of luck if your game time isn’t synchronised to the HoT maps Meta’s – even if they are you are unlikely to find a good map less than 28 days after launch – and those maps are purely geared towards a Meat requiring heavy group work. So the maps are dead – lets go Raid instead right?
Probably not looking at the requirements in group search…and its not even as if ONE DAY you could try them when you outgear the place from all that dungeon gear you acquired.
There is literally one game mode that works right now – Raids and most people are blocked from playing them.
OK ive found where everyone is – Dragons Stand.
wandered in last night to a new map – normally I would be trying to find a map in LFG which would then fall apart half way through the meta ot the terrible meta map system would close a populated map but here? Three commanders sitting waiting – herding us scrubs through with the minimum of grief, bugs and rage quits.
Now either that’s because its the last map and that will also be dead soon or its because its actually a manageable, fairly easy to PUG massive open world experience – I hate the map closure at the end of the meta as i like to wander around maps, but tbh this one appears the most cohesive and satisfying -
I still think co opting the dry top mechanic into EVERY HoT map with enforced Meta or gtfo is a terrible design that will hopefully bite back at the developers at some point, but its the first time since starting HoT that I managed to9 complete a Meta and actually enjoy it.
OK ive found where everyone is – Dragons Stand.
wandered in last night to a new map – normally I would be trying to find a map in LFG which would then fall apart half way through the meta ot the terrible meta map system would close a populated map but here? Three commanders sitting waiting – herding us scrubs through with the minimum of grief, bugs and rage quits.
Now either that’s because its the last map and that will also be dead soon or its because its actually a manageable, fairly easy to PUG massive open world experience – I hate the map closure at the end of the meta as i like to wander around maps, but tbh this one appears the most cohesive and satisfying -
I still think co opting the dry top mechanic into EVERY HoT map with enforced Meta or gtfo is a terrible design that will hopefully bite back at the developers at some point, but its the first time since starting HoT that I managed to9 complete a Meta and actually enjoy it.
DS is zergable, quite like LW S1 was and that is why it is constantly being done.
And I never saw an empty map for the marionette, just sayin.