Living world chapters access in HoT expansion

Living world chapters access in HoT expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kitsune.1902



How, and to whom, will the living world chapters be delivered after launch of HoT expansion?

My assumption has been thus far that the living world story continues in HoT regions. In this case I assume that only those with expansion will be able to follow on it. So far season 2 has been released periodically, for anyone who logged in at least once during the chapter being active.

How will this work after launch? Are the chapters still released free for those who have logged in, but needing to be bought by those who were absent? If so, and if you haven’t purchased the expansion yet while the story chapter is active, does it still get added to your account, but you’ll be able to reach it only after you do acquire the expansion? Or does it not even get added to your account even if you logged in (without expansion), thus requiring you to later on buy not only the expansion but also the chapters separately?

This is something I’ve been wondering for a while. Perhaps this has been explained somewhere already, and I just haven’t noticed it. If someone has seen this fully explained, a link would be great. If not, then ‘official’ answer would be appreciate.


(edited by Kitsune.1902)

Living world chapters access in HoT expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: MauricioCezar.2673


As far i understand, HOT itself have it own complete storyline to experience (Probably finishing up on we killing the lord of weed).

We don’t even know if they will introduce a season 3 living story within next year, but if they do so, its almost guaranteed that we will need to have HoT to experience it as a whole.

Living world chapters access in HoT expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kitsune.1902


As far i understand, HOT itself have it own complete storyline to experience (Probably finishing up on we killing the lord of weed).

We don’t even know if they will introduce a season 3 living story within next year, but if they do so, its almost guaranteed that we will need to have HoT to experience it as a whole.

I’m assuming HoT is necessary to go through the S3, yes. The main question is whether the delivery will be similar (need to log in during active chapter, or buy it later with gems), and whether HoT is necessary to unlock them by login, or only necessary later to actually play them.