HoT needs to be nerfed

HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avarice.2791


It’s doable , but it’s annoying , please ANET do something about this . i log in the game to have fun not to be frustrated .

This ^

This ^ … Does not mean anything. Why is it annoying. What are you frustrated with? What is holding you back from completing the content?

HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


Disclaimer: I am not advocating for massive nerfs btw. Just some minor tweaks, here and there.

To be honest, this. I’ve gotten used to the increased threat of the enemies, and for the most part, they no longer bother me. There are some enemies that need to be re-tooled in some way or another, but, I’ve become content with enemy design overall.
A fair question the creature design team needs to ask is “If this showed up in PvP, how many salty tears and angry forum posts would it produce?” And then design according from there.

As such, I’m kinda eeeehhhh on saying HoT needs to be nerfed. The Hero Point Champs need to disappear or scale appropriately starting with 1 player. Access to certain exploration and Adventures needs to increase. Meta events need some drastic availability changes.

But monsters nerfed? A few, yes, but the rest are in a good spot.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: AliamRationem.5172


Disclaimer: I am not advocating for massive nerfs btw. Just some minor tweaks, here and there.

To be honest, this. I’ve gotten used to the increased threat of the enemies, and for the most part, they no longer bother me. There are some enemies that need to be re-tooled in some way or another, but, I’ve become content with enemy design overall.
A fair question the creature design team needs to ask is “If this showed up in PvP, how many salty tears and angry forum posts would it produce?” And then design according from there.

As such, I’m kinda eeeehhhh on saying HoT needs to be nerfed. The Hero Point Champs need to disappear or scale appropriately starting with 1 player. Access to certain exploration and Adventures needs to increase. Meta events need some drastic availability changes.

But monsters nerfed? A few, yes, but the rest are in a good spot.

I agree. And it may be that much of the problem could be solved without really taking too much away from those who like the jungle just the way it is.

You bring up hero point challenges. Given that many of these are simple communes and there’s no shortage of powerful enemies outside of hero challenges, would it bother the hardcore crowd to see these become more like core Tyria hero challenges?

I can’t be certain, but I expect HC/MP collection are a big deal for the explorer types among us, while the event runners probably couldn’t care less. This could be an area where we can improve the quality of life for one group without killing it for the other.

HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Avarice.2791



I’ll reply to your question respectfully with this question: Would it bother the casual crowd to have patience, work together, and knock out the HP’s they can’t achieve alone one-by-one? I hear you though, and part of being casual with time constraints means it’s going to take longer to achieve your goal. You do one HP a day you’ll get them all done within the month! A lot of complaints I see come from lack of patience and the belief that the casual player who has spent little time on something should achieve the same status of the hardcore player who has spent hours/days.

HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xarallei.4279


That’s sad. They really shouldn’t nerf it. Maybe nerf the champs at the hero points since people need those, but leave the rest alone at least.

HoT needs to be nerfed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Healix.5819


Would it bother the casual crowd to have patience, work together, and knock out the HP’s they can’t achieve alone one-by-one?

The majority of people simply want to login and play, and usually solo. They’re not going to bother with taxi’ing/LFG, guides, etc, they’re just wanting to play in their limited time. When they come to a hero challenge, they’re expecting to solo it, much like everything pre-HoT. If no one else was there and they see it’s an event they can’t possibly solo, a lot of them are simply going to walk away. The average difficulty of HoT however is likely going to push them away before that, especially if they’re always joining inactive maps. Keep in mind that most will never complain about it, nor will they visit the forums, they’ll simply stop. There’s a reason why almost every MMO balances open world/solo content for the most casual of players.

From my perspective however, HoT is mostly solo content, it’s just that unlike most MMOs, it was balanced for the gamers rather than the average player. Balancing like that however is bad for business, so I fully expect to see everything nerfed. Expect to see most group events and all hero challenges become regular events for example.