How works taunt on ranged players
my guess would be that you would run towards him while auto-attacking
I’m reading this skill as ‘bad idea to use on melee players who it won’t affect at all other than to reck yourself’ whilst being ‘stop those annoying ranged squishies from being able to play whilst you drag them in range of your heavy armored melee blob’.
Or to put it another way: those with natural regen like warriors and guards (and leeching like revenants) will laugh if you use this skill, whereas squishies will be prevented from using any survival skills, heals, combos whilst being dragged to an almost certain death.
Seems fair.
This is interesting, is Taunt going to be used as a skill to bring down defenders in WvW?
It is most likely an AoE skill that wouldn’t make ranged enemies fall from walls.
Think of “fear me” but opposite, which may be an annoying combo.
I think taunt will have a range like any condition depending on what skill you use to give that taunt effect. Like warrior flurry is melee range immobilize and elementalist earth skill 5 is a ranged immobilize. I believe in some cases you will have to be really close to that ranger to actually give him taunted effect than he has to be to attack you from lets say a wall. There has to be such limits to the use of taunt or it might just be a little too ridiculous of an effect. A taunt could be a war cry skill where 5 enemies in 300 range will simultaneously run towards you and use their basic skill to attack or it could be a directional skill in a line where first 5 enemies hit will get taunted towards you. But to make a condition like taunt be effective from 1200 range will be too far stretched. besides how long do you think will taunt last for some enemy taunted from far far away to at least get to you and be doomed for life. I can see taunt lasting max for 3-4 seconds not more than that.
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks
In case you missed it
A tooltip of the revenants taunt, 1200 range, no cooldown, 50 energy.
So he can lock you into moving towards him and only being able to spam auto attack for 6 seconds. depending on hes energy regen he can most likely use a 3. taunt quite fast..
Not going to be fun defending in wvw when taunt is out :P
Edit: taunt will also be super strong versus melee(and anyone) that tries to run away from your roamer team. as you can lock them towards your group for 6 sec nonstop
(edited by John Xerxes.4590)
Edit: taunt will also be super strong versus melee(and anyone) that tries to run away from your roamer team. as you can lock them towards your group for 6 sec nonstop
Any roamer without stun breaker/stability would risk facing much worse from what cc is available already. Frankly, stability nerf might be far bigger problem here.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Taunt people to force them to run into holes, pits, down the walls and all kinds of nasty instant death places? :P
In case you missed it
A tooltip of the revenants taunt, 1200 range, no cooldown, 50 energy.
So he can lock you into moving towards him and only being able to spam auto attack for 6 seconds. depending on hes energy regen he can most likely use a 3. taunt quite fast..
Not going to be fun defending in wvw when taunt is out :PEdit: taunt will also be super strong versus melee(and anyone) that tries to run away from your roamer team. as you can lock them towards your group for 6 sec nonstop
And 1 second casting time, with a rather obvious tell (huge chain coming towards you). I think the good players will dodge that skill with ease.
This is interesting, is Taunt going to be used as a skill to bring down defenders in WvW?
One of the things I am worried about, also does it need a target or can it be shouted. That would be the end of shadow refuge so I guess and hope not.
And does it need line of sight or not.
This is interesting, is Taunt going to be used as a skill to bring down defenders in WvW?
One of the things I am worried about, also does it need a target or can it be shouted. That would be the end of shadow refuge so I guess and hope not.
And does it need line of sight or not.
The particular Revenant skill we saw in the live stream requires a target and it is NOT insta cast. 1 second cast time and a huge visual tell (the chain moves to reach the target) meaning it’s easy to react to and dodge it. I hope the other skills that apply Taunt will work in a similar way.
Taunt, like Fear or Launch, cannot force an opponent off a cliff or ledge, else it would be unfair. It can, however, stop them from evading you or using other skills to harass you and defend themselves.
Taunt, like Fear or Launch, cannot force an opponent off a cliff or ledge, else it would be unfair. It can, however, stop them from evading you or using other skills to harass you and defend themselves.
I’m sure Fear and Launch can both force you off a cliff or ledge (talking about players not mobs)
Yeah fear, pull and launch do knock people off cliffs, Fear and Taunt won’t be able to get people over the barriers on keep walls though.
In case you missed it
A tooltip of the revenants taunt, 1200 range, no cooldown, 50 energy.
So he can lock you into moving towards him and only being able to spam auto attack for 6 seconds. depending on hes energy regen he can most likely use a 3. taunt quite fast..
