I want new Necro Minion in HoT

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I want that Royal Risen Guard from the personal story that fly with the wings in “Source of Orr”…

That would be a cool Minion to have.

Whats your thoughts on this?


but with Weapons in their hands like in the instance…

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


My thoughts:

- Oh, that would be cool, necromancers would enjoy that.
- But wait.
- Big flappy wings (any flickering motion, actually) make me queasy when I can’t move my camera away from them, eg at the bank/TP
- TESO sorcerors have flappy winged minons and until bank interaction hid everyone around you it was painful to use the bank.
- Ele fire minions with the wings are really annoying

So … would be cool but I’d ask that they not be summonable in towns, or at least not near banks/crafting/TP (to allow for RP in other spots).

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Tyrannical.9348


Possibly with the new specialization, though I think since Minions are a skill branch, and each specialization gets a new skill branch rather than adding to the old ones, I’m not too sure it would happen.

possible, though, it’s still all speculation so far until we get some reveals

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Before we get new minions, I’d like the current minions to actually work. More often than not they just stare off into space and ignore monsters and commands.

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Seishiro.7468


The one thing I want from necromancerminions is swimminglessons for the golem, I am still furious whenever I have to enter water with my necromancer, and the only one that doesn’t want to get his feat wet is my darn elite skill ID

“Trust in iron, not false gods” Karnar Ironclaw, Centurio of the Iron Legion

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


I hope, that this Game will see one day the new feature of “Skill Skins” (not as gemstore thing, but as earnable Character Progression stuff thats just cosmetical, same like Colors are earnable) to allow us players to change the looks of our Skills.

With something like that I would love to change for example:

Not like a ugly black ball with 6 eyes, but more like something, that really resides in the darkness, that got basicalls absorbed by it and become one with it-feeling and look, that it should have with sharp claws, that look, like that they could shred you into pieces, if this hunter of the darkness could get you with them… especially cause of GW2 already having somethign that could replace it, this

  • For my Blood Fiend I have no clues, just more bloody and evil/scary looking would be nice xD..

The current undead minions of the Necromancer do look all, as if they would have been designed for like 6 year olds, that they shouldn’t get creepy nightmares hopefully, if they see them.
Undead minions have to look really dead, scary, boney, tattered, bloody and just fierce to give you the right feeling about it, that it are souls, which are forced to obbey willinglessly the commands of their masters the Necromancers, like some tools of destruction on your invisible line which hear on your command.

The GW1 Necromancer felt also more fearsome with their 10 minions they could have at the same time, where it are now maximum only 6, theoreticalyl for short moments 7, if traited for jagged horrors.

I think Necromancers in GW2 would be more awesome, if they could have again maximum 10 Minions, once Anet would improve the A.I System of this game also too for the cost of Minions like in GW1 temporarely loosing again health slowly if you want to surpass the current maximum of permanent 6 minions in a battle.

Would be nice if there would be a trait for that, which increases the maximum number of minions to 10 somehow, for the costs that minions lose health over time with say for example a constant bleeding of 2 stacks, what would make sense, undeads are bloody and lose it over time ^^

The only thign that Anet shouldn’t brign back is that silly undead summon mechanic of GW1 that allowed to summon only when dead corpes were near. That was an annonying feature and its good, that anet remioved that for GW2.

To reach 10 Minions fom its current maximum of 10, one could add for example a Trait, which adds +1 summon for the Utility Skills.

Bone Minions + 1
Bone Field +1
Blood Fiend + 1 and you would have 10 (theoretically possible even 11 with that mechanic, but lets cap it at 10 with such a Trait, lets say if you would summon the theoretically 11th minion, the first minion would explode and it would cause an aoe damage so that trying to play with 11 minions in GW2 would not be a waste of time, if Anet ever would really considerign to give Necromancers such gameplay through a new trait, or with a specialization that focus more on death magic and the minions somewhen later, like an “Occultist”

PS: about Swiming Lessons for Flesh Golems: better would it be, if Anet would just improve the skill to let the Flesh Golem automatically transform itself into something like Flesh Sharks, which would be a more powerful version of my suggested Bone Sharks here for a Skill Skin of the Bone Minions when going with them under water)

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Donari.5237


There may be different aesthetics and head-canons going on here. As I understand Tyrian necromancy, it’s not necessarily dark and evil, and the minions aren’t trapped souls, they’re soulless flesh constructs animated by the necromancer’s will. To me they’re plenty ugly; I do wish some could be more benign like the rather adorable shadow fiend.

I don’t demand cuteness and rainbows, but neither do I feel the need for bones and goo everywhere. Death can have some dignity.

That said I rather like most of the links you provided (bone fiend looks too generic to me) and would have no complaints if those changes were made.

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Roe.3679


Minions? Why not ask for something universally useful?

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


Minions? Why not ask for something universally useful?

More like; why don’t they make minions less talent dependent so they can be more universally useful on a case-by-case basis? :P

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: goda.3572


Minions build should be removed from this game and replaced by usefull utilities. Adding more things for beginner’s gameplay, no thanks. Pls anet push the gameplay of the game upward.

I want new Necro Minion in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


I vote they fix minion AI first. Then I vote we return necro’s to true “minion master” status, not this joke we have currently. Then we can take a look at adding another type of minion.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.