Not going to be fun defending in wvw when taunt is out :PEdit: taunt will also be super strong versus melee(and anyone) that tries to run away from your roamer team. as you can lock them towards your group for 6 sec nonstop
well it has a pretty slow and obvious animation, so you shouldn’t have trouble dodging it.
any revenant that dumps all their energy on taunt is begging to be killed, as they won’t have resources to use anything else.
Until now I only see one weapon skill with taunt (revenant hammer #2) and one trait (‘Eye for an Eye’) which taunts the enemy when you are disabled – that’s one big troll trait :-)
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I’m reading this skill as ‘bad idea to use on melee players who it won’t affect at all other than to reck yourself’ whilst being ‘stop those annoying ranged squishies from being able to play whilst you drag them in range of your heavy armored melee blob’.
Or to put it another way: those with natural regen like warriors and guards (and leeching like revenants) will laugh if you use this skill, whereas squishies will be prevented from using any survival skills, heals, combos whilst being dragged to an almost certain death.
Seems fair.
Likely won’t get people off of walls, but would be cool if it did.
But also keep in mind its god for getting enemies to walk into a death trap known as a zerg
Likely won’t get people off of walls, but would be cool if it did.
But also keep in mind its god for getting enemies to walk into a death trap known as a zerg
I think in zerg play it’ll be similar in use to pulls, though the duration seems longer than any fear or stun currently in game, though I imagine that’s just because it’s got such a huge tell.
Until now I only see one weapon skill with taunt (revenant hammer #2) and one trait (‘Eye for an Eye’) which taunts the enemy when you are disabled – that’s one big troll trait :-)
taunt isn’t on the revenant weapons. it’s his first utility with jalis on.
hammer 2 is an attack that deals more damage the further away the enemy is.
Still no one have any official clue about how it works on non-melee players? seems important even on Spvp
My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
That’s exactly what I’ve been wondering since I saw the info on taunt.
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My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
I think by auto attack they mean weapon skill 1, otherwise what happens to those that have no skill set to auto attack?
My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
I think by auto attack they mean weapon skill 1, otherwise what happens to those that have no skill set to auto attack?
That’s what I was thinking, but then they need to clarify what they mean.
My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
I think by auto attack they mean weapon skill 1, otherwise what happens to those that have no skill set to auto attack?
I agree, though what about in the few case where the Weapon #1 is a AoE ground targeted skill, like engi grenade kit?
My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
I think by auto attack they mean weapon skill 1, otherwise what happens to those that have no skill set to auto attack?
I agree, though what about in the few case where the Weapon #1 is a AoE ground targeted skill, like engi grenade kit?
It would likely work the same way the Grenade kit works under water, which is DD instead of AoE aim based.
My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
And what happens if you are morphed, or using an item which replaces all of your attacks?
NPC knows how to use it i think it will go thatway
I wonder if some taunted classes/weapons will be more dangerous than others. Like somebody pointed it with the grenade example.
What happens if u daze a taunted target o.O
Sorrow’s Furnace
What happens if u daze a taunted target o.O
They will just move to you I guess
I wonder if some taunted classes/weapons will be more dangerous than others. Like somebody pointed it with the grenade example.
Well, for all we know it may disable your kits and leave you with rifle aa only.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
My question is what if your “Auto attack” is set to a skill other than skill #1… will taunt make the player only use sill #1 or will it actually make them use what skill is set as auto attack. And what if an auto attack skill is not set?
And what happens if you are morphed, or using an item which replaces all of your attacks?
It still has a button number 1, yes?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
In the video the mob didnt seem to but I wonder if they autoattack before theyre in range (hmm they would have to otherwise there’d be disbalance with whether the enemy has a ranged or melee weapon) because if so confusion build runners are going to have a laugh xD.
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia
You know that there is a Event-Sylvari-Bandit-Champion in the west of brisbane that is allready able to taunt you?
You dont see him using a skill or so, or at least i dont, but suddenly my charakter moves towards him. Something like a reverse fear…
Check it if you dont believe me.
As i said ist a silvari bandit event champion. The event is, as far as i know, near the bandit minefield.
Good luck
You know that there is a Event-Sylvari-Bandit-Champion in the west of brisbane that is allready able to taunt you?
You dont see him using a skill or so, or at least i dont, but suddenly my charakter moves towards him. Something like a reverse fear…
Check it if you dont believe me.
As i said ist a silvari bandit event champion. The event is, as far as i know, near the bandit minefield.
Good luck
Actually that boss uses a skill to Taunt players, there is an animation for it too. She is a member of the Sinister Triad, it’s an event that begins near the entrance to SW and it is a follow up to the event to clear the 3 Bandit Outposts.
She is a fun boss, but you can’t hit while Taunted, you just move towards her, ranged or melee doesn’t matter.